Saturday, November 29, 2003

just realised that just now today was probably the last time i'd ever see him this year.. the next time i'll see him will be in Jan 2004. seems like hell of a long time away... but i'm telling myself that it's only 1 month.. 1 month only when we have our whole lives ahead of us..

for the first time i wish the holidays will pass faster

the last time i got to spend time with him before he leaves..
the beach.. the gorgeous weather.. not too hot.. the clouds.. lying on the mat.. the food.. macs breakfast.. hello panda.. the car brochures.. the books we never read.. the sun.. the sand.. the sea.. the ants.. the sugar.. the talking.. the laughter.. the jokes.. the post-exam craziness.. all the pieces that made the morning beautiful.

and much later in the afternoon..
our first ever multi-storey carpark run together
and our only one in a long time to come
the sudden realisation..
the goodbye..
the last hug..
the last wave..
the last smile..
the last look.. ......... for a long time to come

you told me to take care of myself. i will... for you.
you asked me not to miss you... you know you're asking for the impossible...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:44:00 PM|

Friday, November 28, 2003

it's the day after exams but i'm STILL in the law library... think i lead a really sad existence... but at least i'm not mugging for either contract or tort... doing something extremely boliao - exchanging boliao icq messages with someone who's sitting directly opposite me. haha think it's part of the post-exam craziness going around.

i ought to be ashamed of myself... spending sinful amounts of money on food. argh. okay... not like i never did in the past.. but that was in the past when i was earning money!! ... now i have to force myself to think twice before deciding whether to spend on something or not... which is bad bad bad coz i actually quite like the impulsive side of myself. but actually i still give in to my stomach's desires most of the time anyway.. =)

argh.. don't know what to say anymore... had lunch at swensons yesterday... and becase we ordered > 3 set meals, we got a photo taken for free... was quite nice actually... and james was nice enough to get it done in neoprint form so that each of us could have our own copy =)

haha anyway.. highlight of the day: me and char tagging along behind fang in the taka cold storage with our constant whining about how we desperately needed to go to the toilet... and me arguing with fang about who should use the toilet first...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:53:00 PM|

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

woohoo~ i love doing this kind of nonsense... bring them on!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:24:00 PM|

Your future occupation by meteoric
Your name
Your future occupationPaid Assassin
Yearly income$612,107
Hours per week you work74
EducationHigh school graduate
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:23:00 PM|

Your future occupation by meteoric
Your name
Your future occupationWriter
Yearly income$725,651
Hours per week you work3
EducationCollege graduate
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:22:00 PM|

Monday, November 24, 2003

sigh.... i'm in one of those 'xian-to-the-max' moods again, where basically i'm sick of studying and don't feel like doing ANYTHING else at all. haha.. char should know these moods very well... coz i always end up dragging her out and whining non stop about how i'm so bored and have never been so bored in my life and how there's absolutely nothing interesting to do out there.... and a whole shitload of crap like that.

anyway... don't know what triggered it off either. tort test today might have been a causative factor. or maybe it's just the effects of having been cooped up in the library the past week. just didn't feel like even looking at my books. didn't want to watch tv, didn't want to read magazines, didn't want to chat on icq, didn't want to surf around, didn't want to have dinner... even the thought of playing speed didn't bring a smile to my face. hahhh.. so i went to bug hanzhong and michael no end.... wanting them to entertain me... which they did... for awhile... but i think i was being a royal pain in the ass... and -he- was curled up on some couch reading his cases so i couldn't pester him either... so just sat around and moped for what seemed like the longest time

but today afternoon was nice =) ... took a walk with him... and went for tea at gecko. it was more like lunch part 2 actually.. considering the amount we ate.. can still taste the melted cheese dripping off my fingers =) and looking out at the view.. but good times always end too soon.. had to go back to the library...

drat the exams...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:29:00 PM|

What will your Funeral be like? by rashock
You will die by:You always were kinky in your sex life and took it just a bit to far. You died over doing breath control, blood play, or some other strange kink.
Death Date:March 26, 2022
Number attending your funeral?188
How much will you leave to friends and family?$234,534
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

oh man this is a classic... hey dear.. did you read that????!!!!! hmmm some sex life i'm gonna have....

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:35:00 PM|

oh and ... this is quite out of point ... but

the price of coffee bean drinks has gone up!!!!!
my regular cinnamon ice blended is now $5.80...
but the cup did seem alittle larger..
i dunno man
haven't been there in ages..

and i've got tons of stuff to move home by saturday... dunno how i've managed to accumulate all of it in just 4 months... seems like i came with half this amount...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:07:00 AM|

wow... i am amazed at myself! this is the first time i'm worrying the night before exams... seriously... previously before my O and A level papers i could go to sleep calmly with half the syllabus un-revised... in fact it never felt like i had a partially fate-determining paper the next day... but now? ...

er.. and thinking back... this is probably the MOST i've ever studied before an exam.. sERIOUSLy..
remember how during Os, after almost every paper we'd all go to orchard for lunch and hang around until late afternoon before going home... char, jo, fang, ru, me... and sometimes gerrie, shan, danielle as well... those were THE days =)

and right before physics paper last yr candice and i were at her house planning our USA rollercoaster tour (that never materialised of course) and looking at her europe photos and whatnots... and complaining about how little we've studied yet not getting down to studying... ...

hmm.. guess the fun has to end SOMEwhere... can't wait for thursday to come though... think of all the stuff i'll be doing during the hols!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:57:00 AM|

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Quiz Me
weiting was
a Famous Artist
in a past life.

Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me


hah... no wonder i can't draw for nuts now.. must have used up all my talent in my past life..

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:43:00 PM|

Friday, November 21, 2003


?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:20:00 PM|


?? Which Creature Of The Sea Are You??
brought to you by Quizilla

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:17:00 PM|


?? Which Natural Wonder Or Disaster Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:16:00 PM|


?? Which Country Are You From ??
brought to you by Quizilla

oh man.. this HAS to be fate. just knew i was a french princess in my past life... -grin-
yes i did the quiz -once- only...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:14:00 PM|

The ash tree, Nion, suits you the best.

Which Celtic Moon Sign Fits Your Personality Best?
brought to you by Quizilla

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:11:00 PM|

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

i'm in the library but my heart is far far away... in the beautiful hills of Salzburg... and i'm in dreamland again. just downloaded almost all the songs from Sound of Music, which i still think is the best movie of all time. I've never heard such beautiful songs in my life... and julie andrew's and the childrens' voices are enchanting beyond words....

The Sound of Music

The hills are alive with the sound of music
With songs they have sung for a thousand years

The hills fill my heart with the sound of music
My heart wants to sing every song it hears

My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds
that rise from the lake to the trees

My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies
from a church on a breeze

To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over
stones on its way

To sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray

I go to the hills when my heart is lonely
I know I will hear what I've heard before
My heart will be blessed with the sound of music
And I'll sing once more

my favourite song in the movie:

Climb ev'ry mountain
Search high and low
Follow ev'ry by-way
Every path you know

Climb ev'ry mountain
Ford ev'ry stream
Follow ev'ry rainbow
'Till you find your dream

A dream that will need
All the love you can give
Everyday of your life
For as long as you live

Climb ev'ry mountain
Ford ev'ry stream
Follow ev'ry rainbow
'Till you find your dream

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:10:00 PM|

my disgusting 3 day nightmare is finally over! finished printing out the answer script at 430 am monday morning and then sat down to my first cup of cup noodles in a very long time. cup noodles had never tasted so good in my entire life.... ! =)
thought i was quite last minute already.. until i reached school and realised that most people finished later than i did. hmmm.. but my ever-so-efficient team A partners finished waaay early.. grace completed at 6pm on sunday (how ridiculously early is that?!) and guojian gleefully and gloatingly informed me at er.. 10 pm? that same night that he was done. arrgh. but it's my own fault. for going on friendster incessantly... for stoning when i should have been doing my work... for procrastinating... for talking rubbish to my friends... the perfectionist in me actually wanted to revamp my entire essay after it was done but in the end i just couldn't be bothered. sleep was just too inviting..

so... despite having slept sooo much this evening.. i'm still feeling very stoned....

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:00:00 AM|

Monday, November 17, 2003

People like you becuase you're unique!
What attracts people to you?

brought to you by Quizilla

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:25:00 PM|

Sunday, November 16, 2003

18 hrs more to go and i'm almost done! =)

on a natural high now coz i'm spinning BT. that guy is a genius man. haven't listened to him in a long time but everytime i do i never cease to be amazed by his musical talent. his music takes me places i can never go with anyone or anything else, not even under the influence of hallucinogen or whatever trippy drugs. glazed look in my eyes. totally entranced. movement in still life. godspeed. namistai. forbidden fruit. satellite. giving up the ghost. flaming june. fibonacci sequence. each song is a journey by itself, a journey to nether worlds and you really feel the bump back to earth as the last notes fade away into a haunting emptiness. this guy is a goddamn genius. that's all i can say. no one else comes close. ever. not PVD. not sasha. not dave seaman. not paul oakenfold. not john digweed. never.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:01:00 PM|

5:51 am. sunday
one of the benches outside the moot court
SLS paper

2,022 words written. 1988 more to go. (assuming i write the full 4000)
~45 hours passed. ~30 hours to go.

waiting for daybreak...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|5:54:00 AM|

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Eb major - you are warm and kind, always there for
your friends, who are in turn there for you.
You are content with your confortable life and
what you are currently achieving; if you keep
in this state you will go far.

what key signature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:22:00 AM|

ok... ammendment to be made. those are NOT his dream cars. they are just his dream -P-R-A-C-T-I-C-A-L- cars. within reach. his real dream DREAM cars are floating somewhere in the mist up above, out of reach.. yeah but the way he talks about them and looks at them with the longing and desire in his eyes, you'd think they're more important than anything else in the world.. and anyONE else in the world.



*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:14:00 AM|

Friday, November 14, 2003

8 hours into my 75 hr paper.. i'm sick of school. going home to take a break, then will be coming back to finish it up.

i hate to say this, i'm embarrassed to say this even... this just goes to show how often i let the bad side of my character surface.

you know the power rush you get when you know you're in total control of someone else's emotions? it's exhilarating. and i find myself using it way to often just to feel good at the expense of others' feelings.
argh. must tell myself to stop it.

anyway.. on another note.. these are *his* dream cars.



*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|5:31:00 PM|


my dream car.
but i think it looks nicer in silver


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:29:00 AM|

9 1/2 hrs to my 1st paper and i'm online! don't feel the need or urgency to study yet... shall start panicking when i actually get the paper tomorrow.. hope i panic effectively! =) but i have 72 hours to complete it anyway.. so what the hell. the 6th floor of the central library is just a sea of muggers nowadays. was walking round and round the whole maze of tables and people, trying to look for char and feeling like a complete idiot instead coz i simply couldn't find her. and people were looking up at me wondering what on earth i was doing walking around peering at everyone. argh argh argh. still feel quite idiotic now when i think of it. can't wait for the hols to come so i can hang out with all you girls again!

my printer is running out of ink! help! this disgusting machine guzzles ink like i drink water.. but i bought it.. so i'll stick loyally by it through thick and thin no matter what *some* people might say about its printing quality, speed, ink... yada yada yadaaa.. i believe you're just j-e-a-l-o-u-s of this beauty sitting on my table. hmmmph. hope it can last till i finish my SLS paper though... *crosses fingers*

and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANDICE!!! know you're having a blast out there in the uk. haha she's the most happening of us happening north people now. sigh. nus is oh-so-NOT-happening.. take care babe and enjoy what's left of your birthday... but uhm. don't get -too- wasted and don't forget about the shitloads of work you still have to do!!!! =) quick come back so we can have our happening north outings again and popiah sleepovers and pigout sessions!

ok.. quite stoned now... shall go to bed soon. i wish danette would stop grinning to herself like an idiot. and i wish she would stop finishing all the strawberry cream in the yan yan. and i wish she would stop drooling over a certain v v v cute someone. but i don't think my 1st and 3rd wishes will come true anytime soon... haha.


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:11:00 AM|

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

i am the most wonderful person in the world...

brought cup noodles but forgot to bring forks/chopsticks

brought tea satchets but forgot the mug..

don't u all agree..??

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:39:00 AM|


The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:19:00 AM|

Monday, November 10, 2003

oooh... i HAVE to blog about this.
got this of guoyuan's blog and i think it's so so so true. really. 200%.

"Like what my Maths teacher said, "all that you'll remember are the times when you train hard for your canoeing gold medal, the time spent with your teammates, your buddies, all the joy and laughter, sorrows and tears shared among the team. You're not going to remember how hard you've studied for the A levels. That's why count it a blessing you will have such fond memories of RJC even when you grow old. Not that of A levels, but that of canoeing."
She's so right, i totally agree with her. "

i couldn't agree more.

argh candice.. my fellow k1 slacker.. remember the times when we used to say that we'd rather train than study?
i still feel the same way now!

but what puzzles me is WHICH maths teacher could possibly have said that? since all RJ teachers have a bad opinion of canoeists coz they never do their work, sleep during lessons (but miraculously are all wide awake when training starts), do badly during common tests (except XL and diana of course.. haha) and the list goes on and on.. the only maths teacher that could even remotely possibly have said that would be mr chan of course.. but mr chan isn't a "she"... hmmmmm.....

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:03:00 AM|

another of those nights when i can foresee myself still being wide awake at 6am. this is getting waaay too regular. good obviously because i'll be able to study the night away in peace. bad because i do have morning papers, and if this is going to continue i'm never going to be able to find the concentration i'll need.

it doesn't feel like exams are around the corner. they've somehow just ceased to be important to me. how else can i explain myself walking into the exam halls majorly unprepared, but not caring how i'll do in the end. it started in jc... but dieu merci that i was lucky for my A s.. can't expect the same this time round though..

come to think of it... i am getting quite stoned. maybe i won't last thru tonight after all. haha but who cares.. i'd choose sleep over work any day!

met mavis teo (hey aren't u glad u're being mentioned on my blog?) for lunch on friday. actually i was just sitting there watching her eat. yes she dragged me out of my hall just to watch her eat fish and chips..but anyways.. that's not the point.
the point i want to make is about the disgusting med people who do not have exams!!! argh.. but they have CAs quite often though... so i guess that evens things out.

hey sharon..if u still read my blog.. all the best for your 'A's.. believe in yourself and dare to dream! =)

fang's coming back in a week's time.. yippee!

looking forward to tuesday when i'll take a well-deserved (haha) break from studying. it's virgin suicides day for me, grace, guojian and liangying! the book's fantabulous... definitely worth a read... i'll put in my two cents worth on the movie after i come back from it. but seeing that i'm more of a book person than a movie person, i'd still say read the book first!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:47:00 AM|


A dream is a wish,
A hope divine,
A second of thought,
A glimmer in time.

A dream is a challenge
To strive & achieve.
We've a mind of great wonder,
Where great wishes do please.
There in lies an ocean of wishes,
It's riches lying beneath.

A dream is a genesis of the future,
The changing of hope magnified.

'Tis a helping hand,
A speck of the future,
A preview of love,
A shining of light
Cascading from above.

The essence of hope,
The will to achieve.

A race to be ran,
A fight to be won.

Where dreaming is hard,
True winners shall gleam.
But wishes are for all
Who dare to dream.

adapted from "Dream" by Katie Tollemache

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:20:00 AM|

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