Wednesday, March 31, 2004

my parents are the sweetest people on earth!
woke up this morning to find a note on my door saying that they'd bought a delifrance fruit tart + cheese for my breakfast and that it was in the fridge
ok maybe it was just a small gesture
but i was really really touched!

felt so pampered.... just like a little girl all over again =)
reminded me of the time when i was a little kid
and they'd write me a note every morning saying
"dear girl... we are going to work... have a nice day and be good... love daddy and mummy"

heh of course i never was good... and almost always got caned in the end..

wow... am so touched today i donno what to say!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:49:00 PM|

Monday, March 29, 2004

some time 11 years ago my mum asked me to sit down and watch a sea games soccer match with her (i vaguely remember it being s'pore vs brunei but can't be sure) and that was the point of no return

i followed singapore all the way through 1994 till they won the malaysian leage + cup title
and i remember
sitting through the boring 150 min 0-0 draw in the wc '94 final between italy and brazil. and guess what. i missed the penalty shootout. i missed baggio's historical penalty miss. because i had to leave for school...

and then i found arsenal. and france.
and i need not say more

thanks mum for introducing me to this beautiful game
thanks god for letting me fall in love with it
thanks nike for my t-shirt which says
"I DO. I take thee, football, as my lawfully wedded game, to honor and cherish for the rest of my life"

tonight's match reminded me again of why i fell in love with the game.
it oozed sublime class.
and i found the joy of watching soccer sitting on yellow plastic chairs in a crowded smoky hawker centre drinking iced milk tea and eating fries with friends
even though half the table and 3/4 of the hawker centre were man u fans

i can finally start imagining the atmosphere at highbury
but i might not make it there in time
and it pains me
to ashburton grove i shall go. the stadium where dreams are held. where titles shall be won. where records shall be broken. where arsenal fans shall cheer, sing, and clap their hearts out. for their team. for our team. for MY team

however.. till the day i fulfill this dream..
my match ticket and match programme from the uefa cup final arsenal v galatasary which ian gave me will have to remain my most prized possession...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:16:00 AM|

Saturday, March 27, 2004

driving is just like a drug
and i'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms

i hate admitting it to myself
but most weekends i go home just to be able to use the car


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:01:00 PM|

Thursday, March 25, 2004

the sofas in the aircon law foyer are sooo comfortable!

was sitting there after dinner listening to mike's moot argument and timing him
when i felt this incredible wave of drowsiness wash over me
(ok maybe i should attribute this to the post-dinner syndrome)
so when he was done
i said hey i don't feel like going back into the law lib yet

so we just sat there
he was reading his cases i think
and i eventually curled myself up and had a little snooze

seriously it felt so comfortable
when people walked past i would kinda half wake up
and in my half asleep state i looked around me
and thought ohmygod this feels like home

so i slept and slept and slept until mike woke me up 1 hr later
so LUKE! i was looking as un-glam as you were that day...
but haha i'm quite sure i didn't let any paparazzi take photos of me!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:29:00 AM|

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

ok it's finally official and out in the open...

char and i will be on our way to italy less than 1 month from now
rome + florence + venice and hopefully hopefully vatican city
leaving on 22nd apr and returning on 3rd may...

yup so if you guys want stuff from there please say it EARLY ok...


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:46:00 PM|

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

my first moot was a nice experience!
thank god my judges were really nice even though they grilled me like hell
and thank god i was able to answer them
and thank god i stuck firmly to my stand and refused to budge

thank you my co-counsel diana for being so great and supportive
my opposing counsels kheng lian and ross for doing great
and your honours justice or and justice ornelas-june for being so nice!

heh... okok maybe it wasn't as GREAT as i made it out to be..
but it was nice all the same.. considering the horrors i was expecting

now i feel so liberated! only have
legal theory take home on 2nd apr
crim on 14th apr
contract on 20th apr
and i'm DONE with YEAR 1 of law school! yippppeeeee =)

and after that ***** here i come!
oops can't reveal too much up here.. but u guys will know bout it soon enough!

heh... just a side's so fun to
spot the love of your friend's life
sms him to tell him to come down quickly to see her
and watch him trying to act nonchalant and be not obvious
when all the while he was being SO OBVIOUS to me

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:21:00 PM|

Sunday, March 21, 2004

You are a moon shadow. With the moon as your source
you are a being of great mystery. Constantly
drifting, you descend into darkness to conceal
your brokenness. You have come to believe that
you are the only one you can rely upon for
constancy and safety that you need. But those
who know how to see you find enchanting beauty
in your wistfulness and fragility. It is to
them that you should flee, for their arms are
an open haven where your true light can finally
thrive..(please rate my quiz cuz it took me for
freaking ever to create)

What Kind of Shadow Are You? (with gorgeous pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:03:00 PM|

i can't wait till i can finally buy myself a car. there's just something so thrilling and exhilarating about being in control of your own vehicle and being able to go wherever your free spirit takes you to... and i'll never ever get an auto one... manual is the way to go man. nothing can beat the kick of changing gears, especially changing up to 5th on the expressway, getting ready to speed =)

i must have drove over 100 km this weekend. actually drove into sentosa itself on sat! and on the way there i was following my aunt's car.. which is seriously a damn dangerous and thrilling process... coz we were overtaking each other along the CTE, my aunt made a few wrong turns so we had to take a long way back, and she changes lane sooo abruptly that i'm forced to change abruptly too or miss my turn and yeah i once almost got knocked into by a taxi... heh... then today.. fetched my bro to changi airport then came back to school... imagine... driving almost 50 km on the expressway non-stop at 90-100 kmh all the way. ahhhhhhh... i can salivate just thinking about it... haha can't wait for next weekend to come!

oohhh and i have a very very wonderful piece of news to announce to the world... but i can't do it now... coz certain matters haven't been settled yet. but once they have.. heh.. i'll be writing about it non-stop on my blog! =)

was looking through this travel brochure and realised that there are so many countries i have yet to see...
i don't understand why dave always gives me that LOOK when i say i want to travel around the world next time
that is the ONE THING i still can't understand about him...
how can ANYONE not love travelling?
how can ANYONE not want to see more of the world... meet other people... experience other cultures??

and right now these are the few things i MUST do before i die

1) learn russian, spend at least a month in ST. PETERSBURG then take the TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILWAY across russia
2) country hop in SCANDINAVIA for 2 months.. and go on a cruise in the fjords in NORWAY
3) go on a really really long backpacking tour of EASTERN EUROPE and the BALTIC STATES
4) go to CANADA or somewhere above the arctic circle to see the AURORA BOREALIS
5) see the beautiful but war-torn areas in VIETNAM which danielle steel wrote about

and i'll die a happy person

but seriously.. how am i ever gonna find people to do all the above with me? i mean.. it's not france or uk or the states which i'm dreaming about.. sigh.. so far james is the only one i know who's interested in the trans-siberian railway...
and this leaves me with a very great fear that i'll never get to do any of the above

and that i'll die a sad person

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:53:00 PM|

Saturday, March 20, 2004


my opposing counsel just notified me that she's gonna include a new case to support her argument

argh darn darn darn...

it means more readings more preparation ahead

I HOPE it's not the spycatcher case

coz i've never read that in MY LIFE and i hope NEVER TO have to do so... bleargh...

just came back from a long long run...
where we stopped and did something... burpees, pushups, abs stuff after every round
argh LYNN KOH this brings back BAD MEMORIES of how we used to be tortured during trainings

i hate what i'm doing
and i hate what i let you do to me
but i love it at the same time
i'm hopelessly addicted
i try to tear myself away each time but every fibre of my being screams NO!!!

i'd probably be a really successful drug addict next time if i ever do take the first step..
i swear.. no amount of rehab will ever put me right
so the only way to save myself is to never get started at all...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:21:00 AM|

Thursday, March 18, 2004

had a wonderful afternoon with luke today! =)

luke originally asked me out for a movie but it turned out that there were NO nice movies showing in the afternoon except ..... *drumroll*.....


which i'd never heard of in my life.. think it's some silly kids show anyway

so we decided to walk around

and we almost did so many things on impulse like cutting our hair (but luke backed out in the end coz she'd just bought new RUBBERBANDS!!?!?!!!!)
and then we wanted to pierce our ears again.. one on each side so it'd be 3-2 each for both of us....
but i donno how we negotiated until we decided on just one on the left so it'd be 3-1
and after thinking for very very very long at bits and pieces we decided against it...
so now the score remains as

2-1... not bad anyway... it's the score by which arsenal beat chelsea 3 times this season...
can it be the 4th time this coming match? ;-)

ANYWAY i got my blazer/coat/suit for my moot at ZARA!! =) no more worries now....
it started pouring when we were in zara so we amused ourselves by trying on the most ridiculous clothes... i at least.. tried this disgusting half-furry-half-hairy checkered coat and luke was so funny trying to be a flasher in her trench coats when she couldn't even get the buttons off quickly enough to flash at me... haha...

finally decided to brave the rain and when we were standing at the steps outside zara wondering which direction to go.. this silly woman apparently forgot / didn't notice that it was raining cats and dogs and coolly decided to walk out into the open .. but when the first few raindrops started falling on her it was as if she suddenly woke up from a dream and came scurrying back up the steps into shelter and proceeded to take her pink umbrella out before venturing out again...
haha i had to turn around quickly to stop myself from laughing out loud into her face and for 2 mins luke and i were just helplessly overcome with laughter.. sigh it was really funny... everyone shld have been there to see it

highlight of the afternoon: sloshing around in the puddles in the pavement! luke and i started kicking water at each other everytime we came to a puddle and amazingly i managed to stay on my feet all the time even though i was wearing my slip-fall-and-die slippers.

there's just something so liberating about walking in the rain and playing with water just like little kids =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:07:00 PM|

both my papers - crim and contract are in the afternoon!
don't have to change my screwed-up sleeping hours!


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:35:00 AM|

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

damnit why is the whole world pissing me off these few days?
i hate it when people make mean, snide remarks about my friends when they aren't much better themselves
how childish can that be
and who are you to judge a person when you don't even know her well?

ok fine maybe i can't expect everyone to like everyone else
but to be so vengeful over a mere incident.... is going a little overboard
maybe my reaction now is a little overboard as well.. but freak
all i want to do now is give her a piece of my mind... AND a tight slap
maybe i should cool down before writing further


am i being blind to my friend's faults?
really honestly objectively the answer is NO
she'd never have done it with the ill-intention YOU accused her of
so just f* off to your own happy little world where YOU are the best, where YOU are the smartest, where YOU can do no wrong
i can never look at YOU straight in the face anymore

i read what i wrote above... and it sounds so disgustingly petulant and childish
but i'm too tired
too tired to change anything... too tired to take back what i just said
just don't anyone ever let me catch you bad-mouthing my friends

haha ej should know... i once pinched him in a fit of anger because i thought he was being mean to my friend... so hard that he could only gape at me in shock. but that was a misunderstanding... shucks and i feel really sorry when i think back..
should really be less violent... and less impulsive... and less temperamental....

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|5:27:00 AM|

Monday, March 15, 2004

hey girl.. i believe you know that i'm writing to you here..
just want to tell you that i'm really so proud of you
i know you're disappointed with how it went today
but to me it doesn't really matter how you did

because through the whole process, through the past few weeks
i saw the determination and the focus in you
the way you strived to make your memorial perfect
the way you worked rentlessly at your argument until you felt it was the best you could do

and for this i admire you
so many of us out there have so much to learn from you

i feel really ... small and inadequate
i haven't even been taking the moots seriously at all
i haven't even read through my opponent's memorial once
when moots are supposed to be the biggest thing in year 1
right now i just feel like i've let myself down
like i really don't deserve this place in law school... because i haven't been working hard at all

i really hope it's not too late now
one week to my moot
tomorrow's the first time we'll be practising in the moot court
i know how unprepared i am... we haven't even gone through the full thing - with the rebuttal/surebuttal yet
tonight i'm gonna work on my argument
until i feel it's the best i can give

i can imagine my moot already
standing in front of the judges, delivering my argument, answering their questions
the rentless pressure and assault
having to tailor my argument to suit my opposing counsel's argument
the silent support from my co-counsel
needing to know all the dates, decisions, holdings, obiter at the back of my hand

and i feel the nervousness in me... that strange thrill of anticipation and fear that i can't really describe

i will be well prepared
i will keep my calm and composture
so that no matter how my moot goes
i can come out of it knowing that i did the best i could
and have no regrets.....

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:33:00 PM|

Sunday, March 14, 2004

sigh well now darling luke has complained that i haven't blogged for quite a long while so i'd better squeeze some words outta my head even though at this point of time i really don't have anything to write about... and NO WAY luke.. i HAVEN't been mugging! have been slacking so much after memorial final draft was due that i thot i'd better get something done this weekend... so i lugged a stack of crim stuff back home with me and guess what.. i haven't even taken it out of my bag yet and i'll just lug everything back to hall tomorrow.. -untouched-.

sleep sleep sleep that's all i seem to do when i'm home... conked out at 9 after dinner last night and woke up at 2 plus am when the piggo called... the piggo who always calls at weird-ish hours at night when i'm home.. never at normal sensible ones and sometimes i really wonder why i bother to get myself out of my slumbering state to talk to him but the fact remains that i always do. but anyway. then i realised that i'd slept for 5 hours which is seriously more than the amout of sleep i get most nights but i fell asleep AGAIN anyway. till past noon today and went straight back to sleep after lunch. until NOW.

and suddenly i remember that i've got another request from someone who wants an honourable mention on my blog.
okay... so the rest of this post shall be dedicated to talking about him even though i really seriously don't know what to say.. reason number one being that i can't say any embarrassing stuff about him (like the size of his ass) because he is i believe quite a remarkable lawyer and can easily sue me for defamation blah blah blah

anyway he claims he wants the publicity but yet doesn't want people to know who he is
and Ian M.R.Y.Y.D.Vaz i would hereby have you know that this is a seriously flawed piece of logic... coming from a smart-ass lawyer like YOU
so i really don't know how i am going to go on about how brilliant you are when you've just contradicted yourself up there.. and maybe i should end this post now.

but SERIOUSLY. he is quite a great person...being an arsenal fan like me and all... and sometimes i think it's quite amazing how similar in some aspects we are...
and i can't believe this is the first time i've forgotten his birthday in the (almost) 4 years i've known him for...
happy belated birthday, ian!!
and may you find yourself a wifey soon!


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:05:00 AM|

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

okay i'm probably gonna get bombarded like hell after this post but whateva.. i'm gonna announce that


and it really truly comes from the bottom of my heart. and guess when i suddenly realised i love law school? i was doing my memorial yesterday, struggling with the statute of frauds issue and trying to distinguish the cases when i was suddenly filled with this overwhelming love for what i was doing.. hard as it may be.. and it's true.. i love what i'm learning, even though i really really really do wish we had 1000 less cases to read, NO legal writing module, NO assignments.. blah blah..

i imagined myself doing this for the rest of my life... and i thought... it's not that bad afterall... it's really not bad.. it's really quite good... knowing you're doing something for a purpose, with a goal in mind and really getting involved in your client's case. (yeah i even dreamt about CBG and David Ho once) and really committing yourself to researching into that area of law well such that u can formulate your argument and look for potential loopholes and etc etc etc..

haha maybe it's the challenge.. knowing that the legal writing tutors expect so much of us, having to spend hours in the library looking for statutes and cases and parliamentary debates, then spending hours more sifting through the whole chunk of stuff, even more hours writing, formulating the rule, rule proof, rule application....

work aside...

i love the wonderfully new air-con law foyer, with the vending machines and newly-added SOFAS!, the freezing library with the stacks of law reports and journals and new computers, the lift which EVERYBODY takes even though we use mostly the 1st and 2nd storey only, the clean nice-smelling always-filled-with-toilet-paper toilets, our sandwich machine blah blah...

was sitting with luke at the sofas today... just lounging around and talking nonsense and i suddenly felt so comfortable there... and so at home. everyone knows almost everyone so familiar faces walk past all the time and you say hi to so many people (and it's great for gossiping about intra-fac relationships as well! haha). and i love it.. love walking into the library and seeing familiar faces around.... hanging out with the og during breaks and lectures.. laughing at kumar's and fordham's jokes... being bored together by HHL and burton ong... not doing tutorials and panicking together during lwk's class

argh argh argh and there's so much more about it that i love but don't wanna sound too long winded so yeah.. and o-team's gonna be great and so is this coming orientation + matric wk! =)

and guess what.. i'm officially luke's 'squiiishyy' from today on. luke said to me today in this animated cartoonish voice 'oh tingyyy... you're my squiiishyyy....!!!!!!'
my gosh
wacko la this girl

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:13:00 AM|

Monday, March 08, 2004

lately people around me, people whom i'm supposed to be close to have been disappointing me

maybe i should learn to not expect so much
then i won't be so easily disappointed...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:03:00 PM|

Saturday, March 06, 2004

this is simply wonderful. i've finished with my public interest defence issue and i've got a grand total of 1958 words.
WHICH leaves me with only 1042 words for the statute of frauds issue
and no matter how many times i read through my PID part i simply CANNOT find anything to take out

have to cut have to cut have to cutcutcutcut...

anyway... surprise! danielle xiaorong gerrie and shan popped over for a visit on wed!

"0" alt="0">

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:48:00 PM|

Thursday, March 04, 2004

last night i had a dream
i dreamt i was with dave
can't exactly remember all that happened
but i dreamt he held my hand again
and i woke up smiling

maybe dreams are really a sign of things to come

not THAT accurately and precisely .. but
had a talk with him today

he said he was disappointed after we parted coz he felt like i didn't feel anything after that and that i was pushing myself away from him
and i confessed that i was doing that... coz i thought he didn't care...
and that it hurt so much... to see him everyday and talk and joke and laugh but inside know that things will never be the same again...
and i thought... everyday after that... that he only saw me as a good friend. but i didn't know he was thinking all these..
and he asked.. if you really want it.. why aren't u fighting for your own happiness?

i asked... if it's too late..
and he said no..

i'm not saying that anything will happen
and if anything does happen
it'll probably be after alot of time, alot of trust, alot of talks, alot of healing

but ya.. i feel at peace now

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:51:00 PM|

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

it really took alot to bring the first smile to my face today. so many things (ok actually not that many) happened in the wee hours of this morning that i feel emotionally drained. empty. void of feelings.

someone i know was diagnosed with cancer.. and she'll be going for a major op.. that only has a 20% success rate. she was merely a 'hi' 'bye' acquaintance but seriously that doesn't matter at all. when i see her she looks so cheerful & smiley and it's hard to imagine how...
i don't know how to express it...

it suddenly hits you about how precious... and how fragile life is
and how some are bravely accepting what life deals them while the rest of us who are happy and healthy whine and moan and grumble about trivial and insignificant matters
when we should just be happy everyday that we are alive and well, have goals to work towards, have stuff to fill our days with, and have friends & loved ones by our side.

and somehow i feel inadequate. that because i'm not catholic i can't be there to pray for her. but no matter what faith you all belong to.. if you read this and care.. please do pray for her ok.. coz
although i'm not a religious person.. i believe that hope faith and love can get people through the toughest times and heal all wounds.

suddenly i don't feel like blogging about the other things anymore.. but life has to go on i guess..

you know last night someone told me that i'm his best friend... (i really feel very very bad for saying this but i'm still doubting if he truly sincerely meant that) because it's certainly alot being someone's best friend. so i asked him why? and he said that it's coz i'm always around when he needs it.. i've helped him so much. and i'm the first person he thinks of (except for the girl he likes.. but heh that's another story haha) and will ask whenever he wants to do something... like for company.. going out for food etc

and i'm thinking.. is it just the difference between the way guys and girls see friendships or what?
it's true.. so many times it's obvious that both of us treat our friends differently and he's remarked that there is a culture difference.

but is is just a guy/girl difference or is it some kind of cultural divide? (which i don't really wanna acknowledge the existence of because i don't wanna sound elitist or anything)

and it sounds really bad to say this but i'll prolly never see him as my best friend or even one of my closest friends because.. i dunno.. simply because i expect alot more of my closer friends and will give alot more as well.
and most importantly the emotional connection has to be there..
people whom you can go to for emotional comfort and solace... to whom you can bare your innermost thoughts and feelings and not have to worry they'll see you differently or judge you by them... i think these are the people you are closest to.
he's not into all this emotional shit (actually most guys aren't) so yeah i prob won't ever be really close to him coz i won't trust him with my private stuff...

and yeah alot of small things he does irk me alot but i've come to realise that i cannot compare this to my friendships with my girl friends coz yeah it's obvious our perspectives are so different. and i realise that alot of times when he does seemingly insensitive stuff he's not consciously being insensitive.. it's just that the way he thinks is very different.

and yup i'm slowly learning... learning everyday not to expect from him what i expect from my closest girl friends. learning the way he views friendships so i know what to expect.. and what i can give in return and how i can be there for him

haha.. can't believe all the emotional shit i just wrote up there..

but i'm really so so glad i went to a girls' school (and that it was RG) coz girls' schools are where you forge your bestest and longest-lasting friendships. and you guys.. u know who u are.. even though we don't talk or meet up that often anymore i always thank god for you all.. that we still know we'll be there for each other no matter what. and don't forget we're gonna get pregnant together and be godmas to each other's kids and our kids will grow up together! love you all!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:52:00 PM|

haha anyway i HAVE to blog about this! even though it's just a small silly matter and char and fang and everyone else is gonna take this as another affirmation that i'm weird.. but...

i was just playing with my phone, looking at the my call register.. and it struck me...
in the whole yr that i've had my current phone..
my outgoing calls are 28 hrs ++
as opposed to my incoming calls..... 106 hrs ++!!!!
hoho so now everyone knows i'm starhub's biggest fan =)

anyway... that was not what i HAVE to blog about...

was thinking that my total call time of 134 hrs is a damn amazing feat and wanted to show off to ej so i grabbed his phone and went to his call register... wanting to show him how miserable his call time was compared to mine.. and i got the biggest shock of my life....

to be precise...

my total call duration...134:43:55
ej's total call duration..134:46:32

wahhhh is that a coincidence or what?!! heh.. this is so fun.. 2 random ppl having almost the same call duration!
the joy and satisfaction i got from this was ... wah i don't know man.. almost as great as what i experience when i find a fellow left-hander

yah.. haha i can't believe that small things like this can excite me so...
and this is a totally crappy post.......... sorry babes and dudes.............

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:21:00 AM|

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

things have really changed.. so much.. from what it used to be merely 2 weeks ago.
it's not merely a subtle almost inperceptible change anymore
i can actually -feel- it.

i know it probably is for the better
but at the same time things don't happen for no reason
yet i really don't know what caused this...

maybe i'm the only one who's noticed it..
i'd better not voice out my sentiments..
or everyone else will think i'm being too sensitive...

am i?

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:23:00 PM|

Monday, March 01, 2004

am talking to candice right now and my dear smart darling is all the way in stockholm! as to why she is stockholm i really do not know because she's supposed to be in Latvia attending some AISEC Norbes Management Seminar (haha actually i have no clue as to what that is either) but she is one of the 2 singapore delegates there... am so happy for you girl! she gets to have a blast of a time there and can skip school for a whole week!
hoho latest update.. apparently it's ended so she took a ferry to stockholm and spent the night there and will be flying back to london later..

heh.. feel so liberated today after handing in my crim take home paper. how i'll do for it is another story but seriously i really don't give a damn anymore i'm just so glad it's over! and i really hate myself for being the "wait to rush" kind.. even if i start early i just end up procrastinating till the weekend comes so now i don't even bother trying to start early coz i know i'll leave almost everything till the last minute anyway. haha but i think i'm quite a good last-min worker so i shall continue this way...

anyway FANG! can you please blog or tag or something to let us know you've reached aussieland safely? i keep having this absurd fear that your plane got hijacked by terrorists or you lost your way such that you're wandering in some grassland now or that kidnappers were waiting in your apartment for you. it's bad enough knowing that i'll be sleeping alone for the next 9 months without having to worry that you'll never come back to my side again.......


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:18:00 PM|

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