Tuesday, August 31, 2004

i am bored. i am bored. i am bored.
have nothing to do, yet so much to do
i wish my dad owned borders or kino or times or mph
then i'll just read read read the whole day
and eat and sleep and play with the pet kangaroo
and life would be just great

and i haven't had lunch and i'm grumpy
i want my ma la mian but there's no way i'll ever get to eat it today
which makes me even grumpier
school food sucks. even the genki sushi here sucks don't ask me why.
except maybe angel's...
oh yeah.. we're going to angel's for dinner.. i almost forgot!

today was the first time i brought my laptop in for lecture AND actually paid attention and took notes throughout. despite only having 4 hrs ++ of sleep
well done to me...

i am so bored...
someone please entertain me...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:13:00 PM|

i am obsessed with my handwriting.


anyway i just thought of a pretty cool thing to do -- having my name announced over the airport PA system. i'd just have to be really late for my flight.. hovering at the gate but not entering just to have the satisfaction of hearing my name all over the airport... Paris CDG hopefully =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:59:00 AM|

Friday, August 27, 2004

the school week is finally over! haha well not technically coz i skipped CLT lecture which is ongoing now (and will only end at 535). oh well i think i deserve a break after the huge influx of company law stuff into my brain last night... i'm so mentally drained after the tutorial and i haven't done my CLT hindu law readings and will probably just sit there and stone anyway so i figured why not just come back

shall treat myself to a nice meal of cup noodles + a good book in the comfort of aircon and wait for kangaroo to come back

this feels like heaven

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:07:00 PM|

Thursday, August 26, 2004

thursdays and fridays suck now
i have a 2 hr tutorial and a 3 hr lecture on both days and i just end up turning into a ball of stress and panic on wed and thurs nights.
ok that was exaggerating it mildly but right now i just can't wait for friday to be over
thank god this is not going to be permanant --> starting next week i will no longer have 3 hr lectures.. and hopefully this means there'll be less readings

*crossing my fingers*

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:14:00 PM|

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

the newest love of my life - a stuffed monkey with an enormous head and tiny body, a mane of white hair all round his face and with one nostril bigger than the other. he looks so adorably retarded that i can't help feel this surge of affection whenever i set eyes upon him. and he's looking at me out of black glassy eyes even as i type this.. oh how i wish he belonged to me =)

in my half asleep state last night i wondered out loud - wouldn't it be better for us to die together or within a relatively short time of each other so that it'd be easier for us to find each other again in the next world?

and an equally sleepy kangaroo replied that it'd be better for one of us to go first - so that the one up there can earn money and buy a nice house first while waiting patiently for the other to arrive.

i hope i'll get to go first -- i think i will anyway -- the life line on my palm is so incredibly short i think i'll get run over by a car or something one of these days..

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:50:00 PM|

Monday, August 23, 2004

the police were swarming all over the place and setting up roadblocks yesterday due to PM Lee's speech at UCC and kangaroo and i had to walk a whole long way out just to catch a cab to holland village and i guess the only relatively nice thing about this is that the UCC is so close to raffles hall that we get all the police supervision as well and we were probably the 2nd most protected place in the entire singapore last night.

terrible screw up and assumptions made on my part made me think that sat morn would be quite a bad one but it turned out surprisingly well after all. somehow in my blurness i agreed to meet BOTH kangaroo and james for breakfast at macs at the same time and by the time i realised it they were both on their way and there was nothing i could do except get all flustered because if you know me well enough, i -do not like- mixing friends (even though your bf is probably someone all your friends should meet) because then both parties wouldn't know each other and i'd be in the awkward spot of introducing them and constantly making sure that they are comfortable and happy and all. argh. but anyway as i said.. it turned out surprisingly well and happy and i had managed to have a nice long talk with james. =)
sorry dude for all that happened. i'll treat you to lunch soon i promise!

highlight of the weekend has to be the arsenal-boro match. spectacular comeback by the arse from 3-1 down to 5-3 up. emotions ran high and dry as the tiny crowd at the coffee shop went wild and for a moment i just wished with all my heart that i could be at highbury soaking up the crazy atmosphere in the sea of red, emotions swinging from despondency to wild elation. oh man. just think about it. and dream on about it.

since kangaroo's been blabbling this to all his friends i guess i can write this down here.. which was really quite the highlight of the highlight of the weekend. -grin-. arsenal's 3rd and 4th goals came so quickly... possibly within seconds of each other that we didn't even get to see the 4th goal proper. after the 3rd goal and lots of wild screaming kangaroo turned round to give me a smacking kiss on the cheek while the replay came on and i guess we both averted our eyes from the screen for a tiny while and when we turned our attentions back to the game, lo and behold there was reyes' 4th goal flying into the net.
simply wonderful...
we almost went delirious with joy

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:22:00 PM|

Sunday, August 22, 2004

our girls'-evening-out sex education talk last night was hilarious. and educational of course. oh wells i think we were too excited to keep our volume down most of the time and i'm sure the people sitting at the tables beside ours, catching some of the *ahem* words in our conversation along with the red faced giggles and occasional bursts of laughter, must have thought we were an extremely crazy horny and maybe deprived bunch. but who cares what others thought anyway as long as we had fun.

sizzler's is SERIOUSLY OVERPRICED. 20 bucks for fruits and vegetables and pasta and chips and ice cream.. and the carnivore in me didn't get a chance to be satisfied.

but anyways i am such a time waster. 4 hours to myself and i thought i'd be able to get a decent amount of work done but i just read the papers and sappy love novels and blogs and so far i've like read only 3 pgs of land law stuff. will be going for a run in 15 mins time and out to holland v to catch the match tonight and alas no work will be done again today. -sigh-. but this is better than being at home i suppose... at least i manage to stay awake to do all this nonsense rather than sleeping like a pig. or prawn..

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|5:50:00 PM|

Saturday, August 21, 2004

oh yeah abit late but anyway

happy birthday char!!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:43:00 AM|

i have a new toothbrush.
it's pink and purple
and the bristles are the colour of the french flag - blue white and red
cool huh...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:38:00 AM|

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

do you have to go to such extremes? why?

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:27:00 PM|

oh yeah i haven't mentioned how disgusted i am with APPLE's service and employees. was at their counter at ikea yesterday waiting for candice to finish making her enquiries about iPods and powerbooks so i started playing around with a display laptop and discovered that it was connected to the internet.

and when i was happily surfing around the connection just disappeared. just like that. one minute i was at soccernet, the next i couldn't go anywhere at all. bah. bet one of the employees turned the internet connection off discreetly... like HELLO.. i was just testing out YOUR product and if you don't want people going online you shouldn't have turned the connection on anyway... and even if you didn't like me doing that (though i can't think of any reason why) you could at least have told me nicely to my face instead of doing an underhanded thing like that.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:14:00 PM|

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

i'm disgusted with myself. since the olympics have started i've missed all the telecasts of the sports i really want to watch - sprint kayaking and gymnastics. luckily the finals aren't here yet because i'm determined to catch them.. even if they are shown dead in the middle of the night.

it doesn't help that kangaroo's tv has NO channel 5 (?!?!!!?!!) and i have no way of finding out (or am to lazy to find out) the programme schedule for central and suria
so if u guys know of any ... tv times please let me know yeah =)

manymany new items added to my to-save-up-for list after today's trip to queensway/ikea and somehow i know it's no use trying to save up -- either i don't succeed or after awhile the stuff no longer seems appealing to me. bah. i have only maybe actually saved up and bought like 2 things in my entire life. the rest of my money goes to impulsive buying sprees... which are actually not that bad because i still get stuff i like.. =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:03:00 PM|

Monday, August 16, 2004

sat on my butt on the src court for 4 hours straight yesterday but oh wells it was totally worth it watching kangaroo in action destroying blk 2 in the ibg handball finals. so for yesterday he was my hat-trick hero. -grin-.

sat on my butt for 4 hours straight again later at some holland v coffee shop watching the two back to back epl games except that the coffee shop wasn't really in holland v but i can't really describe its location. there's a real lack of decent places to watch soccer nowadays... what with mr bean's cafe cruelly closing down on us and the tvs at the -real- holland v coffee shop breaking down we're left with no choice but this sucky coffee shop some distance away from holland v with sucky service -- kangaroo had to go thru 3 people before he managed to get the channel changed from 03 to 23 and then the commentary couldn't be heard at all because some silly stall was blasting sappy love songs in the background. -grump-.

believe it or not i'm behind in my work already. life isn't much better without legal writing.. what we don't write, we make up for in stacks of readings which can hardly be understood and yes this is bad bad bad.

and i'm unbelivably fat now so i'm going on a no-sinful-food regime starting right after my ice-cream date with candice tomorrow and char's bday celebration on fri/sat. so please... no one tempt me with haagen dazs or fong seng trips or what nots after this okay because i am determined to make my tummy disappear.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:21:00 PM|

Friday, August 13, 2004

am talking to candice now and our conversation is certainly... enlightening... for lack of a better word

there are lessons that inevitably have to be learnt the hard way and i have to start now otherwise these issues will haunt me for the rest of my life
and i must say that i'm horribly horribly guilty of applying double standards but doesn't everybody do that to justify doing sinful but nevertheless enjoyable stuff?

and before i forget.. i have to wish my fellow brothers and sisters in our small community

happy world left-handers' day

sent out this message to my leftie friends and had a good laugh over the several right-hander-slamming replies they made
i never had any idea that the feeling was mutual..
so today my loyalties lie elsewhere for very unfortunately kangaroo belongs to the slammed community
surely it's okay to deviate once a year
-wider grin-

just discovered that my advocacy classes will be at drew and napier
funny how -always- stuff and people link me to d&n

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:06:00 PM|

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

don't worry peeps... i'm fine and dandy and okay right now...
nothing big happened...
at least nothing that a few hugs and talking can't cure


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:36:00 PM|

Monday, August 02, 2004

and you did it again
after you promised not to
when u knew it would hurt me

but i guess i wasn't even supposed to find out about it was i?
afterall your mentality has always been 'what you don't know can't hurt you'

i can't be calm about this
i can't be rational
i can't think straight now

it's just this overwhelming fuckedup feeling
i want to cry
i want to scream
i want to throw things about
i want to hit someone

sure... it wasn't downright wrong.
it wasn't against the law
it's a guy thing anyway
so there.. you justify yourself
and there's no way i can do so
coz all that my argument is based on is emotion. pure emotion.

but then again don't i have a right to feel?
to care? to feel fucked up about this?
to get upset because of who i am to you?
i wouldn't give a damn if anyone else does it
but because it's you i give a lot more than a damn.


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:32:00 PM|

i know i've said it countless times before - but i really must say it again - BT is a musical genius. i am amazed and swept away everytime i listen to his music. his new but not-so-new album 'emotional technology' is fantastic man. different but fantastic all the same

i love grocery shopping

and the RH dryers aren't working. -grumble-

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:33:00 PM|

i have a question to ask... one which i suppose is the inevitable result of taking cabs so many times in the past few days

do cabbies play the 'predict the fare' game with themselves? do they, while driving, mentally total up the fare for the trip based on the rough distance they travel + waiting time? then only look down at the meter at the end of the trip and see if they are right?

because, i think, if i were one, i would love doing it for every single passenger i pick up.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:23:00 AM|

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