Wednesday, September 29, 2004

been having very good luck in cards lately.. having 2 aces and several picture cards in each hand is a common phenomenon.. and even won with a 5 no trump bid yesterday.. haha.. and with mine and my partner's cards combined we could easily have won even if it had been 7 no trump. grin. but i know good luck's bound to run out sooner or later. just waiting to see when it'll happen... pretty soon i should say..

okie going to meet danette for dinner now.. yating and jiebao what happened to you both?!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:41:00 PM|

Monday, September 27, 2004

company assignment due on wednesday and i'm still writing my outline, compiling authorities. i guess i'll never change huh... always the last-minute person that i am.

finished my prop assignment early (surprisingly!) on wed and have been slacking since then, going for rounds of bridge that last way into the night, movie marathons, soccer matches, and just slacking the days away in general. no regrets though; at least i did get to enjoy part of my hols and still have ample time to finish my assignment (i hope)..

my advo tutor has such a lax attitude to our module that it's surprising.. he casually remarked that we could hand in our AEICs in mid october when we next see him (it was actually due last sat) becuase he wouldn't look at them between then and mid oct anyway. and so we just gaped at him, unable to believe our good luck. -grin- .. must be the conjugal bliss that's getting to him. hope it lasts thru' the end of the semester though!

it seems like i rave over every single movie i watch but i must say that the terminal's really good. even the kangaroo was impressed. glad i insisted on this movie instead of letting him have his way this time -grin-. it's the only movie i'd give a 5 star rating to.. apart from sound of music of course.. which i'd give 5 1/2 stars out of 5 if it were ever possible.

feel a headache coming on.. not good..

sometimes i lie in bed with flippers in my arms and i'm struck by a sense of endless peace. he just gazes at me with that silent trusting adoring look and i feel like no matter how horrible and mean i am, his faith and love will never waiver and if there's one person who'll stand with me all the way till the end, it'll be him. i'm eternally grateful that i found him.. i love you flippers!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:54:00 PM|

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

that's it... i'm gonna sleep now despite NOT having finished my prop assignment which i'd vowed to finish by tonight. thank goodness i've written everything out already, only have the editing to do but i forsee that will take up quite some time because i really have MAJOR renovation work to do to it.

lazy lazy me... groo's sleeping so peacefully beside me now that i can't resist the temptation to just curl up beside him and enter dreamland too...

goodnight world!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:11:00 AM|

that's it... i'm gonna sleep now despite NOT having finished my prop assignment which i'd vowed to finish by tonight. thank goodness i've written everything out already, only have the editing to do but i forsee that will take up quite some time because i really have MAJOR renovation work to do to it.

lazy lazy me... groo's sleeping so peacefully beside me now that i can't resist the temptation to just curl up beside him and enter dreamland too...

goodnight world!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:11:00 AM|

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

oh man it's tuesday already.. the holidays are slipping by so quickly that i can barely catch my breath.
and it feels like i've done nothing. absolutely nothing at all.
oh man shucks..
-panic mode-

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:51:00 PM|

Monday, September 20, 2004

les choristes was fantabulous, methinks. just like a breath of fresh air in that polluted hollywood movie world of stars, glitz, special effects and convoluted storylines. yuck.. give me a simple heartwarming film anyday man. and that boy.. it was magical hearing that lovely voice coming out from that angelic face. i'd watch it again and again and again.. for him and his singing. and i'd buy the soundtrack too.. if i can find it in singapore.

only weird thing was that for a few parts of the movie we were the only people laughing in the cinema.. which elicited some head-turning and curious glances. heh. guess some french jokes just have that -french- element in them which gets lost when translated into english. which probably explains why only we found it funny.

new addition to our animal family --> my darling flippers. there's this new toy shop at suntec near the cinema and i just couldn't resist the way he looked at me out of sad eyes that seemed to be saying 'give me a home and love me...' and of course i fell under his spell. so now the bed's incredibly squeezy.. i constantly marvel at how the 6 of us manage to fall asleep soundly, without getting squeezed or squashed up in a corner.

back to work, back to work.. i'm about maybe 1/4 way through my first assignment. well done to me!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:38:00 PM|

Friday, September 17, 2004

okay so drew & napier didn't have the lovely breathtaking views of the sea that rajan & tann and tan peng chin and like practically every other law firm has but it's not too bad lah huh. sometimes a view of numerous tall buildings can be quite interesting too.. haha.. felt quite important having tutorials in the conference room of a law firm but too bad there'll only be 4 times in all and WHO says lawyers are all mean lying money grabbing snobs and bastards? MY tutor is a pretty nice guy who was so innocently and geniunely bemused when we kept laughing at his questions and i was sitting like beside him but at right angles to him and ohmygod he has damn long eyelashes! ... i mean seriously looong and curled upwards... and they're natural somemore!... (i think and hope)

heh weird things to notice and lately i've noticed something else - the wide array of colours i see whenever i brush my teeth. pink and purple toothbrush, blue red white bristles and green and white toothpaste. it's just damn fascinating.

it feels like it's been such a long time already...i'm just so used to having you around practically all the time... doing almost everything with you --> eating, studying, soccer matches, grocery shopping, movies, games, hugs at any time of the day, coming back home from lessons to you and those long pre-bedtime talks that sometimes i feel like i'm taking you for granted, that i don't appreciate your presence enough.. it's as if you'll always be here beside me. i don't know if that's good or bad. suddenly realised it's been awhile since i felt the simple overflowing joy and anticipation of seeing someone you love after like one or two days of separation but it's okay... these feelings will come in the future and right now i'm just contended and happy.

but i've been getting lazy. must go for my 9am classes more often!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:56:00 AM|

okay so drew & napier didn't have the lovely breathtaking views of the sea that rajan & tann and tan peng chin and like practically every other law firm has but it's not too bad lah huh. sometimes a view of numerous tall buildings can be quite interesting too.. haha.. felt quite important having tutorials in the conference room of a law firm but too bad there'll only be 4 times in all and WHO says lawyers are all mean lying money grabbing snobs and bastards? MY tutor is a pretty nice guy who was so innocently and geniunely bemused when we kept laughing at his questions and i was sitting like beside him but at right angles to him and ohmygod he has damn long eyelashes! ... i mean seriously looong and curled upwards... and they're natural somemore!... (i think and hope)

heh weird things to notice and lately i've noticed something else - the wide array of colours i see whenever i brush my teeth. pink and purple toothbrush, blue red white bristles and green and white toothpaste. it's just damn fascinating.

it feels like it's been such a long time already...i'm just so used to having you around practically all the time... doing almost everything with you --> eating, studying, soccer matches, grocery shopping, movies, games, hugs at any time of the day, coming back home from lessons to you and those long pre-bedtime talks that sometimes i feel like i'm taking you for granted, that i don't appreciate your presence enough.. it's as if you'll always be here beside me. i don't know if that's good or bad. suddenly realised it's been awhile since i felt the simple overflowing joy and anticipation of seeing someone you love after like one or two days of separation but it's okay... these feelings will come in the future and right now i'm just contended and happy.

but i've been getting lazy. must go for my 9am classes more often!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:56:00 AM|

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

craziest of crazy things... took a cab to kangaroo's place and back to school again in the dead of the night just to catch a few snatches of individual brilliance but no finishing, a mad goalmouth scramble that resulted in an own goal and lots of free kicks that nothing ever came out of. still trying to figure out if it's worth it. i guess it is. if not for the game then for the thrill and fun of it...

own goals don't do justice to the team whose scoreline benefits from it. those who didn't catch the match would think... ahhh they just got lucky. no one reflects or even gives a passing thought about the pieces of individual brilliance that might have led up to the goal. bah.

motorola phones are good! starting to become anti-nokia

1st advo tutorial this evening... at drew & napier somemore... cool =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:06:00 PM|

Sunday, September 12, 2004

bthe nus macs is so nice and quiet on a sunday afternoon! sitting at the outdoor stretch of tables overlooking aki and enjoying the cool gentle breeze... it feels like heaven! which sets me in a perfect good mood for doing work. yeah shall get started on my AEIC draft as soon as i finish writing this =)

i don't know why but everytime i watch an arsenal match i expect the worst. or rather i've successfully conditioned myself to expect the worst even after seeing the world class lineup. after every missed chance i start thinking oh no we're never gonna be able to score and we'll end up drawing (damnit!) or even losing (damnit x1000!)even at 2-0 up i still worry my head off but somehow all the negative thoughts at the beginning just make the end victory even sweeter

oh and everyone! this HUGE candy store just opened at millenia walk.. it's called Candy Empire and i swear when i first saw it i could only stand there and gape at it for the first 10 seconds. they have all the candies and chocs you can ever imagine.. the range of stuff just blows u away. the pick and mix selection has chocs from like italy and poland and turkey even. and i think it's the only place left in s'pore that still sells wonka's mudsludge. and they have some new fudgy version of it too. this place is damn cool i tell you.

and i have a new phone! thanks grooo! =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:11:00 PM|

Friday, September 10, 2004

don't feel like going for CLT lecture later.. but part of my inner conscience is telling myself that i'll be a bad bad girl if i don't go. oh wells. at least i'm not completely beyond redemption yet. do wish that mike will be around to entice me to go with his yummy jap sweets though... but since that greedy lot of us finished them all last week i don't think there'll be any such incentive today.

and in all seriousness.. LAPTOPS ARE EVIL! they make you just want to surf the net and play games all the time during lectures which you can almost never resist unless you have all the holy-ness and saintly-ness of an angel. yucks. and by the way i can't stand people like that. can't they be more normal?!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:08:00 PM|

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

i suddenly wished i was back in italy. even though venice is my favourite city somehow when i think myself back there i'm always in rome... probably because i had the most memories there. suddenly i feel like i'm back there again - strolling down the streets, walking across the piazzas with the fountains and i'm filled with this deep regret that maybe just maybe i didn't appreciate it enough when i was there, didn't lose myself totally in the place.

i guess i was too involved with other matters during the trip, somehow i was there but just not there, too distracted by the suddenness and newness of IT all but oh what's the use of regretting now?

discovered something last night that just... kept haunting my mind even until now.
those who've watched 'the return' - that russian film... remember the younger brother? and how right at the beginning of the movie he was dared by his friends to jump off that structure thingy into the lake? .... the scary thing is that not long after the filming of the movie he died... from drowning... because his friends dared him to jump into the same lake and the same structure.. and he did. and died.
how tragically coincidental...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:38:00 PM|

Monday, September 06, 2004

2nd post in a day, i know.. but i can't believe i forgot this:

my p-plate officially came off last friday!

=) doesn't feel like it's been a year though..

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:56:00 PM|

can love be bitter and resentful all at once?

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:08:00 AM|

Sunday, September 05, 2004

med-fac is just like a mini rafflesian get-together such that whenever i visit the science canteen and don't see any familiar faces (which happened like once in the past year) i start to feel quite weirded out

all the work's piling up and for some @#$% reason both my tutorials and lectures which require lots of readings come all together on thursdays and fridays. (which is actually not that bad since tues and weds are VERY free days). i always try to start early early early but i always have that 'nah.. it's still so early in the week' mentality and thus end up not being able to finish friday's stuff.

oh but that shall change THIS WEEK.
haha how many gazillion times have i told myself that...
mentally drained even though the week hasn't begun yet

been sleeping in fridge like temperatures for the past 4 weeks but surprisingly at home last night i was shivering under my comforter when the aircon was at 28 degrees celsius. i tried raising the temperature to 29 and put the 'fan' to the lowest possible but it didn't seem to work. in the end i just switched it off, turned on my fan and was perfectly happy and warm the entire night......
another of my weird quirks i guess....

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:18:00 PM|

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