Friday, October 29, 2004

fang ranks me as the 2nd bitchiest out of all of us.

hmm.. thanks fang i'm honoured and pleased =) just as i told you... as long as i'm not in first place.
hah and the weirdest thing is that those among us who look the bitchiest are the most un-bitchy people i've ever known while i and xxx (the bitchiest) actually look the nicest and mildest. and fang? haha you look too lazy to be bitchy lah.

and to top it all off she also agrees that i'm spastic and childish -- which i am lah around you guys... but increasingly too with groo... we put soft toys around to protect us from monsters in the dark even... oh man..don't laugh.

anyway thanks fang for the faith you have in the innocence and purity of my character
come back to singapore quick!!!

you are a HUGE distraction during tutorials coz half the time i'm talking to you on msn!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:13:00 PM|

fang ranks me aws the 2nd bitchiest out of all of us.

hmm.. thanks fang i'm honoured and pleased =) just as i told you... as long as i'm not in first place.
hah and the weirdest thing is that those among us who look the bitchiest are the most un-bitchy people i've ever known while i and xxx (the bitchiest) actually look the nicest and mildest. and fang? haha you look too lazy to be bitchy lah.

and to top it all off she also agrees that i'm spastic and childish -- which i am lah around you guys... but increasingly too with groo... we put soft toys around to protect us from monsters in the dark even... oh man..don't laugh.

anyway thanks fang for the faith you have in the innocence and purity of my character
come back to singapore quick!!!

you are a HUGE distraction during tutorials coz half the time i'm talking to you on msn!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:13:00 PM|

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

time flies

it's been 6 months since my groo became mine.. which means it's been 6 months since i last laid eyes on the rolling green hills, quaint waterways and splendid art and architecture of italy. and all these reminds me of the silly hilarious shrieky toilet incident at the hotel and of course.. the secret i've kept for so long.. the deep dark secret of char's JEANS during the trip! heh .. you guys can start bribing me to tell it all!

anyway i'm now the proud owner of the most fantabulous things in the world --> my very own tamagotchi (albeit a few years late.. oh and guess what.. now a male and female tamagotchi can mate and produce tamababies even!)and also a set of agatha christie's poirot's dvds! apparently the series was a huge hit on some foreign tv channel and now they're putting it in dvd form (which is freaking ex!) but anyway i can't wait to watch my favourite comical belgian detective with his magnificent moustaches and french accent! thanks sooo much groo =)

oh and girls! if you happen to chance upon this post.. please remember.. the play's this friday! at 8pm at dbs artshouse! $29 per tix and don't forget your matric card !!!! wanna meet for dinner before that? lemme know ya..

that's all folks...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:43:00 PM|

Monday, October 25, 2004

'men are not particularly sensible or mature as a collective herd...'

i love this line. got it off some article in today's life.. hahaha
good one

someone please buy me bags and bags of ruffles cheddar and sour cream chips. it's the best salty food around in the world and of late i've been having a weird insatiable craving for salty food. it doesn't help that whenever were at the supermarket the conversation went something like this:

groo: are you sure you don't want lays?
me: -pointedly- it's RUFFLES not lays
groo: sure?
me: yes *grumble grumble* i'm not in the mood for it
groo: yeah that's true. we always eat so much before coming grocery shopping that we
don't feel like buying much food back and we end up hungry afterwards
me: .... [too busy manouvering the trolley around the hordes of people]
groo: i thought you really wanted lays a few days ago? we're not coming to the
supermarket anymore this week so u'd better get it if you want
me: -thinks... didn't i just say RUFFLES a moment ago?- no.. i don't feel like it now

so we ended up NOT buying any ruffles just coz i was stuffed full from crystal jade and wasn't in the mood. and 2 days later my craving starts again and then while at central lib today i had this huge urge to get it from co-op and because of this got lectured by groo on how i should 'have just bought that day to store up'

anyway while on my way to co-op i decided that it'd be too much trouble and i was quite full anyway so i went back empty handed and once i stepped into the room my craving for salty food came back again. and so i had to walk all the way to the yih provision shop which DOES not stock RUFFLES!!! ... and got a bag of LAYS sour cream chips in the end

so after a few rounds round the merry bush i end up not with RUFFLES but LAYS (grrr).. a quarter-eaten and sitting in the fridge and now the aftertaste is still in my mouth and i'm so disgusted with myself i feel like puking. bleargh. yuck.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:15:00 PM|

the team i love lost today

arsenal - you can be proud of yourselves. you went down with your heads held high - you went down fighting, showing that indomitable spirit that has seen you through the past few months, that has led to the creation of history, that has led to your name going down in the record books. and for that i salute you.
but all good things have to come to an end..

it's been a great 49 games
it's been a wonderful 6 years
may your fire continue burning
victoria concordia crescit


i expected words of comfort; a hug of reassurance, maybe, as the grief flowed.
but they never came.
i feel lost... alone..

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:10:00 AM|

Sunday, October 24, 2004

i don't see the point - does anyone see the point? in me going home late (11 plus) on saturday nights and coming back to school right after lunch on sunday afternoon just for the sake of 'going home' and 'showing face'? especially when all i do at home is just sleep and eat and maybe watch soccer?

bah. might as well just allow me to stay in school over the weekend right.
going home is such a chore

*grumble grumble*

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:51:00 PM|

Saturday, October 23, 2004

this is getting irritating -- blogger keeps publishing my posts twice for no apparent reason but i guess we can all live with it..

feeling quite proud of myself --> i've kinda drawn up my study timetable for the next few weeks! (but whether i follow it or not is another matter).. okay i haven't exactly fitted everything in yet but i've written down all the topics i have to do for each module already and the sheer amount of stuff to study is rather daunting. but i shall persevere... 6 weeks + 2 days more to freedom!

yesterday for the the first time in eons i finally managed to accomplish whatever i'd planned to do for the day... go me! lets hope i can do the same today.. really should be making use of my free time to study since groo is away taking his practical exam.. but here am i slacking away again... okay soon soon...

having a car is so convenient! yk fetched us out for dinner-supper at fong seng last night and it felt so different.. not having to take the looong walk there and back. but walking has its own merits i guess... can take a leisurely walk with groo AND at the same time burn off the calories gained after eating...anyway the nestum prawns were really good.. way better than those i had last time.. and the nestum flakes are so addictive.. together we almost cleaned up the entire plate!

waiting for groo to come back now... i want to go holland v to eat!! and redeem our free haagen dazs ice cream.. (thanks lynn!) and go grocery shopping! and rent a new book! quick quick quick..

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:53:00 PM|

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

come on over here and lie by my side
i've got to feel me touching you
let me rub your tired shoulders
the way i used to do

look into my eyes
and give me that smile
the one that always turns me on
and let me take your hair down
coz we're staying up to greet the sun

and when your body's had enough of me
and i'm lying flat out on the floor
when you think i've loved you all i can
i'm gonna love you a little bit more

so if you're feeling alright
you're ready for me
i know that i'm ready for you
we'd better get it on now
coz we've got a whole life to live through

can't get over the fact that 911's got such a fantastic album that i bothered to buy but never bothered to appreciate...

can't wait to go back home this weekend.. i'll immediately pop the sound of music vcd into the player and spend 3 hours in heaven. was telling groo the story last night and it struck me that i've watched the movie close to 15 times and can remember entire chunks of dialogues but can still get caught in its magic every single time. 4 days more....

this is bad. i blame others for getting addicted but even i am now starting to feel that little bit of temptation. shucks. but i know that once i start i won't be able to stop. but oh my god now i finally understand.. the thought of it is oh-so-thrilling. cannot. can't start. besides WHAT money do i have to play around with anyway? maybe next time la huh.

hah. if anyone manages to get what i'm talking about above then you're GOOD. really good.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:16:00 PM|

come on over here and lie by my side
i've got to feel me touching you
let me rub your tired shoulders
the way i used to do

look into my eyes
and give me that smile
the one that always turns me on
and let me take your hair down
coz we're staying up to greet the sun

and when your body's had enough of me
and i'm lying flat out on the floor
when you think i've loved you all i can
i'm gonna love you a little bit more

so if you're feeling alright
you're ready for me
i know that i'm ready for you
we'd better get it on now
coz we've got a whole life to live through

can't get over the fact that 911's got such a fantastic album that i bothered to buy but never bothered to appreciate...

can't wait to go back home this weekend.. i'll immediately pop the sound of music vcd into the player and spend 3 hours in heaven. was telling groo the story last night and it struck me that i've watched the movie close to 15 times and can remember entire chunks of dialogues but can still get caught in its magic every single time. 4 days more....

this is bad. i blame others for getting addicted but even i am now starting to feel that little bit of temptation. shucks. but i know that once i start i won't be able to stop. but oh my god now i finally understand.. the thought of it is oh-so-thrilling. cannot. can't start. besides WHAT money do i have to play around with anyway? maybe next time la huh.

hah. if anyone manages to get what i'm talking about above then you're GOOD. really good.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:16:00 PM|

Thursday, October 14, 2004

why are people always condemning boy bands? dug out my 911 greatest hits cd from my pile of "embarrassing cds i bought when i was young and had bad taste" and oh my their songs still can blow me away... to the extent that i was just humming along lost in my 911 world and neglecting my work in front of me...

tony parsons' 'man and boy' is SERIOUSLY OVERRATED. it's nice but overrated. on the cover of the book there's even a quote from a journalist of the observer: "i cried 5 times and laughed out loud 4" .. well i didn't tear even a single time.. but laughed so much that groo told me to shut up. hmm well.. maybe i'm becoming more hardhearted.

now take my hand and hold it tight
i will not fail you here tonight
for failing you, i fail myself
and place my soul upon a shelf
in hell's library without light
i will not fail you here tonight
-- the book of counted sorrows

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:35:00 AM|

why are people always condemning boy bands? dug out my 911 greatest hits cd from my pile of "embarrassing cds i bought when i was young and had bad taste" and oh my their songs still can blow me away... to the extent that i was just humming along lost in my 911 world and neglecting my work in front of me...

tony parsons' 'man and boy' is SERIOUSLY OVERRATED. it's nice but overrated. on the cover of the book there's even a quote from a journalist of the observer: "i cried 5 times and laughed out loud 4" .. well i didn't tear even a single time.. but laughed so much that groo told me to shut up. hmm well.. maybe i'm becoming more hardhearted.

now take my hand and hold it tight
i will not fail you here tonight
for failing you, i fail myself
and place my soul upon a shelf
in hell's library without light
i will not fail you here tonight
-- the book of counted sorrows

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:35:00 AM|

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

thank god these silly blowups don't last for long
and now in the aftermath of everything i'm just drained and tired and my eyes hurt because my contacts were on for too long and when i was bathing a whole lot of water got into them.

i can't remember a time when i dreaded school and work this much. i think i never ever did. and now there is officially NO conducive place to work at --> the room's too cramped, yih study room too oppressive, engine too boring, even kap macs is starting to get boring. SIGH. there's always a million other things to be done before starting on work --> lazing around, hugging, astropop, running, supper, blog surfing, BRIDGE etc etc that i practically don't get anything done at all. hah. one of my neighbours even remarked that given the amount of time we spend on bridge (~ 10 hrs per week?) we ought to become professional bridge players. that's a nice prospect.. i'd really love my job then.. but who'd want to hire meeee...???

okie.. back to company law... read on someone's blog that her company tut this week will be postponed... and since i have the same tutor i hope mine will be too! *keeps fingers crossed*
shit i'm such a lazy bum

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:23:00 PM|

every single decision you make is a conscious result of your mind, senses and body working together
so stop fucking blaming others for the things you do
i can't believe you think sorry is THE cure for doing something wrong
saying sorry 100 times over for 100 wrong actions does NOT make you a better person
and oh after you apologise you expect my anger, disappointment, whatever to disappear immediately.. as if.. wow all of the sudden you're the magnanimous one willing to say sorry while i'm the hard, resentful, unforgiving one.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:04:00 PM|

Sunday, October 10, 2004


after winning a bid for hearts i proceeded to call ace of hearts as my partner when i actually had the card. bah. and the game actually went on and on and i was starting to get quite confused because EVERYONE else seemed to be going against me and it was only after the rest had won like 7 sets between them that we realised my mistake. haha everyone had a good laugh over it.
heh.. my mistake reminds me of a certain bridge game that took place almost 4 years ago between us 4 at mandarin hotel.. umm.. fang?? bet u remember that too... haha =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:32:00 AM|

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Zzeezz the Bed Bug
Which P arasite Pal Are You? Take The Quiz.

got this off xiuling's blog... cool!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:13:00 PM|

i think the snooze button on the alarm clock has to rank as one of mankind's greatest inventions... i'm addicted to hitting it numerous times every morning and sometimes i just snooze my way through lectures and wake up later wondering why my alarm never rang

i'm addicted to genki's soft shell crab! it's like the nicest thing there.. the rest of the food basically just sucks la. and somehow when groo and i need a meal it's always at weird times like sat afternoon and late on weekday nights when only genki is open so we have to make do with it and the staff there probably think we're their greatest fans when we are actually NOT!

have u ever met people who somehow just turn you off instantly? and you can't exactly put a finger on why so? argh. the moment he walked into class and opened his big mouth i felt that way immediately. yuck. but he was so jolly, full of laughter and all that so i thought i was just biased. hah. it was only after class that i realised that lots of us felt the same way.. heehee.. so it isn't just me. he is just such a TURN OFF. fine.. so you have more than 10 years of experience.. but you don't just walk in acting like the class is just the stage for you to show off on. we're here to learn. not to listen and watch you boast. you can do plenty of that in the courtroom if you wish to and turn the judges and witnesses off. just stay away. bah.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:27:00 PM|

Friday, October 01, 2004

was sitting beside a bunch of rowdy, giggling mgs girls at kap macs today and suddenly felt a sense of nostalgia. forget the senseless and pointless rgs-mgs rivalry going on - i was struck by the similarity between them and us... the us which existed a few years back. life was so simple back then.. lessons were hardly a chore and we managed to have our own fun during them as well (remember how i unsuccessfully tried to dot char's mole for an entire year).. how lit. lessons ultimately became picnics because of mrs ting's weird philosophy (which actually makes sense) that we'd be less likely to fall asleep if we've food in our mouths..

ohh and the life after school... we'd hang out at orchard for hours wandering aimlessly or else sit in front of the big screen at lido talking, gossiping and giggling just like the mgs girls i saw. we never ran out of fun nor things to say to each other..

yes life was so simple.. there was joy to be found in the littlest of things.. no wordly worries to bog us down.. and for a moment i felt this great temptation to return back to that time.. to experience the kind and level of fun and bonding that only girls' school girls manage to share with each other..

argh i miss rgs!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:16:00 AM|

was sitting beside a bunch of rowdy, giggling mgs girls at kap macs today and suddenly felt a sense of nostalgia. forget the senseless and pointless rgs-mgs rivalry going on - i was struck by the similarity between them and us... the us which existed a few years back. life was so simple back then.. lessons were hardly a chore and we managed to have our own fun during them as well (remember how i unsuccessfully tried to dot char's mole for an entire year).. how lit. lessons ultimately became picnics because of mrs ting's weird philosophy (which actually makes sense) that we'd be less likely to fall asleep if we've food in our mouths..

ohh and the life after school... we'd hang out at orchard for hours wandering aimlessly or else sit in front of the big screen at lido talking, gossiping and giggling just like the mgs girls i saw. we never ran out of fun nor things to say to each other..

yes life was so simple.. there was joy to be found in the littlest of things.. no wordly worries to bog us down.. and for a moment i felt this great temptation to return back to that time.. to experience the kind and level of fun and bonding that only girls' school girls manage to share with each other..

argh i miss rgs!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:16:00 AM|

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