Tuesday, November 30, 2004

at our traditional post-exam lunch yesterday (but where were you celeste & dave?) William very kindly enlightened us as to the all-important question which i have been puzzling over since time immemorial:

what noise does a kangaroo make?

he just replied matter-of-factly: "doesn't a kangaroo gruffle?"

gruffle gruffle gruffle... say it to yourself a few times and you begin to convince yourself that, yup, this is in fact the noise a kangaroo makes... and a rather cute-sounding noise too...

UNTIL i checked dictionary.com today
and there's NO SUCH WORD as gruffle!


so we're all back at square ONE.. just as clueless as before.. and
i'm beginning to think that kangaroos are dumb (i.e. have no vocal chords at all; not stupid)

anyway.. that aside...

i love my poirot dvds! been slacking like no one's business while groo attempts to mug beside me.. watching poirot (he's really damn cute!) and CSI too (season 3 only.. i'm a little slow) .. playing games.. reading anne rice.. this IS LIFE man

but i predict i'll get bored of all this soon

but nevermind.. going on a movie marathon tmr! and pigout session! can't wait...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:06:00 PM|

Saturday, November 27, 2004

i'm a huge ball of nervous energy right now but i have absolutely no idea why!...

you know the anticipatory half-nervous half-excited feeling you sometimes feel in your gut when you're about to do something big (i.e. start your k1 race or take your driving test) ?

i'm feeling it now... but in a different sense.
nothing is gonna happen later at all. i'm just gonna continue studying, then go home
but i just have the above-described feeling in me... the anticipation that something big is gonna happen (problem is i don't know what!!) and its making me so jumpy and hyper and psyched-up and i can't concentrate on company!!

freak there must be something wrong with me man...
maybe this is what the irish call fey ..
then again i hope not.. coz fey always precludes an accident, a mishap
shucks maybe i shouldn't drive back tonight

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:38:00 PM|

Thursday, November 25, 2004

just checkd out barnes and noble and found out that readers gave donna tartt's 2nd book - my little friend - not very good reviews.
they were lamenting on how the plot goes round and round in circles etc but the good thing is that there were compliments on her style of writing, how she develops her characters and depicts the setting etc.

oh well i should read it i suppose

given that although a secret history's plot is absolutely brilliant, her writing impresses me even more
yup so i should read it for her writing

should i read should i reeead should i reeeeaddd it????!!
should i buy it?

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:23:00 PM|

corporate governance is driving me nuts. apparently it's driving almost everyone else nuts as well. good... at least i'm reassured that i'm not dumb or something.

i get sick of places very easily.
after yih continuously for a wk i swore never to go back there again
now i can't stand the thought of PC cluster anymore
so i've found myself a nice bench near LT 6 and am enjoying the breeze


and i can't believe the twins sleep with each other!
oh man
i guessed so right from the start... and i was right
and the thought of it happening is... frankly a little thrilling
think of all the late nights i spent absorbed in that weird world...
i love that book

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:51:00 AM|

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

i realised i'm a very simple person when it comes to games. anything too complex has no appeal at all. maybe that's why i'm stuck at the diamond mine -astropop- shape shifter level... unlike celeste who loves sims (even sims is too complicated for me!) and red alert and all those war games. heehee sorry gals.. for kinda drifting away from the msn conversation last night.. had to share my comp with the groo so it was quite hard keeping up with the conversation....

love getting wet on rainy days.. provided i'm not all dressed up and that i have no destination. it was pouring so hard just now that the back of my slippers kept flicking water up to the back of my shorts as i walked and i was already half-wet when i got to mpsh to pick groo up. sloshing about in the puddles of water around is so fun tooooo! although my slippers will take ages to dry.

so xian. don't wanna study.

going for dinner at lemongrass later... yipppeeee! =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:01:00 PM|

Monday, November 22, 2004

prop exam is finally over.. but not good man.. sat through the entire paper with a huge headache, just wishing i could get out of the exam hall asap. worst thing is that i suddenly came down with fever and sore throat, so i lay tossing and turning in bed half the time last night, shivering under the covers and feeling the weakness in my limbs.

bah. that was maybe the worst paper i've ever done in my life
and to think i was so stressed over it that i couldn't sleep on sat night... was so awake that i got out of bed TWICE to read my notes... only falling asleep at like 9 am in the morn.
this is damn scary.. i've never seen this part of me before and i was honestly damn freaked out.
haha thank god i'm back to normal now.. procrastinating away when there's so much to be done
and now the big headache is... how to finish company law in 1 wk?? it's almost impossible man.. what with Nolan's thick stack of notes on corporate governance. bleargh. i'll take days to trawl through that pile of stuff alone.
oh well shall try my best anyway.. it's the last paper afterall....

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|5:56:00 PM|

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

been getting grumpy at the tiniest of things lately .. groo says it's exam stress but i so don't think so.. i'm having fun studying at the pc cluster, playing online bridge with friends and playing SHAPE SHIFTERS.. which is a MAJOR MAJOR distraction.

haha pc was right when she said i'd like the game.. thanks ah.. now i'm so addicted to it.
yes everyone go msn games to play shape shifters! it's really damn fun! =)

had happy meal at macs yesterday coz i wanted 'the incredibles' toy that they were giving.. for the first time in years! now i've decided i'm gonna watch the movie.. all because i have the toy. lame but ya.. that's me.

have only read 130++ pages of the book... but it's so lovely that i wish i could put down my work for long periods of time and immerse myself in the world the author has created. she has this incredible knack for putting into words the tiniest emotions and details that i can't even begin to express and as i read the mental images of the world she's describing form in my mind and surround me, such is the power of her writing. beautiful. i love the part about how charles was slightly drunk and playing chopin on the grand piano in the old library at night, how the 'notes slurred sleepily into one another'. argh i don't have the book here with me now or else i'd be able to quote from it. but anyway.. donna tartt: you have a new fan in me.
oh ya it's called 'the secret history'. go read it everyone

back to studying...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|5:33:00 PM|

Friday, November 12, 2004

clt exam's over at last!
and i don't know what to say about it man...
except that... it was ridiculous. but kinda fun in a way
i mean the question was:

If you were asked to set the exam question for this course and you were told that the question must cover the whole course as opposed to being limited to one specific tradition, what would the question be? Begin your answer by stating the precise question as it would appear on the exam, then explain why, given what you have learned and studied, you think your exam question would be a good exam question for this course.

i think everyone was like ?!??!!!! after reading it and minutes after the question was released on ivle almost everyone on msn had garybell-slamming nicks. funny =)
oh well. he so obviously took the easy way out... he doesn't have to rack his brains to come up with the perfect question... and he can simply use the best answers from our batch as questions for next year's exam!
but it was good in a way i guess.
i hadn't finished both chinese + islamic law articles yet last night but in the end i decided to heck it and go sleep.
i'm glad i made the right choice in the end =)

and char... i'm looking forward to our coffee bean date again on sunday.. hope you haven't forgotten about it!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:41:00 PM|

Sunday, November 07, 2004

coffee bean's so nice! love the environment there. that's like the ONLY place i think where i really feel like studying, where i really can concentrate (except the constant yakking with char), where i never lose the studying mood. yippee for it! love the constant buzz of chatter and activity around me, love the people coming and going, love having people studying around me too, love the cozy wood decor, love the yellow lighting [think i only can study where there's yellow lighting, bright lights just turn me off] and love having char opposite me! haha..

i prefer the old coffee bean though. before the renovation. sigh sigh sigh.

oh well but for the next few days i'll have to contend myself with disgusting cold yih. hate the bright lights. hate the silence. hate the cold. hate the people mugging in silence and with total focus. hate the total lack of activity. YUCKS.

envious of the med pple... wish my exams are over too so i can slack!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:12:00 PM|

typed out an entire post this afternoon but blogger stubbornly refused to publish it.. so i shall attempt to reproduce it again now:

ting to fang and char:

sigh. the world is getting to be so depressing. the worst thing is that so many people around me are getting depressive and hermitish as well. maybe all these caused me to become like that. maybe it simply brought out the dormant depressive tendencies in me. i know it's not good.. but most days i'm just stuck in this grey world, not wanting to do anything. hardly anything interests me anymore. which is bad. especially since exams are coming. but honestly. the exams are the least of my worries.

and the people around who love and care about me --> i do appreciate their care and concern. but yes. it stops at that. because you know that ultimately they cannot understand nor feel what you're going through. oh well. i wouldn't want groo to be going through a moody anti-social patch either lah. thank goodness i'm not beyond hope yet. thank goodness there are little things that can make me smile and laugh. thank goodness for groo. right now i'm just looking forward to coffee bean + ma la mian tmr and fang's return so that we can all hang out and do spastic things together again. =) [think the tim sum game @ cafe cartel]

i have an idea. we should buy a lonely isolated island in the middle of the pacific ocean and live there, the 3 of us. we'll each have our own caves where we can commune with nature [heehee.. like Simon!] and wallow in our own antisocial states and only come out when we need a hug or simply to talk to each other. but i've a feeling tt fang will wanna come over and squeeze in my bed with me every night though =)
yup. an island would be nice... as long as no one starts degenerating into a ralph..

hmm lets see.. fang, char.. which one of us do you think would be most likely to become a ralph if we really stay on an island?

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:25:00 AM|

typed out an entire post this afternoon but blogger stubbornly refused to publish it.. so i shall attempt to reproduce it again now:

ting to fang and char:

sigh. the world is getting to be so depressing. the worst thing is that so many people around me are getting depressive and hermitish as well. maybe all these caused me to become like that. maybe it simply brought out the dormant depressive tendencies in me. i know it's not good.. but most days i'm just stuck in this grey world, not wanting to do anything. hardly anything interests me anymore. which is bad. especially since exams are coming. but honestly. the exams are the least of my worries.

and the people around who love and care about me --> i do appreciate their care and concern. but yes. it stops at that. because you know that ultimately they cannot understand nor feel what you're going through. oh well. i wouldn't want groo to be going through a moody anti-social patch either lah. thank goodness i'm not beyond hope yet. thank goodness there are little things that can make me smile and laugh. thank goodness for groo. right now i'm just looking forward to coffee bean + ma la mian tmr and fang's return so that we can all hang out and do spastic things together again. =) [think the tim sum game @ cafe cartel]

i have an idea. we should buy a lonely isolated island in the middle of the pacific ocean and live there, the 3 of us. we'll each have our own caves where we can commune with nature [heehee.. like Simon!] and wallow in our own antisocial states and only come out when we need a hug or simply to talk to each other. but i've a feeling tt fang will wanna come over and squeeze in my bed with me every night though =)
yup. an island would be nice... as long as no one starts degenerating into a ralph..

hmm lets see.. fang, char.. which one of us do you think would be most likely to become a ralph if we really stay on an island?

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:25:00 AM|

Saturday, November 06, 2004

and most of the time i just want to curl up in bed and hide from the rest of the world

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:19:00 AM|

no one knows how screwed up i actually am inside. does anyone even care. the world seems to be so depressing nowadays.. there is no longer anything to be happy about. really. in the long term what is there to look forward to? my own death perhaps? i feel myself retreating back into my shell, becoming the antisocial me again. indulgence breeds overdependence. or is it the other way round. the self-confidence i've built up over the years is slowly being torn to bits. i can't help the extreme mood swings. maybe i'm becoming depressed. maybe i have always been but no longer have the strength to hide it anymore. maybe.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:12:00 AM|

Friday, November 05, 2004

i put my tamagotchis to bed last night. when i later glanced at it, i noticed that the lights were on and the mum was standing over the baby's bed, watching her sleep. i was surprised. she's never done that before... but i brushed it aside as merely her motherly instincts waking her up to check on her daughter. little did i know that she was saying her final farewell to her.
then she left. whether she died, whether she simply vanished or went to a happier place i do not know. wherever she is now, i hope she's happy. i still think of her fondly throughout the day -- as the girl who brought me lots of happiness, smiles and joy throughout the 12 days she was with me.
i'll bring up her daughter well.. though i still feel this heartache when i look at her.. she reminds me so much of her mother when she was young.


argh i'm writing this when it's like 3 hours to my trial. nervous. unprepared. can't wait for it to be over. now i know why they say lawyers can never really get away from their work. at all times of the day their cases haunt them. even when they're chewing on their food their minds are hard at work digesting the facts, thinking of how to trap the witneses. i know coz it's happening to meee now.. helpppppppp!!!!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:41:00 PM|

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

my tamagotchi made my day today..

and i'm very pleased to announce here that groo and I are proud grandparents of our very own tamababy! =)

not 1/2 hr ago, this question popped up on my tamagochi's screen : lonely? yes.. no..
so i clicked on yes.. and this duck appeared out of nowhere and started playing with my girl. after snogging briefly the screen suddenly went dark.. which means they were doing STUFF.. then fireworks appeared and ta-da... my girl gave birth to a baby! .. so now there are two sweet cute creatures bouncing around on my screen..
oh man i'm so so so happy! =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:36:00 PM|

Monday, November 01, 2004

i'm such a pig.. on lazy rainy days like this all i want is to curl up in bed on soft pillows, nice and snug under the blanket, open the windows and watch the curtains billow and read a book and eat ruffles until i fall asleep..

the 2nd alternative would be to play bridge.. which i just did .. for 2 whole hours.

sweet dreams are made of these

wish i could get down to studying proper but my silly mock trial isn't over yet damnit and everytime i do work there's just this annoying nagging feeling at the back of my mind coz i haven't prepared yet.. haven't come up with the cross examination questions for tipu lang.. hell what on earth do we try to establish for tipu lang anyway?! .. sad accountant who lives with his boss (and probably sleeps with her as well since he doesn't pay rent) with no mind of his own who blindly enters into the accounts everything his cunning scheming lying money-grabbing boss tells him to. bah.
so sick of this case .. the andrea de cruz one last year was would be much more interesting methinks.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:53:00 PM|

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