Monday, February 28, 2005

i love impromptu meetings with friends! rushed down to orchard to meet fang, ru and shan after my afternoon nap and had a lovely gossip and chat session at lido.. just like the good ole times =)

anyways happy 21st birthday in advance shan! hope you enjoy using all your vouchers!

and anyway have a good flight back fang i'll seeya again in june in melbourne i hope! where i'll squeeze with you on the sofa at night and hopefully not flood your toilet.. -grin-

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:21:00 PM|

Monday, February 21, 2005

i'm going to the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
which till this day still remains my favouritest place in singapore

shall go real soon... to hang out at coffee bean there with roast chicken fusili and cinammon ice blended and my notes and agatha christie book
and await the return of the grooooo
ohh what pure bliss

and i think last night's events were so.... spectacular that they deserve some mention here

so fang and i, after a mediocre movie [white noise], a huge dinner at sakae, were at maestro bistro drinking sweet tea and bitter coffee respectively and happily yakking away when fang said, at around 11pm: "i think we should go"

so we went
back to clementi on bus 7

and at the taxi stand i was reluctant to leave... so i asked her to accompany me for awhile longer
and SOMEHOW in the whole garble of conversation that was to ensue... we discovered that we both didn't want to leave orchard.
i didn't but thought fang wanted to since she said so
fang didn't but thought i wanted to but was to polite to say so she said it. when she didn't mean it.

AND after further agitated and excited conversation
it came out that she had been wanting to go to the romantic place the whole night long but didn't say so coz she thought i didn't want to coz i didn't say so.
when i wanted to but didn't mention it coz she didn't.

this is how exasperating.

and so we were left with 2 options --> going back to the romantic place or continue sitting at the dirty steps at clementi looking into boring HDB windows and watching a fountain with no water.
actually i think i knew it would happen already..

and SO we took a cab ALL THE WAY back to THE PLACE.
stopping at 7-11 before that for drinks and bumping into the sleazy ppl that seem to populate orchard after midnight.
seriously it was quite freakish. what with the deserted stinky toilet with 2 doors mysteriously closed with yellow liquid on the toilet bowl and a spoilt flush and no toilet paper and no water.

and THE PLACE felt like it'd lost it's magic. sigh. but it was nice all the same
gazing into the dimly lit apartments and dreaming, fantasizing...

and it wasn't until ... 2am that we left. after mysterious bites started appearing on me.

and so that is the story of our night.
happening eh..

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:32:00 PM|

this is what i've been doing instead of my public law assignment:

"Congratulations, Weiting!
Your IQ score is 138

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results."

oh well.. tells me nothing that i don't already know

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|5:16:00 PM|

Friday, February 18, 2005

the room feels so empty
there's a space beside me on the bed where you should be

i drift in and out of sleep
in my state of semi-consciousness i think i hear your key in the lock
you bend over me and your lips brush my cheek
i open my eyes and see your face which i know and love so well
and i pull you close

the mists of sleep suddenly elude me
my dream fades away into cold harsh reality
and all i am left with is a bittersweet smile and tears forming in my eyes

even doing the laundry isn't the same without you around

4 more days.


yet i'm strangely contented at the same time.
alone in the room
going about my daily routine
work, novels, maple.
they lull me into a world of comfort and familiarity

little things to look forward to
dinner with friends, home on saturday, sakae + movie on sunday
and of course monday.
thank god for friends. thank god for the ex-roomie who spent the night and wiped out half the food supply and talked and laughed too loudly.
thank god for the kids who gave me warmth and comfort during the night
and of course
thank god for you

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:56:00 PM|

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

i need to do something about my screwed up life and get it back on track right NOW.
or else i'll end up with a screwed up and wasted semester

seriously i think i'm the only one on earth who can, after an 11 hr slumber, lie in bed for a further 2 - 3 hours just gazing up at the ceiling, thinking of nothing in particular, just indulging in my laziness when i know i have work piling up

and i'm going for a movie later
i think i'm possessed

but whatever.. i just want to have fun

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:31:00 PM|

Monday, February 14, 2005

oh my god... my dad must be the sweetest guy on earth! he bought me a rose for valentine's day!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:33:00 AM|

Thursday, February 10, 2005

nothing much to blog about but i suppose i hafta make up for my 11 day absence...

i hate it when my b-day falls on the 1st day of cny itself coz instead of celebrating it i have to go visiting and the worst thing was that i was stuck at home for half the day coz everytime we were preparing to go out visitors would arrive and we would have to stay back to entertain them. bah.

the only good thing was that the whole chinese population was celebrating together with me (haha quoting fang on this) and at the stroke of midnight at chinatown there were such beautiful fireworks! yeesh and thanks char for calling from US.. had a lovely loong conversation.. and candice too... though i didn't get to talk to u coz i was driving.. thanks for calling all the way from UK and i miss u both!

anyways.. 1st time i encountered a police roadblock was while driving home from chinatown at 2++ am.. but the policeman just waved me on instead of making me do some breathalyzer test. i half thought he would stop me coz i look like i'm an underaged driver but he didn't.... hai... such a letdown.. haha

klutz-y me forgot to close the car door properly and it swung wide open when i made a left turn! luckily there weren't any cars in the lane beside me otherwise i'd have been dead (figuratively)....

so that was my boring boring new year and i've got a whole long case to read for tutorial tomorrow.. which i haven't done yet. booorrrring...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:12:00 PM|

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