Sunday, March 27, 2005

upon showing her my tickets, my mum was amazed to realise that the grooooo and i were willing to pay $101 to watch the sound of music at the esplanade. and she was appalled when i told her that $101 was for one, not 2 tickets.
then she went into the usual stream of lamentations about how us young people nowadays just anyhow spend money on useless things etc etc blah blah
when SHE was the one who intro-ed me to sound of music when i was a little kid and got me hooked

sigh.. so sad..
nobody understands that it is the love of my life (except the grooo who by now must be sick of my incessant singing of the songs) and that there is practically no other show in the world that i would willingly fork out $100 for.

and suddenly i realised and am very afraid that i'd be disappointed when i watch it. even seeing the advertisements with different faces on it is kinda weird for me already... i'm so used to the movie that i don't know how i'll react to a maria who's not julie andrews... blah blah you all get the idea

and how on earth is the musical gonna portray what the movie does? how are they gonna bring across to me the beautiful austrian alpine scenery? the whole solemn 'religious' air of the convent? the lavish opulence of the captain's house? how how how? and i've been thinking about the scene where maria and the kids are on the boat in the lake and capsize. how on earth are they gonna show that?!

ahaha sorry for borring all of u but these are things that i've spent nights worrying about. sigh. lets just hope i'll be impressed. i want to be impressed and go home feeling happy and satisfied...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:59:00 PM|

Friday, March 25, 2005

the grooo and i!  Posted by Hello

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:54:00 AM|

anyway just to let everyone know.. fang will be away for the easter weekend and meanwhile she has given me full authority to log onto her msn and check her email and talk to anyone who talks to her
rather she wants me to do it.. i dunno why

so EVERYBODY if you would like to talk to me impersonating as fang please do come online and msg her. i can do a pretty decent job i think. and we shall have a fun time.. hehhehheh

and meanwhile she wants me to change my nick to 'fang makes me happy like nothing else can!!!'
but i'm sorry.. my mum taught me not to lie
and it's interesting to note that she categorizes herself together with other non-living objects..

ok i'm going mad

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:18:00 AM|

i am so so so tired and brain dead coz i had a 7 hour long LCS discussion this afternoon.. which lasted from 1pm till 7 plus! dunno how i managed to last thru it though, since my concentration span is notoriously and hopelessly short but yes i'm back now but i can't rest / slack coz my trusts assignment is due on monday and i know almost ZILCH about the topic


anyways my dad is in china now and throughout the day my mum forwarded his msgs to me which were mainly about how he misses her (and us). SO SWEEET! that's one side of my parents which i've never seen before coz they're not the openly affectionate kind but after reading those msgs i'm touched in a way i cannot explain.
i wonder if my mum misses my dad coz i think ever since they've been married they've never spent a night away from each other... no business trips, no holidays overseas without the other.. etc etc
and i wonder if her 'missing' is just like the way i felt when the grooooo went away.. it'd be so strange to imagine my mum going thru the same feelings and emotions i did.

anyway i hope he buys back a huge roast duck for the grooo and i


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:02:00 AM|

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

oh my gosh
and it's showing at the esplanade starting 8th april!
must book tix early! tonight! after i confirm with the groo

oh man i'm still overwhelmed
i can miss ANY show in the world but not this
-excited excited excited!-

hah my study mood which i worked so hard to build up is officially GONE
i can't stop thinking of the musical....

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:11:00 PM|

Thursday, March 17, 2005

it's amazing how i can, for days on end, have only one song playing continuously on repeat mode in my discman....
i love meguriai!
and tokyo cinderella story too but i watched it such a long time ago that i've forgotten most of it already

anywayS fang managed to get both of us (as in me and her) hooked on another mindless silly game again. -mahjong solitaire-. the msn version. and she had to start it during my public law tut somemore.. bah. it is really quite a stupid game but i sacrificed my lunch for it so then again i must be damn good. haha

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:56:00 PM|

Monday, March 14, 2005

just realised i haven't been writing for super long...
so i'm back to say a few words

and i just discovered that in my absence SOMEONE has been posting nasty things on my tagboard. IN MY NAME SOMEMORE! bah.

anyways trip to tasmania with family + a few days in melbourne with fang is almost almost 98% confirmed! yayyyyyyyyyy!

will miss the groo... but then again.. australia is the land of the grooooos so.... hmm..
manymany groooos there
heh heh
-evil grin-

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:12:00 PM|

Friday, March 04, 2005

just realized that there are restaurants / eating places which i'll always associate with certain friends coz we go there together frequently that they become, in my mind, sorta like 'our place'. argh can't really express it properly in words but nevermind.. i think you all will understand. =)

it's like i can't go to the wisma pizza place & coffee bean w/o thinking of char, can't eat at sakae w/o remembering fang, billy bombers reminds me of how shuhui and i used to skip lectures in jc to eat there, and of course lido feels wrong without the noisy bunch of rg friends around.
hah. maybe it's just me.

finally handed up the client letter at last... i foresee a relatively slack (meaning no big things due) week ahead so i guess it's time to catch up on my normal work which i've been neglecting for the past .. er.. 1/2 sem?

anyways ru.. hope yrou're much happier now that matters are settled and good. enjoyed the bitching part of the phone conversations with u.. well..yes.. even though i wish very much that the talks on the phone never took place coz well.. ya you know. they were the result of not very happy matters.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:36:00 PM|

Thursday, March 03, 2005

reply to jo:
oh no do i really seem that slack? i know i play alot and laze around often and stuff but i do work too! especially now that eujin's studying for midterms i'm at the yih study room everyday doing readings and stuff... hmm and during reading wk and exam time last term i was studying at pc cluster from 12noon to 2am everyday... slack meh?
hai.. guess i'm super last min.. wish i were more consistent though

what a letdown that the holland v xo fish head beehoon place was closed. boohoo
so almost all of us who went out especially for xo beehoon ended up eating other stuff...
nevermind.. shall go try my luck again soon

so much food i'm craving and want to eat NOW..
1) XO beehoon.. the GENUINE one
2) sakae [but somehow sakae's much nicer when fang's around...]
3) din tai feng's xiao long bao
4) crystal jade la mian xiao long bao
5) billy bombers cheese fries

xiuying's bday celebration at munchie tmr night to look forward to! as well as cake buying with danette at clementi.. haha the littlest things make me happy nowadays

and i'm still craving cheeeese friesss

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:20:00 PM|

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