Thursday, April 28, 2005

my penguin is the cutest pet ever! it's head will follow your cursor as it moves around it and if you just circle your mouse round and round its head it'll just go round and round together with you too!!!

and if you click on it it'll wobble a little and flap its wings... and if you 'push' it enough times eventually it'll just lose its balance and fall into the water and climb back up again

i love it sooooo much

and i'm afraid it'll be lonely... so i might get another one to accompany it
and ppl pls play with it and make it feel loved ok!


14 hours to freedom!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:32:00 AM|

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

"it would perhaps be apt to note aphorize that the idle and whimsical plaintiff, a dilettante who litigates for a lark, is a spectre which haunts the legal literature, not the courtroom. In the United States of America, where standing rules are relatively lax, it has been found that although the gates have been open there has been no flood...."

i was like "...." after reading this
of all the crappy judgments i've read these past few days this one made me open my eyes wide and smile
i'm amazed at how this kind of language manages to find its way into a legal judgment... in malaysia somemore!
but then the guy has an angmoh-ish name.. "abdoolcader j".. so maybe he's angmoh or sth like that and that would explain it all...
oh man i wish he'd come to singapore and write the singapore law reports... reading cases would be so much more fun..

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:11:00 PM|

despite the fact that it's the exam period and that i can't finish studying..
every day, the groo and i troop down faithfully to the communal hall at 445pm sharp for the hour-plus long daily bridge sessions.

talk about passion..
the inventer of this marvellous game must be smiling and giving us the thumbs-up in his grave

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:15:00 PM|

i adopted a penguin! =)
oops hope the groo won't be jealous since he seems to have something against penguins.....

anyway now looking back i think the name that i gave it is rather silly... just that it was standing on a block of ice.. plus i just had mocha iceblended earlier in the day... so.... it was given the unfortunate name of iceblended
this coupled with the fact that my mogu is called blueberry cheesecake just because it's blue..

woe betide my future kids if i'm to have the sole discretion of choosing their names..
they'll be the laughingstock of their friends
i can already foresee it...


28.5 hours more to the end of exams! =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:46:00 AM|

Monday, April 25, 2005

since i am so bored of studying freedom of speech, and since today is a special day, i shall indulge myself by taking a walk down memory lane.

1 year ago, the date was 25th april 2004
my exams had already ended several days before [while i'm still stuck here studying now!!! bah.]
i was in italy
in fact i'd already been in italy for 2 days
had visited the vatican city, sistine chapel, trevi fountain, piazza navona, spanish steps and whatnots

and if i'm not wrong 25th april 2004 was a sunday. i think - but i can't be sure - char and i went back to the vatican again.... did we? yes we did... we went to the flea market pasar malam thingy at the vatican busstop as well... where i bought lots of nonsense. and of course we had gelato too.. [which day DIDn't we have gelato? haha] it was freeezing and rainy and char's feet were aching..

but back in the hotel it was nice and warm and comfy...
and then the call came which led to the TOILET incident

haha shall not elaborate more
but anyway the whole point of this post is

happy 1st yr to us!

and the secondary point of this post is...
my life is SAD now compared to 1 yr ago....


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:02:00 PM|

alright... i've already resigned myself to the fact that there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY i can ever finish studying for public law on thursday.. this makes it extremely tempting to just shove everything aside and and play but i must persevere. it's getting increasingly harder to focus though.. =)

what makes it worse is that i have no idea how to study for it. the huge assortment of readings from the textbook, cases, straits times articles, miscellaneous long articles, parliamentary debates, letters to the UN etc etc etc does not help. what is important and whats not???!!! i'm going crazy.. and i need to read selectively coz obviously it'll take me weeks to finish the whole stack of stuff in front of me.

i think i'll have to devote a day to admin as well coz ive forgotten everything which i've done only 2 weeks ago.. which makes sense right since admin takes up 1/3 of the paper... sigh... am i becoming stupider or what? .. sometimes i half suspect that the hair conditioner i use is killing all my brain cells.


but here i am still happily engaging in time-wasting stuff like bloggggging. and staring at my maplestory wallpaper
old habits die hard..

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:01:00 PM|

Sunday, April 24, 2005

alrighty this is ossyria... another 'land' in maplestory which is only available for the koreans currently... bah... can't wait till it comes to the asian server! Posted by Hello

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:02:00 PM|

here are some of the maplestory monsters. i absolutely adore this picture... which is my current wallpaper as well! but it means that half my studying time is spent staring at it and dreaming of playing.. oops.. not good.. Posted by Hello

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:56:00 PM|

Saturday, April 23, 2005

ultimately, i still prefer writing out my notes even though this process is considerably slower than typing. i love the satisfaction of looking at sheets full of my own writing

and for the first time... i'm gonna admit publicly that "i'm in love with my own handwriting!" and that i've always been in love with it since sec sch *oops the big secret is out*

alrighty enough said bout this

unfortunately i think it's deproved (char i just know you're gonna say that there's no such word as 'deproved'.. but i need to use it to get my point across) a lot since then coz almost everything's done on my lappie now and somehow when i hold a pen the words just don't come out as nicely-shaped and aligned anymore. booohoooo.
but i dont care. i'm gonna write out ALL my public law stuff

ok back to writing!
*BIGHUG* for jo and *BIGHUG* for the groo too!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:46:00 AM|

Monday, April 18, 2005

sad as it is.. i must admit that the yih study room is beginning to feel like home
and i'm starting to enjoy waking up early in the morning, lugging all my stuff there, having a nice kaya toast + egg breakfast and settling down to study for the rest of the day + night

but how much i actually get done during the course of this 10++ hours is another matter

another thing i learnt --> it's not the place i study in that matters.... it's my mood. if i'm in my anti-studying mood (which lasted for the first 3 months of this sem) i can't do work anywhere.. not even in coffee bean.. then i just whine and blame it on the place. and now that i'm [FINALLY!] in my studying mood i can do work just about anywhere.. and enjoy it too

well lets just hope the mood lasts for the next 10 days..


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:11:00 PM|

Saturday, April 16, 2005

You Are 45% Normal

(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal...

Other things you do are downright strange

You've got a little of your freak going on

But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

How Normal Are You?

yesssssss! this settles it once and for all! i am officially certified as more normal (= less weird) than char.

sound of music in 7 hours time.. can't wait! =)
but in the meantime i gotta finish fraud & mistake first...


and i keep thinking of maplestory alllllll the time. somebody help me

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:04:00 PM|

Thursday, April 14, 2005

hoho i know i know!
if i really do become president...
i shall make the right to wake up late in the afternoon a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT! under the fundamental liberties sectionb and entrench it.

then in future law students will be studying art. 14A "Freedom of waking up late" in public law
i wonder what thio will make of it though... she'll probably slam it in every single lecture haha

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:22:00 PM|

oh my gosh malaysian judges are DAMN FUNNY!
i'm serious... never before have i ever laughed out loud while reading a case but it happened twice today...

ok 1st case
"XXX, who is no stranger in the field of constitutional litigation, at least in my court, with commendable zest and perhaps even out of a keen sense of indignation launched these proceedings..."

2nd case
"The respondent (and the court has been constantly reminded in these proceedings of his vocation as a fisherman though what his piscatorial pursuit has got to do with his standing to sue is beyond us) and other persons applied..."

hahaha.. damn funny can!


ok please tell me that you all at least smiled... or is it just me going nuts?....

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:26:00 PM|

waking up early in the morning (anytime before 11am) is such a horrible horrible CHORE. it doesn't matter how many hours of sleep i've had the previous night... i just hate not being able to laze around in bed knowing that i have all the time in the world ahead of me. it's even worse when i've woken up early just to study. somehow what little energy there already is in me just drains away and i end up walking around feeling light-headed and woozy and unable to concentrate on anything.
which defeats the whole purpose of waking up early anyway
so i really wonder why i even bother

now nighttime is a totally different story
i feel happy, invincible and in the mood for work. plus the weather is more cooling so i won't have to sit freezing my ass off in a cold room with other disgusting muggers
i think if i became the president of Singapore i'd make people work at night and sleep in the day
so everyone will be more productive

why can't the groo revert back to his old self? the one that would stay awake till 6am then sleep the rest of the day away? ... SIGH

i hate complaining. and i can't believe i'm complaining about complaining. haha.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:07:00 PM|

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

all you heard was silence, perhaps
silence between the carefully-weighed words
silence which nonetheless, vibrated with the intensity of emotions

emotions which you couldn't feel
or remained blatently oblivious to

so i chose to keep it all inside
hoping the fort would hold

yet as the call drew to a close
the weight was to much to bear
and so the dam finally broke
in an intense outpouring of grief and frustration


but perhaps you'll never know

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:55:00 PM|

Sunday, April 10, 2005

was watching the Pope's funeral at candice's place and i really really wished i could have gone for it. but anyway. somehow i feel as though i have no right to mourn him just because i'm not Catholic. so i don't really tell anyone that i'm upset.. coz they wouldn't understand anyway.

on another note i just feel like running away. from life. from stress. from bad moods. from the pile of work that i've to go through this coming 2 weeks. i'm such an escapist. at times like these i want to curl up in bed and sleep my days away and be pampered.
the alternative would be to go on a niccceee holiday somewhere =) . like to the caribbean. b
but damn my tasmania holiday isn't even confirmed yet coz the tour company won't even start a tour if there are less than 20 ppl.
how can i convince my parents to go free and easy?

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:21:00 PM|

Thursday, April 07, 2005

You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:06:00 AM|

Sunday, April 03, 2005

why is it so hard for me to focus on my work for more than 10 minutes at a time?
why am i so mood-based such that i can only work when i'm in a happy mood?
why do i have such a horrible temper?

relatively good day today. got some stuff done. MOU is surprisingly easy to compile and won't, (as i had previously expected) take up my entire night.
introduced the groo to the wonders of powerpoint. welcome to the club.. you're 8 years late.

great shopping spree yesterday. love my new slippers, bag & tees. din tai feng was good too... but was bankrupted in the late-night monopoly game.. ='(

i'm surprised that his death saddens me so..
i've never been upset over the deaths of public figures nor victims of disasters. frankly i never really cared.

and when i told the groo about his passing.. this is the response i got
"what is the pope?"


i want to cry

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:17:00 PM|

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*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:26:00 PM|

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