Tuesday, May 31, 2005

the guys Posted by Hello

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:54:00 AM|

class gathering.. dinner.. whatever.. - the girls Posted by Hello

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:53:00 AM|

the class - record turnout for such short (1 day) notice =) Posted by Hello

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:45:00 AM|

post dessert pic-snapping frenzy Posted by Hello

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:44:00 AM|

with the soft toys outside nydc! =) Posted by Hello

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:42:00 AM|

Thursday, May 26, 2005

what i love about holidays are the long lazy hours stretching endlessly ahead of me, the days that somehow blend into one another such that i never really know which day it is & the sense of timelessness it brings. the passage of time is no longer measured by days or hours, but by the natural rhythm and instincts of my body and senses. i sleep when i feel like it and i eat when i'm hungry. the wee hours of the night are spent wandering about the house in a dreamy daze.. just because it pleases and soothes me. such is my life... so simple.. so primitive.

days are marked by the levels gained in maplestory, the tracks spinning in my discman and the pages of the novels i thumb through. and
occassionally when the need arises, i venture out into the real world - the world i seem to have willingly abandoned these holidays - the world of movies, dazzling city lights, crowded shopping centres or more appropriately.. the world of material and temporary sensory pleasures. and always, at the end of the day, i'm glad to retreat back into my quiet world.

and so life goes on all around me... vibrant and pulsating.. while i choose to remain oblivious to it all. man may find life on mars, a cure for aids may be developed or wall street may crash, but i won't give a damn. contentment can only be found within oneself, by looking inwards, and not outwards and i need to shut myself up to hopefully rid myself of the restlessness and unhappiness that have been plaguing me.
until 2 months later when the inevitable will have to happen...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:43:00 AM|

Monday, May 16, 2005

going over to jb for dinner later.. yesssssssss! athough this is scant consolation for the cancelled aussie trip but i shall just have to make do with whatever comes my way i guess...
good thing is we're almost confirmed going to china in dec coz my picky bro only wants to go to tasmania in winter ($&%^ mumble mumble grumble grumble) but i don't care i'm just happy that i'll be off somewhere on a plane again

i'm reading this book by an italian journalist detailing his year's worth of land travels in asia and i'm so inspired to visit indochina now! and experience the still tranquil and spiritual way of life there before it all gets swallowed up by modernization in a few years' time. speaking of less-travelled places.. i want to visit the middle east, africa, the carribean and south america too instead of europe & the US & japan where everyone flocks to... and yes i must take the trans-siberian railway as well!

but then again the grooo's idea of a nice holiday is just somewhere where you can shop and eat good food. BAH. how boring can that be...

i've realised that i'm much more cautious & i dunno... afraid? now... no longer as impulsive and reckless as i used to be. it may be a good thing objectively.. but i'm not sure i like it very much.
being alone at dark places in the dead of the night puts a certain amount of fear into me now which is definitely NOT how it used to be.. and it's not fear of the supernatural, but of what .. bad.. things might happen. maybe it's my mum's years of caution and nagging finally getting to me
and after the nus-scaffolding-which-almost-killed-the-groo-and-i incident i still shudder and remember it whenever i hear thunder. i still do love thunderstorms i guess.. but there's no longer any love without reservations after this experience

this is sad
i dont like the way i'm turning out
but there's really nothing i can do about it i guess...?

and my fellow weird friends will probably tag me and say that i'm weird again

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:42:00 PM|

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

my room is one HUGE mess yet the last thing i want to do is start clearing it all up.. there's barely enough space for me to even walk as there are plastic bags of stuff covering almost every inch of the floor and last night after switching off the lights i had to stumble and trip over piles of stuff before reaching my bed.
and half of my bed is filled with my junk too .. thank god it's a queen sized bed or else i might as well just migrate to the sofa to spend the night.

i'm starting to seriously think about paying someone (my brother maybe .. heh) to clear up my stuff for me before my parents start screaming about it everyday but then i'm broke......

fang.. i'm beginning to comprehend a teeny weeny bit why you hate packing so much
i think i hate unpacking just as much as u hate packing

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:48:00 PM|

Monday, May 09, 2005

the walls and shelves stripped bare, our home for the past year now looks no different from the 100 or so other rooms around it
nothing left, nothing to remind us of all the time spent in it
waking up in each others arms
late night talks
playing with the kids
pre-bedtime study sessions
instant mashed potato and cup noodle suppers
the joy, laughter and tears shed.
the last 2 days passed by too quickly

a last lingering glance, a final look around
before i shut the door.

but as the groo will say... why look back on a short period of time when we have our whole lives ahead of us?

on another note.. wenshan's 21st bday bbq was a blast =) didn't bring my camera so check out diana's and joanne's blogs for the pics!

anyway after the entire fuss over me supposedly losing my keys, after lots and lots of nagging and grumbling from mum and searching through all the bags and bags of stuff i lugged home from hall and after the locksmith was called ....

i found them.
in my wardrobe.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:54:00 AM|

Monday, May 02, 2005

post-exams have been good so far even though most of my time has been spent accompanying the groo to study for his last 2 papers...
but i'm contented here too and there's no end of things to do even though i'm stuck in the ise lab / yih study room

1) play maplestory!!! (right now i have a total of 2 accounts and 3 characters to play with so that takes up like 80% of my waking time) .. but it's bad coz it distracts the groo from his mugging and he'll take over my laptop at times to play.. like what is happening NOW!

2) play random mindless nonsensical online games like shape shifter, mahjong solitaire, kill the care bears thingy..

3) blog surf which is a must-do every day

3) watch my poirot vcds

4) READ.. this one i've been neglecting ever since the hectic rush of assignments and whatnots started, and after i finished the whole stack of books the groo got me for my birthday. ok i need to go to the library.. tomorrow hopefully =)

5) and of course tea + bridge!

hmm ok shall start making plans for tmr..
but i must confess i'm getting a little sick of holidays.. ALREADY..
someone just whack me on the head so i can come to my senses

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:09:00 PM|

this post-exam period is another of those times where i just want to turn antisocial and hermit-ish and coop myself up somewhere to play maplestory all day. and bridge maybe.. if there are people who want to play with me

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:01:00 PM|

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