Tuesday, June 28, 2005

the parents are worried and upset about my bro's complete lack of interest in his studies and their dismal mood is getting to me as well.
i want to talk to him and hopefully talk some sense into him but how can i do it when i've hardly even seen him awake the past few days?
yes it's his jc common test wk and all he does is shut himself up in the room and sleeeeeeep.
c'mon.. even though i was slack and busy with canoeing in jc at least i did try to study when exams were around the corner

but then again.. i've learnt frm experience that if someone really can find no motivation for studying, no amount of talking / encouraging / preaching will do any good.. rather.. something big has to happen to wake him up from his lazy slumber.. he has to somehow find the drive within himself.
so when will it be?
argh i hate seeing my parents so worried all the time

troubled troubled troubledddddd

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:38:00 PM|

Sunday, June 26, 2005

i am extremely happy about the fact that school will be starting tomorrow for the pri/sec/jc kids. firstly i get to have the whole laptop to myself again (most of the time at least) and secondly.. maplestory will be EMPTY for most of the day and wee hours of the night! finally. i'm getting sick and tired of trying to find an empty channel to play in, having to ask others if i can share, and having others coming in to share with me...

and to all those who are concerned: yes.. the groo and i are as hooked onto maplestory as ever even after a glorious 7 months. i'm just taking a short break today to clear up misc stuff and have fun before i start playing like a madman again tonight

watching initial D later... yes please dont roll your eyes.. i'm equally disgusted. it's HIM who wants to catch it and since he's been very nicely accomodating my requests for arty farty movies which bore him half to death i figure i should do my part too and sit through this (which i might enjoy in the end) even though i've already yawned and fidgeted my way through countless 'his' movies like kung fu. alexander. troy. vin diesel. harry potter.
yup i'm pretty sure there are many more.. just that they have been stowed away in a corner of my mind where all horrible things go and can't be recalled easily.

anyways. i'm off to maple a little in the meantime.
bye everyone

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:53:00 PM|

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

With the passing of the Wet the sea has lost its bloodlike heat and he often lies there just to feel the cool passage of water across his ravaged skin. He lies face down with his eyes open to see the sleep-waves of the sandy bottom. He watches the shadow of his own head as it travels across the white sand in its aura of radiating ripples. He holds his breath, sees himself winged, fluid, twice the size he feels Dirt Music -- Tim Winton

what breathtakingly lovely language.
i wish i could write half as beautifully

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:44:00 AM|

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