Friday, July 22, 2005

i'm so happy... i got all my 1st choice modules! which are

personal property law
credit and security
carriage of goods by sea


evidence & procedure which is compulsory

my timetable is super light even though i've a 5 day wk. i've only got 1 lesson (1-2 hrs) each day except wed when i have two 1 1/2 hr ones

but it also means i have 4 written papers at the end of the sem which is badddd.. can foresee myself not having time to finish studying.. hmm.. well we shall see how it goes

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:57:00 PM|

Sunday, July 17, 2005

ohhhh my gosh i actually got a place in rh thru the waiting list. had no idea osa functions so effectively
now apart from being overjoyed i need to figure out how to break the news to my parents


anyway darlie has come up with this weird green tea flavoured toothpaste. it tastes real bad when i'm brushing my teeth but the aftertaste is quite nice. i think i'd probably like it quite a bit once i get used to it

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:44:00 PM|

Friday, July 15, 2005

i can't believe it. i woke up, switched on my laptop, all ready to maple when i saw the notice that there'd be a system maintenance frm 2-330pm. i look at my clock and it says 150pm. BAH. thanks a lot man.

and meanwhile the top 10 cleric goal is getting further and further out of reach. the person at 10th spot is lvl 66 while i'm at 61 only. BAH again. how on earth do these *beep* schoolkids manage to find so much time to play?! i know of my cousin's friend.. who plays maple thruout the night and sleeps in school. [yeah now char maybe you'll cease to be amazed by me after u read about this crazy fanatic] while i just happily laze around in bed, go out every day, and get slightly sick of maple after 2-3 hrs every night. [i say it's coz the groo's not playing with me and tt's why i get bored so easily] . yeah i know what everyone's gonna say... i'm never gonna attain my goal with this kinda attitude. whatever. i still choose to cling on to the faint hope that i will...

anyways i'm off... to find something to amuse myself with for the next 1 1/2 hrs

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:07:00 PM|

had a great time today with the girls!

and something hilarious happened.. when fang and i were buying tix for six (the thai horror movie).. the guy at the counter at cine asked as if we wanted couple seats... COUPLE SEATS!!!
haha oh wells... it seems quite funny now in retrospect but i was half amused half weirded out half insulted at that time. did he seriously think we were lesbian or what??!! argh. ok anyway if you guys are interested.. we did NOT take the couple seats in the end k

hmm since i'm on the topic of lesbianism... it's suddenly occured to me tonight that i might finally understand why some gals are les and why it might be rather nice to be les. for one -- the emotional aspect. who to better understand a gal's emotional needs than another girl? lets face it man.. girls are definitely more sensitive, caring and understanding than most guys. [like helloooo.. some guys i know absolutely freak out when a girl cries in front of them] and those guys who are sensitive enough are mostly gay anyway.
i'm not saying that i'll turn les anytime soon though..

well anyway we had dessert at the jap restaurant at esplanade. my 1st time there and i love it!
jap food is really an art to me -- i love the care and effort that goes into the preparation of the food -- i love the presentation [think those exquisite desserts] -- and i love the ambience of that place =) the lighting was romantically dim but not too dark.. the booth was spacious yet cozy and the food was goooooooood .. though we only had peas + dessert .. haha
i love it
ok i'm going to bring the groo there soon but it'll also mean that we won't get the booth seats coz there'll be only 2 of us...
which will definitely spoil the experience somewhat coz the booths make the ambience fantastic

but whatever.. we'll see how..

k back to maplestory!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:18:00 AM|

Monday, July 11, 2005

i am dead tired. drained. exhausted.

the sun this morning was merciless, even at 9am. and i bore the brunt of it for 4.4km because there were no trees at all to provide shade (and they still dare call it a park..) and also because i lazed about in bed for an extra hour after i was supposed to have been out and running. but nvm.. i think the 8am sun wasn't any different

then i came home only to find out that the jb shopping trip had been cancelled =(
and that they were planning to go to east coast...
omg more sun again
but it was fun anyways.. had a great time! =)

though i now have a killer sun-induced headache and feel feverish (due to acute tired-ness) i am still gonna chiong maplestory the whole night right after i'm done with this post.
yes the maple fever is back now that i have a goal - to get on the top 10 highest lvl clerics list
which just might be possible if i'm consistent over the coming wk and dont slack AT ALL
but then again... it might take a whole lot longer considering that i've plans for every single day of the wk
i dont care i'm gonna do it somehow

4 days till the groo comes back. it's hard. the past wk was hard, making me wonder how exchange couples manage it -- spending months apart must be the worst thing ever. but its getting easier... just gotta pack my days with stuff.. lotsa stuff to take my mind off the absence.

actually all i want to do now is sink into bed and sleeeeeep
but i must achieve my maple goal... persevere!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:10:00 PM|

Friday, July 01, 2005

after 3 weeks of endless pigging out, lazing about, sitting infront of the lappy exercising only my fingers and the occassional trip to town, the groo and i FINALLY went running.
you'd think that after almost 10++ wks of thrice-a-week runs, a 3 wk break wouldn't affect us that badly
it was HORRIBLE today. honestly. my legs felt like they were made of lead, i was panting like a dog and when the groo stopped to do chinups i thankfully sank down onto the nearest seat available and refused to budge.

lesson learnt...
i'll never be so lazy anymore coz having to get back my fitness from zero is absolutely torturous.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:04:00 AM|

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