Sunday, August 28, 2005

my kids and i! in the grooo's messy room Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:30:00 PM|

flowerr Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:26:00 PM|

i love this flower! Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:26:00 PM|

i like the shimmery effect! Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:24:00 PM|

the lurvely desserts Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:23:00 PM|

group shot! i love the booth seat btw.. it's super cozy =) Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:22:00 PM|

chilling out at a german-ish pub at millenia walk Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:20:00 PM|

silly face  Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:19:00 PM|

finally.. a sane-er shot Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:18:00 PM|

Friday, August 26, 2005

looook! jo took this at a shop in norway! =) Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:32:00 PM|

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

argh i'm sick and apparently panadol doesn't work on me anymore. had like 8 in the last 24 hours but the fever has never subsided, nor has the aching gone away. the groo says i'm 'burning hot' and my mum suspects i might have dengue

heh come to think of it... i don't really mind spending the next few days lying in a hospital bed, watching tv and reading endlessly and being waited on hand and foot. the only thing i'll kinda miss is the bridge sessions at tea. haha.. the groo will kill me though if he ever reads this.

alrighty that's about all...
shall put up the pics from char's bday soon.. after i get my memory stick reader from home =)

and I"M SO JEALOUS! the groooo bought himself a brand new IBM!!! shites man and during personal prop yesterday i was sitting next to joan who was using a powerbook and thatsb it.. i couldn't pay attention anymore. was just scheming about how to get myself one and i figured that if i trade in my existing lappie and take a $1000 loan i just might be able to afford one.. umm.. after chinese new yr nxt year, that is. ok i'm gonna save like crazy from today on and hope i get lotsssssssss of angpaos. heh.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:22:00 PM|

Sunday, August 21, 2005

back from hall bash. which i thought was pretty ok.. one of the better bashes i've been to.. but i'm surprised that so many people think otherwise. the groo thought it was bad -- he didn't like the music and i overheard 2 girls in the toilet complaining about everything from the b0uncers to the music to the place. hmm whatever. maybe i can't really judge coz i haven't been to that many bashes anyway

seems like rh is becoming a super unsafe place nowadays -- besides the peeping tom incidents in my block, i just heard from the groo about how campus security caught someone who'd been stealing things from blk 3 residents. yup. the peeping tom has gotten everyone in my block very edgy. suddenly we realise how vulnerable we are... i mean.. compared to the super secure pgp and kr and sheares, rh really has absolutely minimal security. zero even. in the dead of the night there's nothing stopping anyone from walking down the engine slope and entering any of the blocks' toilets and hiding in there. and there's a 90% chance that you won't meet a single soul along the way.
which is probably why rh blk 6 attracted that f*ing guy 2 nights ago.
and since the main door of the girls' toilets can't be locked, the boyfriends of the block have taken to guarding the toilet entrance while their girlfriends bathe. yup. and i feel really bad about getting back so late last night, while groo, who had training early this morn had to stay up to watch the toilet while i bathed. i tried to rush through my bath.. but i think i still took a freaking long time (by guys' standards). luckily groo had jenson and sf to accompany him during his 'guard duty'. haha thanks peeps =)

i remember how danette and i used to leave our room door unlocked virtually 24-7 for the whole year but nothing ever got stolen. in fact i'd never ever imagined that my stuff were in danger of getting stolen. i used to bathe alone really late at night too ... 5am sometimes.. in the most secluded gal's toilet in the block (which is where the recent incident took place i think)
things are so different now. the cubicle doors in the toilet always swing shut even when the cubicles themselves are empty and now whenever i walk into the toilet i wonder if anyone is hiding inside. i always think i should check every cubicle before bathing but then i don't do it coz i won't know what to do if i gingerly push open a door and someone springs out at me. i think i'll die of fright. and just now before going back to my room i half thought that someone would be lying in wait for me inside. in the darkness. even though logically i knew that was impossible coz my door was locked. i can't even bathe in peace now coz i keep looking up expecting to see a pair of eyes looking down at me and when i dont see anyone i wonder if there are any secret cameras hidden somewhere, recording all the activity in the cubicles.

argh. this is crazy. wonder what the hall is gonna do about it.. the bfs can't be guarding the toilets every day for the next 2 years of their lives right. we'll see... maybe after awhile everyone will start getting lax again... until the next incident happens

ok i'm getting sleeeeeeeeepy. had quite abit to drink just now (which is probably peanuts compared to what the guys had) . yes they had a huge drinking party along the corridor 2 doors down frm the groos room and it was crazy. reeeally crazy. groo's room still stank of alcohol when we got back. anyway i have a new fav cocktail... introduced by tweety. he mixed malibu [coconut rum] together with orange and pineapple juice and its heavenly. it tastes very strongly of coconut which i absolutely love and apparently it goes by the name of 'mai tai' in bars. what a huge coincidence... at the german place last night with char and jo i was actually contemplating trying a 'mai tai' coz it sounded intriguing. shikes.. i should have done so.
anyway... i'm off to sleep. can't believe i've written so much..

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:54:00 AM|

Thursday, August 18, 2005

living in hall is akin to being stuck in a news / current affairs vaccum (since i don't watch the news and only read the papers like.. twice per week) so i only learnt about the impending move to make VS a co-ed school from my bro's msn nick.

so in all their patriotic fervour, the VS guys, both the alumni and present batch, have started a petition against tbhis move; their msn nicks all begin with [sons of victoria], followed by some statement of outrage at the incredulity of it all.

ok just to clarify... i have not read any news on it, so i don't know if it is gonna happen in the near future, in the foreseeable future, if its only in the planning stage, or if some minister or whoever merely mentioned that it'd be a good idea to make VS co-ed. but whatever the situation is, frankly i think the mere idea of is ridiculous.

at first i was a little defensive .. like 'helloooo what is so wrong with having girls around? are we so repulsive and repugnant that you can't tolerate sharing your school with us?"
but then again i empathize totally with them... coming from an all-girls school myself.

a century or so of tradition cannot be broken so easily. there is something special about being in a single sex school; i've always believed that you get the opportunity to bond and grow up together with your fellow 'sisters' or 'brothers' to a degree that is not achievable in co-ed schools, often forging solid friendships that will last for life.

what if tomorrow it's announced in the news that RGS will start taking in guys as well? (which is quite impossible coz there's already RI.. the school name will also have to be changed, but just for discussion's sake)
i think: ohmygod. OVER MY DEAD BODY. that's an idea i absolutely refuse to entertain. RGS will never be the RGS we all love and think fondly of and feel so much for. [as it is, i think its already changed so much ever since carmee lim left =( . but i digress] and i know that most, if not all rafflesians feel the way i do. i can imagine all of us rafflesians, past and present, coming together once again, united in our love for our alma mater, showing our tremendous spirit and petitioning, demonstrating, going on hunger strikes (haha) just to save RG from that terrible fate.

ok enough about RGS. i'm sure everyone from a single sex school will understand why i was passionate enough about this issue to go on that long rant. so if you're horrified at the thought of the same fate befalling your school / alma mater ... just imagine how the victorians must be feeling now! alright.. so if you're bothered enough .. go take a look at the VS petition [there's a link to it from this VS site -] and sign it if you want to. (i'm not sure if non-VS guys can sign it though.....) shucks. just go check it out lah and show your support

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:35:00 PM|

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

alright .. some last words on this entire lost laptop fiasco .. and then this topic shall be permanently closed, never to be re-opened.

1) i'm actually very contented now at having my lappie back; and after using it the entire night. the powerbook-to-be seldom enters my thoughts anymore.. but i know that the next laptop i ever buy will be a powerbook

2) the thing i'm most relieved about (and char you should be glad about this too) is that i managed to salvage what's left of my italy photos (which sadly isn't much). but i've burnt them onto a cd already so hopefully i dont lose them anymore

3) there are so many people i need to thank
3a) jo and her family for keeping me in their prayers and for their concern. really girl.. i'm really touched and grateful

3b) the kind soul of course... who care of my laptop and gave it a home when it was probably feeling extremely lost and miserable

3c) the grooooo for rushing out of class to accompany me immediately after hearing the bad news and offering to get me a powerbook even after my laptop had been found... but aiyah.. can't take advantage of him like that lah.. so i sadly said no.

3d) and all the law school and hall friends for their concern and well wishes and everything else and for making me feel like a minor celebrity on friday =)

okays that's all!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:24:00 PM|

Monday, August 15, 2005

life is cruel

just when i'd spent the whole weekend fantasizing about my new powerbook, i had to receive a mail on sunday night from a kind soul who found my laptop, switched it on to look for indications as to its owner, saw my nus user id and smartly decided to mail me.


honestly i'm not the least bit happy that i'm getting my laptop back. maybe a little relieved but still....

over the weekend i felt like i'd lost an old cranky toshiba but was getting a powerbook in return. now it feels like i've lost a brand new powerbook in return for an old cranky toshiba instead. i think i looked so downcast that the groo offered to buy me a powerbook all the same. i dunno if he was really serious about it; he probably would've bought it if i'd said yes... but thankfully i had the sane-ness and common sense to say no.

my heart aches.
i hope my toshiba gets a virus and dies or something.
and the sooner the better

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:13:00 AM|

Sunday, August 14, 2005

i lost my laptop on friday.

shall not go into details here since most people know the full story already and i'm sick of repeating it again after having told it to what seems like a million people already. all i can say is .. yes it is my f*ing fault; just a moment of carelessness was all it took and i know that it's inexcusable.. blah blah blah. but in all seriousness, i'd be able to blog on my very own laptop now (instead of having to resort to using the groo's when he's away) if the photocopy room lady had just that leeetle bit more sense in her to keep it somewhere safe or at least hand it over to the library counter lost and found when she saw it lying unattended on the chair beside her. instead she asked all the people coming into the photocopy room if it was theirs. thanks ah. that was probably what induced the person who took it to take it.


what happened is history and should be left as history. yes my parents were probably extremely pissed off but they gave me a surprisingly easy time over it. no raised voices, just words that showed their disappointment and xin-tong-ness in my lack of ability to take care of my stuff. i'm not really that sad either and probably a lot less guilty than i should be because i am too busy looking forward to purchasing my new

powerbook G4!

yayyyyyyyy =)

i have never ever kept secret the fact that i hated my sucky toshiba laptop and desired a powerbook and now it seems like by a miraculous turn of fate .. my dream is coming true! ahaha i'm so excited that i can't stop grinning at myself like a silly idiot now and i'm so absolutely looking forward to tomorrow. the groo's getting himself a new laptop too so its double joy =)
this calls for a huge celebration. i should give myself a day off from doing work today ...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:46:00 PM|

Thursday, August 11, 2005

i really must start eating less now.. my tummy is growing at an alarming rate yet i'm doing nothing about it.. i've gone on countless 'eat-moderately' sprees before but always after about a week or so of having just 3 regular meals a day i start thinking that its time to reward myself and start giving in to my numerous cravings (which not surprisingly consist of extremely unhealthy food like pasta, cheese cheese cheese more cheese, chips, prata, bubble tea blah blah blah)... and then i have to start all over again. hell.. i've gone vegetable-less for 2 years and counting already (which i don't feel guilty about) and i seriously can't remember the last time i had fruits excluding my apple juice during lunch today (this i feel slightly guilty about coz i actually do like some fruits.. just that i don't make the effort to eat them) and given this sad state of affairs i must be really thankful that i do not suffer from constipation nor vitamin deficiencies

and staying in hall just equates to having temptations everywhere. there are always biscuits and cup noodles waiting in the cupboard, supper at comm hall, fong seng a 15 min walk away and lately the groo and i have taken to going to clementi for dinner practically everyday [so much for our money saving plans] .. but i'm not complaining.

anyway after clementi last night the blk 6 peeps all came over with snacks and whatnots which i gleefully helped myself to and we all had a hilarious time playing both polar bear and mafia till almost 230 am and made so much noise that we had to be told to shut up by the rf. heh. if i had my way i'd love having such room sessions every night; bridge sessions would do as well and i certainly wont mind horror movies late at night too but no .. people are starting to study already and will be much more busy once tutorials start and as for myself .. i already have about a 1000++ pages worth of notes sitting on my table (i am NOT kidding) of which i've touched like maybe... 10 pgs?

and i've been receiving puzzling messages from fang all evening which i can't make head or tail of... which is worrying me a little.. eh quick get home get online and tell me whatsup man. omg.

ok i'm going to run

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:59:00 PM|

Monday, August 08, 2005

this is the first night in manymanymany nights that i'm feeling sleepy at 1147pm. FINALLY i'll get to fall asleep at a decent time and wake up before noon tmr. tossing and turning in bed trying in vain to fall asleep must be the worst experience ever. and lately, when i have to wake up early the next day i start getting all stressed out about having to sleep early, and when i fail to fall asleep i get even more stressed out, which makes me even more awake and even more stressed out. sometimes i can even feel my heartbeat increasing out of sheer panic at not being able to sleep. and so the vicious cycle continues....

on the topic of sleep.. i've been having really violent bloody gross dreams lately. and they're not nightmares... i kinda like them in fact.

a particularly good one [and by good i mean it really felt REAL. i could practically taste the metallic smell of blood in the air and etc etc] involved a group of friends and i stumbling upon a huge underground cave stinking of rot and neglect [the atmosphere was not unlike the abandoned mansions in sentosa which law uses for its fright nights]. there were a few caretakers stumbling around there and we proceeded to butcher them all.. with axes, knives, & whatever weapons we could get our hands on. the highlight was when i dipped my finger into the ends of their severed heads where blood was still flowing freely and then proceeded to smear blood all over the white walls, writing all the obscenities i could think of. and coz the people there had defaeceated and peed in their pants out of sheer terror, we smeared their poo and pee all over the floor as well. now when i close my eyes i can still picture everything and smell the stink in the air.. and i remember enjoying the dream immensely. the only nightmarish part of it came at the end.. when we heard police car sirens in the distance and were frantically looking for a place to hide and i was panicking coz i knew my fingerprints were all over the place and i didn't want my law career to end before it'd even started

and then another night.. there were 2 dreams in a row where i was in a tiny prison cell watching someone being beheaded. the executioner just sliced his knife (or whatever) right through the neck and blood was spurting all over the place and i was just staring in morbid fascination

i love my dreams. they allow me to somewhat vicariously experience stuff that i'd probably never go through in my life. i love my wonderful imagination too, for that matter. and i think i've an underlying fascination with death since most of my dreams invariably centre around various forms

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:46:00 PM|

Sunday, August 07, 2005

some part of my life recently came to light to a friend who had apparently been in the dark for a year who was shocked by it. not that i'm embarassed about it or whatever.. in fact i've always been very open to the people around me knowing about my life. but somehow that night i was uncomfortable about her knowledge. maybe her religiousness and moral uprightness intimidates and unnerves me a little.


and later. both of us alone. the subject wasn't touched on but i felt like i was silently being judged. could sense the subtle disapproval in her manner. and for some reason i've been brooding over it since that day. i don't like being judged.

f**k. i'm letting this silly little incident bother me more than it should.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:34:00 PM|

Saturday, August 06, 2005

the sun nowadays is a killer. 2 hours of it + being packed with many many icky sticky bodies in the stuffy white tent was enough to make me feel like i was gonna black out anytime. it was so bad that even the caucasians who normally love the sun were taking refuge under the shelter too. how on earth did i manage to train endlessly under the sun and still kinda love it (the sun i mean.. NOT the training) last time?

speaking of training... i finally met up with the girls for dinner to celebrate danette's & joanne's bday + jo's farewell after what seemed like forever. the company was fantastic but the place & food were so-so. the fried fish and fruit salad we ordered took so long to come that we were joking about them going to catch the fish and pluck the fruit only after we'd placed our orders.

rice table is sooo overrated and overhyped. seriously.

anyway i am freaking drained out. but my mind is still awake and i refuse to succumb to the temptation of an afternoon nap coz i need to tune my body clock back to normal. i can't still be lying on the bed at 5am trying to fall asleep when school starts next wk... which is what's happening frequently now.. HELP!

and guess what.. after several days of proclaiming to almost everybody in hall that the premier league season would be starting this sat (TODAY) with the charity shield and jio-ing ppl out to watch together... the groooo finally discovered that .. ta-da.. the much anticipated match is tomorrow instead.. not today. haha. what a let-down for him.. not that i'm complaining though.. afterall we'll get to watch the orientation finale tonight and end off the weekend perfectly by catching the game at some coffeeshop tomorrow night

ok i'm off to do more stuff that will prevent me from napping. like vacuuming (vacuumming? .. damn the word still looks wrong) my white table which has collected lotsa dust even though i vacuumed it last night -grrr- and writing out the groo's timetable for him.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:57:00 PM|

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