Friday, September 30, 2005

the RH peeps at the singapore handball open.. look at yk's ultra-xian look...  Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:37:00 PM|

jo said that the groo is huge compared to me  Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:35:00 PM|

the groo and jenson vs team KL Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:33:00 PM|

the groo and jenson again Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:31:00 PM|

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

ooh guess what... i slept 12 hours last night! of course with the predictable result that i missed my only class today. actually i didn't really miss it... it was a conscious effort not to go. and i'm beyond feeling guilty since all i do there is attempt to listen for 15 mins and stone the rest of the 1hr 45 mins away.

anyway the groo is down with food poisoning. hur hur... look what happens when you're too cheapo and decide on a steamboat place which offers steamboat + 1 free drink + free transport too and from marina bay mrt all for 10 bucks.

and whenever he's sick he'll never fail to give me that sad puppy-dog look and say in all seriousness that he might not be able to last the night, and if he does die, to take good care of the kids and bring them up well and to take his money and buy a powerbook and tour the world and be happy. and i'll say yea whatever.. fat hope.. coz i'll just use his money to construct him a grand tombstone and memorial and then i'll just sit by his grave and mope and waste away until its time for my own funeral as well. it's become a ritual already i think... saying such things to each other and deriving some sick perverse satisfaction from it. but sometimes it just strikes me.... what if it really happens? ... then i start feeling like ..............

ok i need to get back to my assignment! can foresee that i'm going to exceed the word limit by lots and lots...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:08:00 PM|

Monday, September 26, 2005

i've finally recovered from my almost 1 wk long bout of sickness... which was frankly quite hellish. i've never ever been sick for so many days before and somewhere in the middle i began to wonder if i'd ever be able to feel okay and happy and normal again.

i still maintain that it was the stupid centennial run which took place in the rain that triggered off my fever.. but for several agonizing days my mum was so afraid that i was down with dengue coz 2 sundays ago she killed a mosquito which was happily drinking my blood and saw white spots on its legs. thank god it wasn't. i can't imagine having to do my evidence paper in hospital. as it is... i've already wasted my entire mid-term break away just sleeping and lazing around with the result that now i'm still as behind as ever in my work. not that i'd ever for one moment imagined that i'd be able to clear my backlog in 5 days..... but still...

i just wish the week will be over soon. i dont even know what time the evidence question is coming out, nor whether it'll be a hypo or essay. freak la. plus i get the honour of having to present the longest case in the syllabus (i think) for carriage class on thurs. no kidding. it's EIGHTY-THREE freaking pages long, DOUBLE-COLUMNED, FONT SIZE 10. and it was decided in 2004 somemore, which means it's probably too recent to have made it into the textbooks, and WHICH MEANS i can't just lift stuff off from the txtbk to present. freeeeeeak.

and i'm not done yet. i stupidly carelessly left my phone charger and pencil case at home. and now i have to switch off my phone to make my battery last 5 days because my phone is of some god-forsaken model and i'm pretty sure no one in the entire RH has a charger i can borrow.


i want to dig a hole to hide in for the next 5 days.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:01:00 AM|

Monday, September 19, 2005

contemplating each other's existence  Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:36:00 PM|

up close and personal... ahhh i'm so in love with my guin!  Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:35:00 PM|

finally got my new skin up after hours of tweaking. but tagboard and flooble still keep screwing me up. whatever. i can't be bothered anymore.

anyway congrats to the singapore male handball team who beat hongkong in the 3rd-4th playoffs to come in 3rd behind taiwan and vietnam! heh the groo had previously gone on and on about how strong the hk team was so i was kinda surprised when sg managed to take a 4 goal lead on them right at the start of their group stage match. turns out the team here was only their university team.. not the national team. haha no wonder we managed to beat them twice. taiwan was truly truly good. .a cut above the rest and i was super impressed by them. they seem to be able to score from any angle on court and the players can jump so high they can literally fly in from the wings to the middle of the court to score. impressive.

oh and guess what. the silly groo put his slippers into the washing machine to wash. and while they were spinning around in there he finally realised that it wasn't a very good or wise idea. so he sheepishly went to stop the machine and take them out and was so mortified that someone walked into the toilet just at that moment and saw him retrieving his poor slippers from the wash.

plus.. in another moment of pure kid-inspired brilliance, the groo decided to experiment and see if the fish in the rh fish tank would be afraid of my penguin, since penguins eat fish. so he walked close to the tank, hiding my penguin behind his back, and suddenly whipped it out from behind him and pressed it to the glass of the tank and made it move around. and all the fish in front of my guin shot away immediately as if a shark was after them. and the groo did it several times, enjoying the fish swimming away in fright at the sight of my guin. and he was so happy after that coz he'd proven his theory that fish are afraid of penguins.

the groo so never fails to surprise and amuse me.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:03:00 AM|

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

super bored in class so i'm looking through my photos... i miss venice!  Posted by Picasa

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:04:00 PM|

Sunday, September 11, 2005

i've just spent the better part of the wee hours of the night thumbing through my brother's guidebook on alaska and i must say that that place is really breathtakingly beautiful. have you ever seen a place so beautiful that your heart aches just looking at pictures of it?

i want to be hiking along a trail in a nature park right now, breathing in the cool crisp air, taking pictures of snow-capped mountains before me, picking spring flowers and taking in their sweet fragrance, while a breeze lazily caresses my hair. when will i ever get to see the northern lights and midnight sun? and when will i finally be able to walk through the alaskan town of fairbanks deep in winter, covered in a blanket of snow, where the sky remains dark even at midday and the wind swirls pretty white snowflakes across my path?

and my yearning to travel has been re-awakened. the same restlessness that has been plaguing me all along. i'm suddenly filled with an incredible urge to just pack up and go. go far away. leaving this wearisome, mundane life behind and journeying to wherever my wanderlust may lead me to.

reading these guidebooks and watching nat geo + discovery travel & adventure invariably stirs something deep within me and fills me with a tinge of sadness and longing deep within. for there is so much out there in the world that i haven't seen, haven't experienced and haven't learnt about, and which i'd much rather learn about than what i'm studying now. for all along i've always been most interested in nature and people. i want to know about the mountains, the forests and wildlife. i want to travel everywhere and learn about people -- their way of life, their language and their culture. i want to visit historical, religious cities and immerse myself in their charm; see how gracefully they've aged over the centuries. and i think... God created so much nature, such great diversity of people; surely he'd want us to lead our lives more meaningfully than just sitting behind a desk doing endless paperwork? all of a sudden, studying law seems so trivial, pointless, and silly even.

yet for all my longing, i know that i'm not brave enough to endeavour the unthinkable. as much as i may wish too, i simply can't foresee myself suddenly abandoning everything that's been my life for the past 21 years and leaving just like that. there's too much uncertainty out there -- how will i survive? or more specifically.. how will i make enough money to survive? and ultimately i know that i'm a city person at heart. the prospect of the wilderness may thrill me but it's in the hustle and bustle and anonymity of the city where i'll feel most comfortable, where i'll thrive.

so i'll not be leaving anytime soon. i'll just graduate, slog my days away behind mountains of cases and papers, getting jaded and cynical beyond words, just awaiting the annual or bi-annual holiday i'll take to the lands of my dreams. i won't be happy and my soul will remain empty, but what can i do about it?

thinking about this prospect just depresses me further. there are really so many places and things i want to see that i doubt if i'll be able to accomplish everything in a lifetime if i have to content myself with just 2 holidays per year. in the meanwhile i just have to cross my fingers and hope that the london apartment at ashburton for the groo and i will materialize eventually.

and of course i haven't forgotten my dream of buying a house atop a cliff along the most desolate, storm-swept coast of northern ireland, where i can look out of the tower windows at the bleak grey sky and watch the surging waves relentlessly pound the rugged coast, sending mists of salty spray into the air.

ahh such a dreamer i am; such wonderful dreams i have. but if not for them, what else can keep me going in this stifling city? just let me immerse myself in them tonight and fall asleep with a happy smile on my face. let my soul be filled once more with joy and hope before i wake up tomorrow to face the mind-numbing, monotonous life i'm leading here....

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|5:21:00 AM|

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

if only i could live solely on cup noodles, bubble tea, cheddar and sour cream ruffles, ultra rich and creamy pasta, cheese fries, melted cheese and more cheese every single day with the occasional coffeebean cinnamon ice blended and not become fat/poor/unhealthy...
and if only after every nice heavy meal of all of the abovementioned food, i could just stretch out contentedly on the bed and sleep my day away and not eventually die of obesity...

life would be simply lurvely.
just let me indulge in my fantasies for awhile longer

ohh and did i mention that my msg-laden myojo scallop-flavoured cup noodle soup tastes so absolutely fantastic?
yum yum.. i think skipping evidence lecture today was a good choice

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:27:00 PM|

Monday, September 05, 2005

i can't seem to stop watching animal planet / national geographic whenever i go home! saturday nights for the past 3 weeks have been spent on the sofa in front of the tv watching the documentaries on animals animals animals. and it makes me really sad when i see flocks of flamingos dying due to the drought in africa, when helpless innocent deer get eaten up by predators and there was this once i saw a mother baboon who was so stricken with grief that she refused to believe her baby was dead and for a few days she would still groom its fur and carry its lifeless body around wherever she went... until she finally let go and buried it in the ground. it was so so sad i could have broken down and bawled right on the spot.

anyways.. i think it's such a pity that singapore doesn't have vast stretches of wilderness or natural parks / reserves. otherwise i'd immediately quit law and get a degree in zoology or something like that and spend my life researching on animals or taking care of them. it'd be so much more fulfilling this way....

i loved march of the penguins but i was still a little disappointed prob coz i expected too much of it. the footage was fantastic but i wasn't use to the style.. i thought it'd be a narrative thingy like what i've been seeing on animal planet. anyhows the baby penguins are so adorable! and i realised that human babies are actually extremely disgustingly ugly compared to animal babies.. especially when they screw up their red faces and wail their heads off.. yikes....

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|5:08:00 PM|

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