Wednesday, October 26, 2005

i saw the emmanuel petit lookalike again! (ok for those whom i haven't told [which is most of you], i saw him once several weeks ago on the shuttle bus to biz canteen and almost went crazy). tonight he was with a bunch of angmoh guys at the clementi kopitiam drinking beer.

both of them have the EXACT same features, from the dusty blond hair tied up in a ponytail to the same crinkly smile to those lurvely dimples. so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee! plus i think he's better looking than petit in a way. slimmer build and nicer smile.

DAMMMMNN good looking. but unfortunately not hot like olivier martinez is. but good looks are enough man. hope i see him around in school again. heh.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:59:00 PM|

She closed her eyes, dark-lidded, dark shadows beneath them; she really was older, not the glancing-eyed girl i had fallen in love with but no less beautiful for that; beautiful now in a way that less excited my senses, than tore at my very heart.

'i can't marry you,' she said.
'why not?'
... 'because i love Henry'
'Henry's dead'
'I can't help it. I still love him.'
'I loved him, too,' I said.

For just a moment, i thought i felt her waver. But then she looked away.
'I know you did,' she said. 'But it's not enough.'

The rain stayed with me all the way back to California. ... I rented a car, and drove and drove until finally the landscape changed, and I was in the Midwest, and the rain was all i had left of Camilla's goodbye kiss.

Raindrops on the windshield, radio stations fading in and out. Cornfields bleak in all those gray, wide-open reaches. I had said goodbye to her once before, but it took everything I had to say goodbye to her then, again, for the last time, like poor Orpheus turning for a last backward glance at the ghost of his only love and in the same heartbeat losing her forever: hinc illae lacrimae,
hence those tears.

my heart breaks whenever i read this

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:40:00 AM|

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

i HAVE to blog about this even though i have tons of stuff to complete by tonight (hopefully) because i just re-read donna tart's 'the secret history' and the book just totally blew me away.

i think donna tart is a genius - and i have never ever said this about anyone else. and her book is just pure brilliance. not in an intellectual sense though, i hate intellectual books. rather, it is overflowing with aesthetic beauty, from start to finish, even in the most gruesome and darkest murder parts. this is what i call a true work of literature and a true work of art.

even now as i sit under the harsh bright lights of the study room, the bleak, cold and harsh, yet somehow magical world she created in the story still envelops me and i'm totally at a loss of words when attempting to describe the intensity of feeling i am left with despite having put down the book some 4 hours ago.

in sentences as delightful and enchanting as poetry read on a spring day, she has managed to unearth and convey the deepest and darkest aspects of human nature set under a harsh and bleak (ok i'm repeating myself but i'm really running out of adjectives here) enviroment and weave all this into a sad, haunting and tragic fairytale. and i love the way she incorporated aspects of ancient greek beliefs and tragedies into the story.

it's beautiful, really beautiful. every time i read it i find new depths to the story and characters i've never realised before and i'm dying to read it again, from cover to cover, word for word and lose myself all over again. i've fallen in love with all the characters. they haunt me all the time. i can't stop obssessing over them by day and i dreamt of them last night.
i am obssessed.

no wonder they all say that her 2nd book is a letdown. i agree. it's brilliant in its own way too but is in no way comparable to this one. i dont believe any book can ever match up.
before i die i just want to meet her and shake her hand and tell her how much i loved her book and what a literary genius i think she is. she ought to be worshipped like shakespeare was.
argh.... I"M OBSSESSED!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:35:00 AM|

Sunday, October 23, 2005

had an absolutely heavenly supper at geylang on fri night - beef & seafood hor fun + oyster omelette + frog leg porridge + my favourite teh peng + soya bean for dessert. had been craving you tiao the whole night but unfortunately, my stomach couldn't take it though the heart was willing. as it was, i was so stuffed that i could barely walk out to the road to catch a cab back to hall

i used to -eat to live- but ever since the groo came into my life, i've been living to eat. suppers especially. i now even consciously skip dinner just so that i wont feel guilty about having supper later at night. the thought of only 1 1/2 yrs of suppers left (or possibly only 1/2 yr) is really depressing. argh. what is wrong with me

anyway char, when i saw you in arts tt day i forgot to tell u tt i watched edward scissorhands already! it was nice ... the kind of dark and sad theme i like .. and i really do quite like it .. but it wasn't FANTASTICALLY nice like you always made it out to be.. and so maybe u did raise my expectations of it too high. aiyah but i do like it la just that it will never make it into my list of all time favs. and i was actually fast forwarding thru some parts... those where he was being set up and misunderstood and chased and all that (which actually amounts to quite a bit) coz i just couldn't bear to watch it.

ok back to work. i dont know how i'm ever gonna finish studying for the exams. still have an assignment due on 10th nov somemore. bleargh.....

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:20:00 PM|

Monday, October 17, 2005

my angelfish tate seems to be perpetually hungry. every time i go over to the tank to look at the fish it's always nibbling on something - the plants, the pebbles at the bottom, the sponge covering the filter and even the filter itself. helloooooo my dear.. don't i feed you enough??

but despite all this ... it's so cute that i can't bear to scold it. and jo thinks it's cute too.... YAY!!
i want to buy more mini angelfish.... but they live best either alone or in a group of at least 5-6... which means i need to buy A LOT. okay i need to visit the fish shop SOOOOON... i'm getting withdrawal symptoms.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:14:00 PM|

Sunday, October 16, 2005

my total aquarium inventory as of today:

- my first guppy couple: groo & bi
- 3 more female guppies: angel, belle and cinnamon
- 1 other male one: colourful (dont ask me why...... the groo was the one who named it)
- 3 black neon tetras (who are nameless coz i can't tell them apart)
- 2 mini angelfish: tate & lyle - inspiration for their names came from a carriage case i was reading: 'tate & lyle v. hain steamship co ltd' . haha. anyway lyle is currently residing in my neighbour's tank coz he was super naughty and kept chasing tate all around my tank and popping out suddenly from behind the plants to scare him. grrrrrrr.
- 5 crystal red shrimps who are the most delicate beautiful beings i've ever seen ever.

cool huh
now the only problem is how i'm going to break this piece of news to my anti-pets parents since i'll definitely have to bring them home for the 3 month break.. but i shall worry about that later..

anyway the neighbour also has an absolutely adorable mini stingray. it's just a flat flappy thingy without the long tail you see behind fully-grown stingrays. soooo cute. and i've seen the poor thing get pecked several times by the guppies who are living in the same tank. heh.. hope my mischievous lyle doesn't terrorize it too much....

for the record, i've been visiting fish shops EVERY SINGLE WEEKDAY in the past week. monday to friday.. without fail. the groo and i are obsessed man.. and every living being in there fascinates me no end ... from all the fish to the shrimps to the snails to the terrapins to the frogs to the mealworms. i just want to buy and rear everything i see in the shop!

this fish craze is seriously hampering progress on my carriage assignment. argh. need to get it down quickly so i can start concentrating on the other modules i've been neglecting...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:25:00 PM|

Saturday, October 01, 2005

i am so amazed.. came home for the weekend to find a grand total of 9 kinds of ice cream in the fridge. most of which are in large TUBS
1) absolutely heavenly wildberry shortcake ice cream
2) apple crumble ice cream
3) cornetto mini - peach & strawberry
4) normal chocvanilla flavoured cornetto
5) 2 boxes of spinner - which is some ice cream cone thingy which i've never eaten before
6) banana split
7) kings yam ice cream
8) kings vanilla & cafe ice cream
9) potong red bean sticks

well done man.. my dad has really outdone himself this time.. my house is becoming like an ice-cream parlour. there are so many flavours i don't even know which to choose now! luckily i don't have a sweet tooth or else i'll go absolutely crazy.

anyway the groo's hall room is sparkling clean now! he vacummed the entire floor while i went down on hands an knees with a rag and mopped every corner of the floor with magiclean and water. and we have made plans to do this every single week.. hmm.. lets see how long this bout of cleanliness can last =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:43:00 PM|

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