Sunday, November 20, 2005

how ironic. and how sad.
it was pouring after lunch just now but all i wanted to do was go back and have a good nap.
but i couldn't.

just think about it. when it pours, i can walk to practically anywhere in school i want to from yih without getting a single drop of rain on me. central lib, arts, engine, law, biz even, the new university hall (not sure abt sci though) but i can't even go back to my own room which is like only 200m away!

they should just enclose nus in a nice glass dome with controlled temperature, limited sunlight, waterfalls and plants all around and soothing piano music.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:34:00 PM|

climb every mountain
search high and low
follow every byway
every path you know

climb every mountain
cross every stream
follow every rainbow
till you find your dream

a dream that will need all the love you can give
every day of your life, for as you live

climb every mountain
cross every dream
follow every rainbow
till you dream

- Sound of Music

william is right. have i lost sight of the dream i once so fervently held?
i gave it up once before, by choosing to go to RJ instead after the 1st 3 months (but the real truth is i couldn't bear the possibility of not getting an A for it in the 'A's. )
now in uni, i choose practical things instead of pursuing it again, citing minor reasons (like the trouble of going for another placement test and having to bid for modules) for giving it up. shame on myself. i'm disgusted.
i wish the realization had hit earlier, before i chose my subjects for next sem.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:50:00 AM|

Friday, November 18, 2005

alright mister nose-digger has proven himself to be a very nice guy. so he shall be mister nose-digger no more. he very kindly offered to remove his charger when i needed to use the powerpoint and when jo's CSS friend came over, he offered her friend his gf's seat because his gf had already gone home. nice. now i feel guilty for laughing at him and his weird habits seem to have disappeared as well. hurhur and he likes my mac-lookalike toolbar. he says it's very nice... hahaha. oops i forgot to give him the site to d/l it from. nvm there's always tomorrow.

jo is right... yih feels like home already. the 6 of us have been occupying the same table, sitting in the same seats, for like ... 4 or 5 days in a row already and when i look around i see familiar faces all around. nice environment. if only it weren't so cold. and if only the lights weren't so BRIGHT. and the room not so DAMN FREAKING QUIET that i feel guilty at the noise made by the newspaper pages when i flip them. ARGH.

but at times i do suddenly feel totally utterly sick of that place ... which is why i left early to run. hurhur. i love running on the track coz overtaking people, especially guys, gives me a huge ego boost. plus the huge adrenaline rush that comes with it pushes me on even more such that the thought "beat them beat them beat them" just takes over naturally and the tiredness, breathlessness and heaviness in my legs evaporates miraculously.

i love it even more when guys whom i overtake subsequently try to overtake me back to salvage their wounded pride. then i put up a good fight. if i lose so be it... thanks for the good run and for the motivation i would never have gotten while running alone.

but if i win ... heh heh -evil laugh-. some just gradually fade away until i dont hear their footsteps behind me anymore and some just stop dead suddenly as if all their energy has already been expended.

the best time was this once... when i paced a groo-sized guy from my round no. 10 to 14, after which i overtook him and he started chasing me from round 15 -17. finding that he couldn't beat me, (i think) he used a final surge of energy to dash pass me, only to s-t-o-p 100m later. (for what man? run properly la!) . so i gleefully continued. (hurhur i think he thought i was as tired out as he was and would stop the moment he stopped) . and OF COURSE he couldn't lose out. so he started running again. but in the opposite direction. and so i continued. for rounds 17-20 i matched him half for half, round for round, even gaining about 10-20 m each half-round. (haha mister, forgot that relative speed can still be measured even if you run in the opposite direction right?) . then after round 20 he stopped. for good. and i stopped too... coz it was waay past what i'd intended to do. plus i was DAMN TIRED tooo... just that i wasn't willing to be the one to stop first and concede defeat.

heh i need to admit it. i'm just plain proud. and egoistical... surviving on such ego boosts.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:59:00 PM|

right now all i want is something deep fried, spicy, savoury and very very oily

but unfortunately all the food fitting this description can't be found anywhere in the vicinity of the sad place which i'm now at.

i can't study on an empty stomach

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:45:00 PM|

Thursday, November 17, 2005

GREAT. now munchie's blender is spoilt.
how am i gonna satisfy my ice-blended coffee craving?!

just remembered the existence of coffee joints in school!
now would spinelli's at the new university hall be nearer or coffee club at arts?

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:56:00 PM|

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


heh. came across this name in one of my carriage cases. think it's the name of a ship or shipping company or something.


can u imagine it if i give this name to my kid? during O lvl mcq papers where u have to shade your name in the ovals my poor kid will still be desperately shading and shading whilst others will already have started on the questions.

and he definitely won't get called up in class!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:24:00 PM|

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

oh now Mister Ear-Digger has fallen asleep on the table at 9:35 in the morning. and he is SNORING!
sufficiently loudly to make people at neighbouring tables turn round to look at him


should i bang on the keyboard a little harder so that the vibrations will wake him up?

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:33:00 AM|

Monday, November 14, 2005

i'm in yih now and there's this pretty decent-looking guy who's been sitting opposite me (and beside jo) for the entire day and guess what

suddenly jo catches my attention and directs it to the guy who has started to use a small rolled-up piece of paper or whatever to dig his ears. and on he goes digging blissfully, first one ear then the other AUGH. DISGUSTING. and i'm seized by an uncontrollable urge to laugh so i bury my head into my notes and laugh as silently as i can.

then i look up and now he's picking out the remnants of the fruits of his digging with his fingers. YUCKS. then i see jo's super tickled and amused expression and i can't help it but bury my head down again for another fit of the giggles.

when i think i have my laughter under control i look up again and see his face. not that he was still digging or anything but just seeing his face made me burst into laughter again.

and now finally i'm sober enough to write about this so yea.
even though re-thinking about it makes me want to laugh still...

kinda reminds me of oh-so-long ago in france. it was after lunch and we were in one of paris' numerous museums looking at the stuff when one of my friends (can't remember who it was... but most probably nuru or hanan) drew my attention to our tour guide.

now our tour guide was old and balding and short and blur and exasperating with stinky breath to add on and just disgusting la in general... and at that very moment he had one entire index finger up in his mouth and digging too... probably remnants of his lunch from between his teeth.

(ohmygosh and jo's phone just RANG in the middle of ultra-silent YIH)

anyway. back to the tour guide. i was so highly entertained that i imitated his actions for my other friends who missed it and GUESS WHAT. i realised he SAW me imitating him. ARRRGH. could have died of embarrassment.

yea. anyway i'm pretty sure the dig-ear guy knows we're laughing at him too...
at least i'm entertained somewhat

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:15:00 PM|

Saturday, November 12, 2005

signs that studying bores me immensely:

I Am

Which tarot card are you?

and it says: "Spiritual enlightenment, inner illumination, hidden power. Link between seen and unseen. Balance of positive and negative forces. Receptivity. Unseen guidance.
A young woman sits on a throne holding a scroll labeled "Tora" meaning "law." On her breast is the sign of the meeting of heaven and earth, the Maltese cross. Her crown is the full orb supported by horns, the crown ofthe Mother Goddess Isis, who rules all things changeable, shown by the moon at her feet. Her power, upon which her throne rests, derives from the creative principle of duality, shown by the two pillars of light and darkness. To those who know and love her she dispenses the sweet fruit of the world itself, symbolized by the pomegranites."


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:55:00 PM|

who would've thought that 4 years on, the same song will still be playing constantly on repeat mode when i study.
and that every single word and note will still continue to affect me in the same way
and that every single time i hear it, the same scenario comes to my mind

i am alone on a plane watching the orange glow of the sunset through the windows
all of a sudden, the pilot announces that we are going to crash.. right into the pacific ocean.
an eerie calm settles over me as i think - so these are my final moments on earth. and i am strangely contented.
and as the bright orange outside slowly fades away into dark blue dusk, the plane makes its final nosedive
and the final strains of this haunting melody fade away into nothingness as i say goodbye to the world. and the last tear is shed.

Satellite - BT (1999)

" We'd like you to leave immediately ... next subject ... we can see the satellite at, uh, a distance of about uh, i guess over 15 miles here ... It looked like a star as you looked up ... See here, we have a beautiful view of the earth down below as the satellite departs"

She smells of the sun
and she's constantly saying
that it's alright because lies sound so nice
and like soil to seed goes, casting my fears aside

She says, 'The satellite is coming'
I pray the wrecking ball is waning
She says, 'The satellite is coming. It's come to take us home'

Still smells of the sun
And the light that brings healing is burning my eyes
And the dark seems so nice
And i'm choking on blessings that i can receive

I hide ...

She says, 'The satellite is coming'
I pray the wrecking ball is waning
She says, 'The satellite is coming. It's come to take us home' ...

it's been a good trip


why is it that some people are born musical geniuses?
i'd give anything for such a wonderful gift. honestly.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:23:00 PM|

Thursday, November 10, 2005

my timetable for next sem is out!

1000-1130 - biomedical law and ethics
1300-1430 - corporate insolvency

1800-2100 - chinese maritime law

0900-1030 - corporate insolvency (shit i can't watch champs league on tues night AGAIN!)
1600-1730 - biomed law & ethics (shit i'll miss tea!)

1400 -1600 OR
1600-1800 - biomed law.
1800-2100 - chinese maritime

1300-1500 - corporate insolvency

ok it's not THAT bad i guess ... they were all my first choices plus chinese maritime will end in 5 weeks coz it's an intensive module. so after that i'll only have 2 modules left and a free day on tues =) and only 2 exams at the end of the sem =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:05:00 PM|

Your Birthdate: February 9

You are a born idealist, with more pet causes than you can count.
You prefer be around others, both when working and while relaxing.
Generous and giving, you believe you can change the world one person at a time.
You're open minded and tolerant. People feel like they can tell you anything.

Your strength: Your go-with-the-flow flexibility

Your weakness: Your flair for the over dramatic

Your power color: Pine green

Your power symbol: Circle

Your power month: September
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:11:00 PM|

Monday, November 07, 2005

at the coffeeshop last night i was super super irritated with this shrieky screamy girl who was obviously a man utd fan. (and i'm glad to have discovered later that my friends all shared the same sentiments towards her). she was shrieking at every single thing. man utd's first goal got her started, then she proceeded to make a HUGE fuss by going 'ohhhhh noooooooooooooo!"and "shitttttt!" REALLY LOUDLY and REALLY HIGH-PITCHED-LY every time chelsea so much as gained possession of the ball in man utd's half.

like hellooooo i know there's freedom of speech (or noise) or whatever but the noise she was making was way out of proportion to the excitement of the match and totally uncalled for. i was already longing to go over and give her a good slap and i really dont know what was holding the chelsea supporters back. they should have just gone over and shut her up once and for all.

argh. totally spoilt my enjoyment of the game. too bad chelsea didn't win when frankly they should have given their chances. and it'd have served her right too. BAH. irritating people.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:38:00 PM|

Friday, November 04, 2005

last night we were doing the pre-sleep ritual that i like so much - lying there in the dark and talking about supernatural stuff and our scary experiences (not that either of us has actually ever seen anything though). The past few nights there was lightning and thunder and an impending storm to heighten the atmosphere but last night it was just.... quiet. and dark. still i loved it - getting all deliciously spooked and shivery and then cuddling up together under the blankets with the cushions and soft toys to be safe in case any ghosts should visit. simply heavenly.

so anyway last night the conversation kinda drifted a little... and i think i exposed the groo to a whole new world of dark-ish stuff that he never knew about. from ghosts we went on to talk about the salem witch trials and 'alternative' religions - like how the wiccans are super misunderstood coz when we talk about witchcraft and wicca, people automatically think spells and black magic but actually the religion is mostly about communing with nature and harnessing plants' healing properties etc etc while the real BAD stuff is satanism - ppl practising black mass where orgies and desecration of christ took place etc etc.

heh. i can't believe this was the kind of stuff i used to be really into last time.

yes and black / death metal music as well. the frenetic guitar beats and gutteral howling is totally not my idea of nice music but you should see these bands' lyrics and album art. beautiful. their lyrics read like dark poetry ... full of splendid imagery of death evil destruction desolation savagery goddesses cemeteries etc and i'm sure you can picture the artwork... gothic and dark and which always stirs something primitive and animal inside you.
and well... hardcore psychedelic trance as well. i used to listen to that all the time. it's absolutely crazily good. the beats and synthetic noise just takes you to such highs even without alcohol / drugs that i used to really wonder about how absolutely crazy those rave parties would be - people tripping out on such music and well.. mushrooms of course. i still want to go to one of these before i die.

hur hur of course the groo was most skeptical about all these while i was just thinking about how much i've toned down ... since the jc days when i was so full of angst and just wanted to rebel and all. heh but talking about all this to him made me miss all this stuff actually. i shall go home and dig out my tarot cards and my long-untouched cds and see if my obsession will come back

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:03:00 PM|

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

i looked at TIME magazine's list of 100 best english language novels from 1923 to date and realise that out of all these, i've only read like ... 5 of them

philip roth's american pastoral,
judy blume's are you there god, it's me margaret
ian mcewan's atonement
harper lee's to kill a mockingbird
william golding's lord of the flies

and the last 2 books are on the list only because they were my lit texts in secondary school...
which confirms my long-held suspicion that the great number of novels that i read are mainly trash
but who cares.... i think they're good trash (if there can ever be such a thing) .. heh .. at least i've grown out of my danielle steel and nora roberts phase though... their books were pure romantic trashy trash. heh.. but it was good while it lasted =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:56:00 PM|

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

in a sudden fit of boredom-inspired inspiration, i decided to search lexis for interesting cases to read... (for those who don't know.. lexis is a MASSIVE database of legal material from almost every conceivable jurisdiction) and guess what i found by searching 'manchester' and 'united'

"Bournemouth and Boscombe Athletic Football Club and Co Ltd v Manchester United Football Club Ltd" .... Court of Appeal (Civil Division), 21 May 1980

ok anyway at that time man utd bought a supposedly very good player called edward macdougall from bournemouth football club which was in the 3rd div for about 175k pounds, with a further stipulation that 25k more would be paid after he had scored 20 goals for man utd (???!!) . but the poor guy was sold to west ham before he could score 20 goals, and in this lawsuit, bournemouth is claiming the payment of the remaining 25k from man utd.

guess what our favourite Lord Denning said:
"Football is a great industry in this country. Football clubs are like traders. They buy and sell their players. In this particular case, The Bournemouth Football Club sold one of their best players, Mr. Edward MacDougall, to Manchester United Football Club... "

hur hur ... it really tickled me for some reason..

and later..

"Mr. Edward MacDougall was a first-class player. Bournemouth were in the third division when he played for them. He scored 126 goals in 166 matches for them. In 1972 Mr. O'Farrell, the manager of Manchester United, had his eye on Mr. MacDougall."
"As Manchester United were rather in the doldrums - they were in danger of being relagated to the second division - Mr. O'Farrell wanted to strengthen the Manchester United team. So he approached the Bournemouth club with a view to obtaining the services of Mr. Edward MacDougall."

hur hur hur ... can't imagine man utd ever being in danger of relagation now... but that's not the point

anyway he mentioned Arsenal too! while considering a hypo situation in which Arsenal were willing to buy that sad guy for a huge sum. ARSENAL!!!

and guess guess guess what? the House of Lords found Man Utd liable for breach of contract!

and please dont for one moment imagine that i didn't search for arsenal. i DID. before i even thought of searching for man utd. just that the arsenal cases i found were boring boring. involving trademarks and whatnots. boring. bleargh.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:42:00 PM|

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