Thursday, December 08, 2005

inspired by the stan chart marathon runners i saw last wk

i've decided. i'm going to attempt my first marathon next december. hopefully 1 solid year of training will be enough =)

on another note... i've discovered that all that noisy drilling and renovation work at yih during the exam period is going to culminate in the opening of ...... OLD CHANG KEE & CHEERS! yay!! hope cheers will be open 24hrs! =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:41:00 PM|

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

somehow, just somehow, this time i feel like i'm always on the outside looking in. and something tells me that it'll always be so. it's always been easy for me... so why do i find it so hard this time? i want to give up.

which is why, given a choice, i'll always retreat to that which i'm familiar and comfortable with. maybe i'm just jaded and tired of trying. should i still even be bothered? i desperately don't want to be.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:07:00 PM|

blog-worthy post exam stuff:

- my first RA movie - A History of Violence. not much of a plot but i'd still give it 4 stars coz of the acting and all. when the bad guy shot his brother in the head you could actually see the brain matter and blood and gunk spraying out from the back. nice.

- mini barbeque with the hall mates at the tiny corridor outside the guys' rooms. great company + probably the best barbequed food i'd ever had... the guys are great bbq-ers! =) plus the lovely mix of apple juice + hoegarden

- 2 trips in 2 days to the ben & jerry's ice cream cafes that seem to have suddenly sprung up like mushrooms in s'pore... not that i'm complaining

- new angelfish! whom i promptly named ..... ben & jerry!

- night cycling! + being at east coast early on sun morning and managing to catch the first pack of runners for the stan chart marathon. that was really an eye opener.. the first 30 or so people were ALL blacks and they seemed to be striding along so comfortably even after 23km. sigh. suddenly i had the urge to become a professional marathon runner. heh. but how can i even dream of it when i've never even run a half-marathon before?

- plus plus i came back from training this morning to find a mini-flood in the room because my very smart groo had cleverly unplugged yew kam's fridge before going home the previous night. even the mattress got wet can! and i used up half a box of tissue trying to clear the mess up. argh. i think all the food inside is inedible by now.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:11:00 PM|

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