Wednesday, January 25, 2006

finally managed to get my hands on a copy of salman rushdie's midnight's children =) now i can see for myself how great a writer he is.. but the real thing which i'm looking for is his satanic verses... which i can't seem to find anywhere. surely it's not banned here? does anyone know? someone please do enlighten me!

anyway on another note... i've been experiencing lots of deja vu incidents lately -- 3 in the past week in fact.. it's nothing spectacular though.. the latest one happened today, and it involved me temporarily becoming distracted from my lecturer for awhile, and while raising my coffee can to my mouth and gazing across the seminar room at my lecture mates, i was thinking ohmygod i'm damn sure i've seen this scene before. what sturck me was that i remembered particularly the quite hideous olive green colour of this girl a few rows in front of me. this is freaky man .. i managed to dream the night before (or a few nights ago i don't know) of the colour of the top which someone wore today.

i'd love to know that i'd somehow managed to acquire some psychic powers ... but logically i know that's impossible.. sigh.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:04:00 PM|

i've finally realised (though a little late) the wonders of coffee in waking me up in the morning when i'm damn sleepy. now i'm actually paying attention (!) when otherwise all i'd be doing is stoning and waiting desperately for time to pass

the reason why i've never drunk coffee in the morning or when i'm sleepy and have work to do is coz i keep hearing horror stories about people who get so dependent on it that they can't get through the day without having 8-9 cups of coffee..... but admittedly i'm far from that coz all i drink is designer coffee. and mostly only with friends... so i'm actually a social drinker as opposed to a hardcore one ... muahaha

oh and TIME actually reported that drinking coffee does make you smarter! as in .. not higher IQ, but you become more alert, can concentrate better and your mental facilities are heightened. so lets all drink more coffee man =) especially since there's a new ultra cool coffee vending machine in law fac .. haha

alrights... gotta go back to paying attention again coz i'm supposed to be taking notes for grace who's flying off to india for the cny hols the lucky girl! funny... taking notes for other ppl actually motivates me to pay attention more than taking notes for myself. anyways sorry babe but i kinda missed 5 mins of the lect while writing this entry.. haha hope you don't mind!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:53:00 AM|

Sunday, January 15, 2006

i think deep down inside i'll always be an intellectual snob even though objectively i know that that's not a nice thing to be.
but whatever.. i'm feeling particularly mean and bitchy right now so i shall let all this ugly stuff inside of me out.

it irks me when people who have been educated in english for more than 10 years still persist in getting simple stuff like their tenses and sentence structures all wrong. come on, you've learnt a language, at least use it well. i'm not even demanding that you use formal Queen's English and do away with slangs and short forms but for goodness sake at least get your basics right.. even primary school kids can write better than you.

and i simply don't get what's so great about reading / writing sTuFf dAt loOks lYk dIs. lYk dAt vERi cOol mEh? it's a freaking eyesore, that's what it is.

also.. those secondary school kids of a certain variety who always get up the bus in large noisy sweaty groups and proceed to talk to each other at the top of their voices in broken english mixed with a smattering of chinese OR in lousy chinese with some english words thrown in here and there... like seriously.. do you all have any inkling of how BAD you sound? and i'm pretty sure that most of them have english and / or chinese tuition... what a waste of their parents' hard-earned money then. gah. i'm so glad my brother doesn't speak like that.

ok rant over.

on another note, chinese new year sleepover + mahjong has been confirmed! yay! i love you gals! and jo -- happy 22nd & i hope u had a fantabulous time tonight... i certainly did =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:32:00 AM|

Friday, January 13, 2006

been gone for a super long while - holidays were a blast - what with tasmania + all-night mahjong sessions on xmas and new yr eve + hanging out with the groo + going out with the rg gals (though only once as a big group) and just generally hanging out and doing nothing in particular

tasmania was great - great scenery, nice hotels, esp the country club villas we stayed in on our last night -- each 'room' was essentially the size of 2 hotel rooms separated by a huge pantry and toilet so my mum and i each had our own queen sized bed and tv and heater even though we were technically sharing a room -- shiokness. other than that ... i got to meet and feed and pet and cuddle lots and lots of absolutely adorable groos at a wildlife park ... + lots of nice long naps on the tour bus + lots and lots of photo taking -- took about 160MB worth of pics every single day =)

ihg track is over... finally. i think i ran the best i could given my fitness on that day but i kinda regret having just let my fitness drop so much during the hols. i'm SO NOT going to let this happen for road race again so i must start running regularly again.. and i haven't forgotten my december stan chart marathon plans.

disjointed post... coz i'm typing this in chinese maritime class while trying to follow the prof at the same time. he's PRC (duh) and it's damn hard trying to follow what he's saying... it's so easy to just drift off and miss huge chunks of what he's saying. but anyway i like him coz he's so adorable! he seems so earnest about what he's teaching and looks so happy whenever we laugh at his jokes such that i can't help not liking him =)
and anyway he has IMPRESSIVE credentials. he studied nautical science but couldn't become a ship captain coz he became short sighted (poor thing) but then he went on to do his degree + masters in maritime law in shanghai and dalian if i'm not wrong.... and now he's part of a 5 -person committee who DRAFTS china's maritime laws + he's a maritime lawyer in one of the biggest shipping law firms + he's a maritime arbitrator + he has professor-ships in 2 big china unis. damn impressive can.
haha. so i shall go pay attention to him now..

hope we can play tong xiao mj again tonight! muahaha

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:31:00 PM|

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