Thursday, March 30, 2006

i've never been a big fan of chocolate (or anything sweet for that matter) but i've just possibly possibly found my To-Die-For chocolate. Hersheys Special Dark. mmmmmmmm... to think that i'd never have bought it if not for the $2 for 2 bars offer at cheers yih. oh yes everyone...cheers is having a $2 for 2 promotion. choose between hersheys dark and cookies n cream. quick go buy! offer ends tomorrow! =) haha

anyways. i chiong-ed down to the track to run right after my class, hoping to beat the rain.. but it was already drizzling by the time i reached and whats more it began to rain seriously after 2 rounds. so i took shelter at the grandstand along with several v interesting ppl. there was this black guy that refused to be daunted by the rain and started doing shuttle runs at the grandstand instead. he did it so many times that i lost count.. then i got bored and started watching this guy and his tennis coach doing PT. hah. it was damn funny. the guy couldn't even do a proper push up even though he was super skinny (i.e. light). he looked like his scrawny arms were going to give way anytime and cause him to fall flat on his face.. but he didn't lah. and i was thinking 'oh man i could do better' ..

and in the meantime the rain was going on and on and on so in a fit of brilliance inspired by the blackie, i realised that i could run at the grandstand. the sheltered length was almost exactly 100m so i just ran up and down and up and down yadayada until i finished my run for the day. and it was still pouring. so i attempted to do pushups. proper ones. managed 15 before i started feeling like i was gonna fall flat on my face... a far cry from our 40-40-30 days.. then i rested and did another 10. nice 90-degree ones okay. muahaha. i hope that scrawny guy was watching.
then i sat around and did nothing but still the rain did not stop so after awhile i couldn't take it anymore and braved the rain and ran across to uni hall. from where there was shelter all the way till the yih-rh underpass. and coz i didn't wanna run thru comm hall where everyone was having tea coz it'd be too paiseh.. i ran the unsheltered route back. sigh. and was soaked to the bone. now i'm just hoping that i wont fall sick.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:21:00 PM|

Monday, March 27, 2006

insomnia YET again. i guess i have no one to blame but myself for this since i chose to let my body clock get all screwed up. argh. sometimes the only way to get any work done is to work late into the night, but at times like this when i choose to put my work aside, i can't sleep. and i need to wake up at 830 tmr. sigh whatever. story of my life.
anyway i've realised that when i run late at night i usually have problems falling asleep after that.. so i guess i gotta start running in the evening and hopefully my white white self *yuck* will manage to soak up some of the remaining sunrays. i wanna be dark again!

bbq was .. amusing to say the very least. the guys were amusing themselves by dentist-chair-ing everyone and xxx was so totally high that he started uttering nonsense. it was quite amusing to watch him coz i've never seen anyone high before. yes suaku me i know.

anyone knows of any nice hawker-centre-ish places near nus that stay open til late? fs and clementi are getting totally boring and we need somewhere new to go to. hopefully not too far away coz cab fare is ex u know. hmm speaking of faraway places... it's been quite awhile since we last paid a visit to geylang for the horfun and soya bean and the chick-watching after that hurhur. shall suggest it to the groo sometime.
and i've just realised how out-of-point it is to post questions on my blog when there's no place to reply. nvm you all can just tell me personally when u see me.. and i might be so grateful that i'll just fall and kiss your feet :)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|5:14:00 AM|

Friday, March 24, 2006

the groo and i have plans to pull an all-nighter ... and for some strange reason this is making me really excited. hahaha it's been ages since we've done something like that. there are also plans to go for macs breakfast before going back to zonk out but i seriously doubt that would happen. wait. maybe it would happen, just with me being dragged along, whining and complaining all the way
we shall see...

wondering whether to go for tweety's bbq tmr. haven't been to one in simply ages and i think it'll be fun. but on the other hand i desperately need to finish my essay, for which i've written zilch as of now.
we shall see again...

haha wish me a productive night everyone!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:55:00 PM|

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

2 tiny snails have miraculously found their way into my guppy fry tank. the only logical way they could have gotten in there was by hiding somewhere in the plant when we bought it ... but if it is really so, i wonder why it took them 2 long weeks to finally come out of hiding. nevertheless the groo and i were so excited when we spotted them mating at abt 2 am last night. and of course we whipped out our cameras and started snapping pics like mad... only thing is that they're kinda blur. sigh. and the groo claims that a teeny weeny baby snail has already been born and he saw the poor thing getting pecked by the guppy fry but till now i haven't managed to spot it yet... so maybe it's ... been eaten already.

what else...
hmm.. after 2 whole days of researching on healthcare financing, i decided to change my topic to elderly healthcare in singapore coz the former was way too confusing. so now i have one big new stack of photocopied materials and super little time to digest everything if i'm gonna stick to my aim of finishing the essay by monday. bleargh. but anyways this essay is fun. i feel like i'm writing a GP or social work essay. and for once in a long long time i do not need to even think about CRUPAC. hurhur. actually the entire biomed module is like one big concentrated GP module. so little law but so much ethical and social considerations. tutorials do not go in the form of 'what is the law?' but rather 'what do you think?...' the bad thing is i dunno how to study for the exams. i prefer having hard and fast law to study as opposed to not-here-not-there stuff like that. sigh. i mean.. i can't even imagine how exams questions on .. e.g. stem cell research and cloning are gonna be asked.. bah.

ok i should really stop worrying about this and start trawling thru the stack of materials...b

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:37:00 PM|

Sunday, March 19, 2006

the only happy thing about the internship this may is that i'll be back working at bugis again =) ... (apart from the fact that you get a GORGEOUS view of good old kallang river from the windows of the firm). even though i swore never to go near bugis again after that 6month plus stint at the north bridge rd ocbc, going back just makes me so nostalgic and happy. and i've been feeling this alot especially since the costume rental shop is at bugis and i've been going there quite often this week. that evening i was at the bubble tea shop with the groo waiting for the rest to be done with renting their costumes for DnD and i was just reminiscing about how those ocbc days were one of the happiest times of my life. there were no worries about exams and studies, just pure mindless work in the office where us girls would laugh and chat and gossip (sometimes about our bosses or sometimes even with our bosses about the new staff) as we worked... all the frequent coffee and tea breaks in the pantry, strolling through bugis junction every single lunch time and shopping there almost everyday, going around trying all the good but simple food at the shophouses near ocbc, endlessly sampling the cny goodies at the bj basement just before cny etc etc. even thinking about how we used to greet the security guard every morning makes me happy. and sad too coz i think about how i'll probably never have such great colleagues anymore [even though there was a fair share of office politics] and such fun at work anymore. i mean how fun can work at a law firm get? .. even those peak periods at the bank where we all had to work till 12 / 1 am were fun coz of the wonderful company. its at times like this where i really dont mind going back there and doing what i used to do even if it means i'll be earning less than 2k / month and not be able to afford all the luxuries i want because after all isn't it the greatest luxury of all to enjoy and look forward to every day of work and be contented? i'd rather do this than drive a large car and live in a penthouse but be miserable and stressed out everyday at work.
booo... this is so depressing.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:41:00 AM|

Sunday, March 12, 2006

i've written 612 words out of 6000 for my chinese maritime essay already.. and i'm beginning to think its not so bad after all especially since for once i actually have an idea of what i want to write and actually planned an essay outline and all that plus i like the topic which i'm writing on --> collisions. hopefully i'll be able to finish it by tuesday even though i basically wasted lots of time yesterday and today morning doing stuff like playing endless games of sudoku, 1 round of mj, shopping for accessories for my fish tank and going out for nice lunches and dinner in tweet's car.

and i want new pets! was so tempted to buy either hamsters or terrapins from the pet shop today but i held back coz i wouldn't know what to do with them during the 3 month holiday. SIGH. can't wait to move out on my own... then i'll fill up my entire house with fish and dogs and guinea pigs and hamsters etc etc. heh wonder if my parents will ever dare to come visit me then.

saw a tank built especially for fighting fish. it's just a simple rectangular container with 2 compartments inside. and it even has a nice blue piece of cardboard to be placed in the middle when i want them to rest and not get all aggressive towards each other. heh will get the tank + fighting fish sometime this week when the good fish shop is open. can't wait!

ok back to my essay.........

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:33:00 PM|

Friday, March 10, 2006

all this 2.4k, 4.8k stuff is seriously beginning to irk me. i'm irriated at having to put on my shoes and running gear and only do like.. at most 1/2 hour of stuff. i want to run looong loong long and far now but i know this is not the time to push it. i'm following this guy's training guide and i wanna stick to it. hai and i don't like the fact that they haven't announced this yr's sheares bridge run date yet. which means i can't start planning my 12 wk buildup schedule. and i'm letting this irk me far more than it should. bah. funny how i generally lead my whole life disorganized-ly and impulsive-ly but when it comes to this i'm almost obsessive-compulsive.

and i think something's a little wrong with my left ankle. it feels ... loose ... almost like my whole foot is gonna get detached from my leg soon. not goood.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:30:00 PM|

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

suddenly the enormity of the goal i've set for myself just struck me ... in the middle of my run. i'll need to be running consistently 5 days per week for the next 9 months; absolutely NO slacking because that's the only way i'll be able to run / jog proudly past the finish line instead of dying or pulling out halfway. and if i think running is taking up quite a bit of my time now, i just need to remember that the runs are going to get progressively longer as december draws nearer.

AND which also means that i need to be doing this consistently even throughout my internship period. which would probably involve waking up at 6 in the mornings to run since there's little hope of me ever getting back before 7pm, after which my parents will forbid me to run at the park for fear of me getting kidnapped / raped / whatever.

and... IT is happening right after my yr 4 sem 1 exams. by which time i should be averaging about 30 - 40 miles (46 to 64km) per week, and spending about 10-15hours/week on running itself (plus warmup and cooldown and resting and bathing and all that miscellaneous stuff).
how oh how am i going to study like that?

haha actually the answer's very clear.. i just hafta cut down lots on slacking and blog surfing and mahjong-ing and other time-wasting activities. but no matter what.. i've decided that this time i AM going to let schoolwork take a backseat to running. if i dont do it this year and do it well, i don't know if i'm ever going to have a chance to anymore since i'll probably be waaaay too busy when i start work to really train properly.

so in a sense it's now or never... and i'm going to see this dream through no matter what.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:16:00 PM|

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

i have 8 baby angelfish and they're absolutely adorable and tiny. and when i say tiny i mean really really tiny. they're no bigger than my thumbnail actually and it's real fun watching them explore their new home (which must seem huge considering that they were squashed up with tens of other fish in a not-very-big tank in the shop). the bad thing is that they look like they might just get sucked up by the filter anytime ... and my suckerfish seems to think that they are food of some sort and keeps trying to nibble on them (which is extremely weird since he usually just spends his time docile-ly wandering around the bottom of the tank and minding his own business)

jo .. do u know if fish can die of cold at night if they are left in an open tank without any light to heat the water up? because of these babies, we've had to move tate & lyle to separate smaller tanks of their own which have nothing except a plant and air and the groo has this weird theory that they'll freeze to death if we don't leave the desk light on all night. which i don't subscribe to btw... so do kindly enlighten us =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:22:00 PM|

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