Sunday, May 07, 2006

i tried. my family did. 43% of us did. but it still wasn't enough in the end. sad? no i'm not. the result was expected anyway.. but i'm glad we went down putting up a huge fight. changes cannot be made overnight and this was a good start. perhaps it's an indication of things to come. plus it's really heartwarming to note the huge increase in support for the opposition. when the first result -- yck was announced and we realised that even the (forgive me for saying this) relatively weaker opposition got 30++% of the votes we knew that hougang and potong pasir would be fine. =) and seeing those ah peks at the coffeeshop at blk 322 hg ave 5/7, 2 blocks away from my old place, unafraid, openly cheering and celebrating wp's win made me want to move back there again. to vote and know that i'd played a part in securing victory for wp.

the sad fact is that now i'm still in hougang, but in an area which is effectively under aljunied grc. so no sweet victory to celebrate. but yes, however much i want to move back, i know i should stay here. for over there, my vote won't make a difference. i foresee wp holding hougang for a long time to come. but here, come the next elections, things will become tighter... assuming that sylvia lim & co are contesting again and it's where every single vote will count. yes i think my family should stay put here =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:28:00 AM|

Saturday, May 06, 2006

damn. i just realised that i only have 2 days of freedom left before internship starts. 2 days to make up for 12 weeks (maybe even more because when i asked the MPA people if they'd rather i stay for 4 weeks or a full calendar month, they said a full calendar month. SIGH.) of slavery behind an office desk. boo. not a nice prospect at all. unless it's as nice as my ocbc job... but what are the odds? no more routine, mindless work. i think the work will be challenging; at least they'll be expecting me to know something but sadly they'll find out that i know absolutely zilch. shiiit. maybe i should read my legal writing textbook. or maybe my carriage textbook. but no waay. not when i only have 2 days of freedom left.

i'm beginning to feel that taking on internships was really a bad mistake. right now i'd give anything to have my 3 months free, even if it means getting supremely bored with anything and everything after 1 month. oh wells but i have to do what i have to do. i'm looking forward to the public holiday next friday already. heehee.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:28:00 AM|

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

4.8k on tues, weds and thurs last week and 5k on sun. can't remember much about tuesday's run; must have been one of those normal ones again. ran with the groo on wed and I LAPPED HIM! he was running quite slowly though... but STILL!!!! thurs was just... tiring. esp after my exertions on weds night chasing the groo. legs felt like lead, sun was hot (even though there was barely any sun) and got those weird stomach cramps that only pop up when i run sometimes. [btw i've asked a doctor about those weird cramp thingies before and he says they usu. happen when people exert themselves too much when they're too unfit... like huh... i really don't think i can be classified as unfit. maybe there really is something wrong with my body. SIGH.]
sun's run was good. (they usually are) but got hit by a soccer ball on the head on my way back. was quite worried for awhile coz i remembered a biomed case in which a boy who got hit by a friend's schoolbag was diagnosed to be fine at a hospital, but subsequently collapsed and died (i think) 2 days later. some internal head injuries i think. but thankfully i'm still alive.

why can't marathons be held at night... like 2 am maybe... running under the sun is torturous

anyway i found out that a woman holds a record of sorts for having run once every single day for 26 years. and the guy's record is held by a man who's run once every single day for 27 years, and twice every day for 14 out of those 27 years. goodness. these ppl are my idols man. and i've also found out that there's this guy who has run the boston marathon a record 58 times. 58 times! i mean if he started running it when he was 20, he must still have been running it when he was at a grand old age of 78!. and boston is the no joke kind. you actually have to have pretty decent timings to even qualify for it. i know it's 3:45 for women but not sure about mens' qualifying time... sub 3 hrs maybe?

i wanted to talk about darfur but writing so much has made me tired already. it's just heartwarming to see so many people in the US being so passionate about causes they believe in, causes which have no relation at all to them, simply because they feel so deeply for victims of genocide. how many people in singapore even care, i wonder. and it feels so helpless. besides signing a petition there's nothing else i can do. no other way i can show my support and empathy. i feel that the fact that demonstrations, protestations etc are banned in SG only makes us even more unfeeling. there is simply no way people here can band together and unite for a cause they hold dear. look at the americans and their darfur and immigration. look at how the french kids managed to overturn the labour law by their show of strength and unity. then look at ourselves.

perhaps we're all being bullied by you-know-who simply because we're too passive.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:53:00 AM|

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