Sunday, July 23, 2006

letting my thoughts and emotions run wild is never a good thing. i just screw myself all up in the end. i should just be content with what i have. the groo will be back tomorrow... hopefully he'll act as a stabilizer for me and slap me back to reality.

walked with fang from suntec to chinatown last night. even though i didn't seem very enthu (sorry!) but i was genuinely enjoying it. raffles place is beautiful at night. and i loved getting lost in all the dark unexplored back lanes. and being in chinatown never fails to invoke a sense of nostalgia in me. nostalgia from that long ago show. hungry ghosts festival is coming somemore. i love that festival. i just hope that i won't see that SIA girl below block 370 ever again in the morning. if i do i'll be damn DAMN freaked. if you wanna know about the SIA girl, ask me personally. it was a damn freaky experience.

anyway studies have shown that women with the same marathon timings as men perform better than these men in endurance races > 42.195km (i.e. ultramarathons). yay!! so what if men can run shorter distances faster? that's due to genetic and physical factors. in the looong run they still lose out. and that's coz women have the endurance and mental strength and the calmness to beat the guys. =)

speaking of running.. i had a cramp in my foot this morning when i started my run. and i was so afraid that it was an injury coz the AHM is about a month away only and i can't afford to miss ANY long runs at all. but thankfully, the cramp went away after hobbling round a little. i can't wait to get back to the track. i'm itching to overtake a few guys and demoralize them. maybe i should run tmr even though it's supposed to be my recovery day. i'm d-y-i-n-g to. argh. i think i'm seriously damn obsessed.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:55:00 PM|

Friday, July 21, 2006

somebody just kill me please. and make it as painless as possible. i'm forever getting myself into shit like this.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|7:47:00 PM|

Thursday, July 13, 2006

i'm getting increasingly bad-tempered of late. and i think i'm beginning to subscribe to the idea that the old, the young, the weak and the inefficient should all collectively be shot and killed once they've outlived their useful-ness to society.

i hate the lovey dovey couples who take up the entire sidewalk and who walk DARN SLOWLY somemore in all their coupled bliss and who force me to take a detour onto the grass just to pass them. i hate those people at city hall / raffles place who refuse to walk up the escalator BUT still stand on the right hand side, thereby impeding the path of those who REALLY DO NEED TO RUSH. no i'm not complaining because they always block me when i'm in a rush. i'm darn early for work all the time, but these people irk me like hell. can't they see that they stick out like a sore thumb and can't they bloody GET THE HINT when they turn back and see a whole long line of ppl below them on the escalator impatiently tapping their fingers?

i'm not done

i also hate the friends/families who clog up the entire breadth of the travellator at dbg mrt just because they want to stand around in a group and talk. at times like this, walking outside of the travellator is even faster.

AND I HATE babies and children who make a nuisance of themselves in buses and trains. i honestly really do have the urge to slap them or stick a knife into them sometimes. my goodness. if i had a kid like that i'd shut him up at home 24/7 lest he embarrass me in public.

PLUS old folk who take their own sweet time to get off and on buses. if i ever become a liability like that i'd just kill myself first. AND those (ladies mostly) who see their bus at the bus stop but still flag it even though they are like 50m away, THEN WALK / SHUFFLE slowly to the bus. c'mon at least have the decency to LOOK LIKE you're hurrying. at least you won't look as irritating then.

all these people are bad

BUT THE WORST OF ALL ARE THOSE WHO HOG THE FIRST LANE IN THE TRACK EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE BLOODY WALKING. just get out of the way man. you can walk perfectly well in the outer lanes / on the pavements so stop impeding the smooth passage of the sprinters and serious runners to whom DISTANCE DOES MATTER. and constantly having to dodge IDIOTS LIKE THAT wastes DAMN A LOT of energy. don't believe, go to any neighbourhood stadium on a sunday morning and you encounter hordes, and i really mean HORDES of aunties and old folks and the like clogging up the inner lane. and sometimes they walk in twos or threes, fours even and clog up lanes 1-3, without even having the decency to leave some space in between themselves and the field so that runners can squeeze past them. so i end up having to make a sharp veer to the right and run horizontally to lane 3, pass them, then cut back to lane 1 again. f*cking hell. lane 1 should be an OUT-OF-BOUNDS-to-all-except-serious-runners lane. some people have no basic courtesy. bah. i can't wait to get back to nus. at least there are fewer slow people on the nus track.

and i r-e-a-l-l-y can't wait to move back into hall. my family is driving me nuts. or rather my parents are. i hate the lack of freedom. i hate having to answer to ppl about all my actions. i hate the fact that sometimes every single thing they say irks me such that i have to make a sharp retort. and which, of course, pisses them off, and gets me pissed off too ultimately. i'm contemplating moving out right after yr 4. the only thing making me think twice is that i'll only be getting 2k/500 for pupillage / plc which is definitely not enough if i want to move out.

bah. speaking about pupillage. i wonder who my pupil master will be. sigh. actually i do hope it'll be my ex-boss. hard as he is to work for, i guess i'm more or less comfortable and familiar with his working style already. hmm. and i must remember to ask if i can get a cubicle. i dont really like the pupil's room, except for the fact that it's a fantastic place for gossip and yakking sessions. i hope they'll give me a cubicle. if interns can sit in cubicles then why can't pupils?

and the groo is gone. for 11 days. funny. after all the indonesia and thailand trips and reservist i'd have thought i'd be used to it. plus when we're working we see each other only like 4 times a week. but noooo it still feels like i'm being eaten up inside. argh. the only consolation is that once he comes back we'll be moving back to hall! hall hall hall and freedom and bridge and friends and mj and long lazy days and yummy suppers and grocery shopping and orientation and the excitement at the start of a new school year! only that it's our last year. :(

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:44:00 PM|

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