Tuesday, October 24, 2006

since i might never ever qualify for boston, chicago is the one thing i HAVE to do before i die. stockholm and honolulu, because i've heard so much about the beautiful views along the courses. nairobi too, just because. can you imagine how cool it would be to say 'oh i ran a marathon in kenya last year'? kenya. mmmm. its where the greatest marathoners come from and most importantly, -Cheruiyot- IS KENYAN. you never know i might get to meet him while running the nairobi marathon. coool. and it's been so long since i idolized someone .. i feel like a teenager all over again.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:46:00 PM|

Sunday, October 22, 2006

movie marathon yesterday to celebrate the joy of achieving the feat of cutting 1400 words from my already-very-condensed maritime law paper. but now i'm in a mild state of panic because admiralty is less than 1/4 done, lets not even talk about conflicts, and i only have what .. 2 weeks! which explains why i forced myself out of bed at 930 am on a sunday morning to DO WORK despite having got home at 2am the night before.

nonetheless, death note and sinking of japan were r.e.a.l.l.y. good. everybody please go watch! and note: death note is NOT a horror movie .. so for those who avoid horror movies like the plague .. you guys should watch it too! and for those who love end-of-the-world movies ... sinking of japan is definitely a must watch. really i must say, nobody does it better than the japanese.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:34:00 AM|

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

i'm ashamed that twice last week i used the haze as an excuse to cut short / miss my run. where has all my determination gone?

and i'm wondering too .. do i need to taper for the 10k on the 29th? just look at myself .. another excuse to slack.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:19:00 PM|

Monday, October 16, 2006

every single step hurts. i'm not kidding. and i'm not even gonna think about what it'd be like trying to walk down a flight of stairs. ARGH.

and i just realised that the GE 10k is 2 weekends away .. i'm so not prepared. at least its 10k only. . so i can just dont think so much and chiong all the way.

and i really desperately need to finish up my maritime paper. i've been spending way too much time on it already. i need to start on admiralty and then conflicts. but all i do is read newspapers, nuah around, play games, surf blogs, play endless rounds of 2 man bridge, go trekking at bt timah, go out for nice long lunches and dinners and suppers, and sleep. and run.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:33:00 AM|

i am writing to announce that i have completed my first ever 25k run. and through the course of it i have 1) ingested copious amounts of noxious gases from huge trucks and such, either carrying 20 metre long steel pipes or 20 foot tall Maersk containers, all whizzing past me along the West Coast Highway with less than 1m to spare, 2) almost gotten chased by a stray dog near the factories, 3) gotten stared at by a bangla and whistled at by a bunch of malay guys, 4) seen manymany sports cars rounding the bends (towards me!) on the infamous 13-bend road at dangerously high speeds 5) almost gotten hit by a stray soccer ball at the track (again!). but i survived, though i'm not sure if my legs will. we shall see tomorrow i guess. and for the first time, a shred of self-doubt is creeping into me. if this is what a mere 25k has done to me, i'm positively sure i can't run 42.195 km, at least not without feeling like i am going to die. and that is not a very pleasant feeling.
what have i gotten myself into?

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:32:00 AM|

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

i'm going to yunnan in december!
despite initial reservations about
1) it being c-h-i-n-a
2)the state of the (almost non-existent) toilets there [thanks to china toilet horror stories courtesy of my ex-mentor's secretary]
3) possibly being a lightbulb [it's only my parents and ME coz my brother is going off to hk with his friends]
4) the fact that i'll be spending christmas there [it's from the 21st to 29th],

i'm actually getting quite excited about it. owing to the good things i've heard from pc about the scenery there. heh. and since i'm too impatient to wait till i go home over the weekend and check out the itinary, i've been frantically searching the dynastytravel website for details of the trip but NOOOO they keep saying that they have NO group tours to china. like wtf. seriously. i would have wanted another tour agency if not for the fact that my mum is fixed on them coz they're the only one who takes you up some snow-capped mountain. bah.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:57:00 AM|

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