Monday, January 29, 2007

a few things:

1) i'll never forget the day the groo whacked me on the leg all because of our darling angelfish

2) how can muscle aches ever be an excuse for not conducting training? no one's saying that you have to do speedwork at every session. if anything, bringing us for a long slow run at this time will probably do wonders for those aches. yeah sure those without aches can go out and get some running done themselves, but the ironic thing is that those who are aching are the ones who probably need the training the most, not the rest! i'm not being mean but there are some who self admittedly can't run 6 rounds without stopping. like that how?

3) the big baby has suddenly mysteriously acquired many many new scratches, some near the rear left wheel and some near the left front headlight. and which i'm absolutely sure weren't there a week ago. thing is, neither of us remember scratching it either. hmm.... is there someone out there who hates us?

4) i can't run <2 mins per round consistently for 8km anymore. seems like i need to do more than wake up my idea. some serious damage control is needed. right. now.

5) maple is consuming my life. my waking life at least. i haven't started dreaming about it yet thankfully.

6) i'm a lucky star for arsenal / singapore. arsenal was trailing man utd some time ago by a goal when i arrived at the very crowed and passionate coffeeshop 20 mins to full time. of course, the groo was a very grumpy groo. when i sat down to my hokkien mee i briefly entertained the thought that 'what if arsenal wins because i came'? the rest is history. haha. then fast forward to saturday night. calv dave and i were having crabs at a coffeeshop in HG which was not showing TCS 8 instead of the SG-M'asia game. (why?!) as we all know SG was stagnating in a draw for the longest time and all that we could see of the match was a few tiny dots moving on a tv a few shops away. when the game had to go on to penalties i decided to abandon the crabs and walk over to the tv a few shops away to watch the proceedings. and of course we won. heh heh. but i still don't get why i'm such a jinx for arsenal in all their champs league matches though =(

7) EU law makes for very very boring reading but class is actually rather interesting. the wonders of having a good lecturer =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:17:00 PM|

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

when everyone was still in hall supper used to be a small cozy 4-5 ppl affair. strangely enough now that almost everyone has moved out, we've had 2 huge suppers already this year --> 2 carloads of ppl going for teochew porridge some time ago and 3 carloads of ppl for bak kut teh last night. i lurve having bkt for supper. it just leaves me lazy and contented and full and ready for bed. i've even associated bkt with supper so much that going there for dinner once made me feel weird. like how eating toast and eggs in the afternoon makes you feel like you're doing sth unconventional.

more fartleks last evening with the road race team. the timings kind of surprised me. if i'm not wrong they were all in the low 1'3-something range with even a 1'29" if i remember correctly. wow. and i didn't even push myself as hard as on sunday. maybe it was because i had someone to pace .. maybe i'm already reaping the benefits of sunday's workout.. or maybe there's something really wrong with my brand new timex. hurhur. time trial coming up tmr .. but my legs are still feeling blah. and i need to find some time to do a long run because i read somewhere that speedwork should take up no more than 10% of your weekly mileage but at the rate this is going speedwork is going to take up 100% of mine. argh.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:57:00 PM|

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

so anyway in keeping with the wake-up-my-idea resolution i forced myself down to the track last night for fartleks. Did 1'34" 1'38" 1'37" for the 400s and '49, '46 for the 2oos. gave up on the 400s after 3 rounds because i was getting tired and my timings were inching dangerously close to the 1'40" mark which i was determined not to cross (because that's the standard for the rh handball team for their 6 rounds fartleks). haha sometimes i really can't believe i'm this escapist. but i am very well aware of my inadequacies and so the end feb / mid march resolution is to be able to do 6x400 all under 1'35". hopefully.

more in line with my escapist nature --> decided not to run ihg track this year. and i think quite a few people were disappointed. the reasons i gave - class + friend leaving for US were all true but i guess if i'd really wanted to i could have pushed everything aside. the fact was that i really didn't want to. i'm sorry but really there was no way i could have allowed myself down there for 400s and 800s on that day having done absolutely NO hard running (and very little of any form of running for that matter) for over a month. the fact that (as the groo says) despite all this i'd still probably be faster than whoever else they send down is irrelevant. i just can't conceive of the idea of going down for something knowing full well that i'm sorely unprepared for it. and looking at those above timings i'm really glad i didn't go down. because well. yea. bleargh.

both insurance and EU classes were cancelled today so basically i went down to school for absolutely nothing thanks to wonderful friends like will and calv who somehow called each other to confirm the news about the class cancellation but very kindly neglected the rest of us, assuming that we already knew the news. ARGH please i may know about law school gossip earlier than you guys do (thanks to my snooping) but this doesn't mean that i check ivle dilligently before i go to bed every night okay! managed to get some work done though and dinner was hilarious as usual. i honestly haven't laughed this hard and this much ever since last sem when we were studying together in the classrooms and my abs muscles haven't had such a good workout in a long time either. laughter is really the best therapy around and it did make me forget, even if only for awhile.

oh and btw if you all are bored do check out it's damn hilarious and i was desperately trying to muffle my laughter while reading it in the library. luckily miss grumpy wasn't there to take offence at the noise ... yet ... and start on one of her irritating pen-tapping, loud-sighing and under-breath muttering sessions yet again. come to think of it, she's hilarious too actually .. in her own grumpy irritating way. hurhur.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:55:00 AM|

Saturday, January 20, 2007

this was supposed to be written last tuesday after the time trial but i've simply been too lazy / busy

and which is that

there is exactly one month left for me to wake up my idea and start doing something about my dismal timing after having slacked (i.e. done no hard running) the entire december. 10:28 may be decent but its simply nowhere near the standard of the top nus road race runners nor near my previous year's 10:02 pb. argh. here's to lots more fartleks + time trials + chiong-ing up and down the central library slopes, at least until after cny when i can finally start running far again

despite my best intentions it seems like this sem is the fluffiest ever --> EU + int'l labour law. and they're both xiong fluff at that. well done me.

also. i'd better wake up my idea too w.r.t. some other matters.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:04:00 PM|

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