Tuesday, February 27, 2007

thanks to the stupid show which we watched on discovery at james' place the other day, i now diligently peer into every toilet bowl which i am about to sit on for suspicious brown blobs of stuff lying inside. i think i'm getting paranoid. just like how for a certain period of time last year i would lie on the mattress on the floor watching the fan spinning directly above me and obsess about what would happen should it suddenly become detached from the ceiling, drop and hurtle through the air towards me while its still-spinning blades slash my neck cleanly into two, leaving a trail of red spattered across the white walls and floor. yucks.

EU is really a bitch to study for. i can emerge from hours of reading the textbook in a dazed stupor and totally not remembering anything that i'd read. i think it's one of the worst module choices i'd ever made in law school though its rather a pity to say this because all the profs were really brilliant and passionate and nice and hot (okay, only imola) and spoke with cool accents (haha!) and were fantastic teachers and took us to nice places like the wine company and brewerkz on their respective last days in SG. Its a pity too imo because the module provided the og with lots of quality bonding time through 3 weeks of pre-class dinners, post-class suppers, in-class gossip / bitching /shopping sessions (mostly the girls only!) and not to mention the daily mad rush to chope the best seats in the room. haha. it was fun while it lasted but studying is a real t-o-r-t-u-r-e now. i think EU law is just boring in nature per se. now just let me get through the next 2 weeks and the 24-hour no-sleep exam in 1 piece and i'll be happy.


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:10:00 AM|

Monday, February 26, 2007

i'm sitting in the first class of the last half of my last semester in my last year of law school. this is seriously depressing. how i wish i could drop everything and run away forever. like going to live in a cave. or buying 2 camels and wandering the sahara.


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:25:00 AM|

Sunday, February 25, 2007

As the autumn deepens, the fathomless lakes of their eyes assume an ever more sorrowful hue. The leaves turn color, the grasses wither; the beasts sense the advance of a long, hungry season. And bowing to their vision, I too know a sadness

The passing of autumn leaves a temporary blank, an empty hole in the year that is not of a season at all. The beasts begin to lose the sheen from their coats, lose their golden hue, bleaching slowly white. It is an announcement that winter draws near. All living things in the Town hang their heads, their bodies braced for the freezing season. Signs of winter shroud the Town like an invisible skin. The sound of the wind, the swaying of the grasses, the clack of heels on the cobblestones in the still of night, all grow remote under an ominous weight. Even the waters of the River, once so pleasant as they lapped at the sandbars, no longer soothe me. There is an instinctive withdrawal for the sake of preservation, a closure that assumes the order of completion. Winter is a season unto itself. The short cries of the birds grow thin and shrill; at times only the flapping of their wings disturbs the void

Murakami, Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World

tell me, how can i not fall in love with such writing?

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:54:00 AM|

Saturday, February 24, 2007

random pics from looong ago #1 - santa got stuck!
#2 - my $5 kiss from carlos

#3 - our lunch date with mrs tang =)
#4 - the most caring teacher. ever.

more to come!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:00:00 AM|

i love mj
i love it at night when its just me and the baby. and when we're exploring dark deserted roads together
i love speed. i'm addicted to speed. i dont get why my parents think i'm driving too fast when i'm only going at 70... thank god they haven't seen me on the expressway yet.
i love the purr of the baby's engine when i accelerate. hard.
i love beating the red light at the junction between NUS and kent vale
i love being intro-ed to new supper places even though most of them are too out of the way to be visited on a regular basis (btw pc .. jo brought me to the cck coffeeshop where you ta-pao-ed your supper from the other time!)
i love sending different friends home and getting familiarized with more and more roads in sg. now i even know how to get from btc to yishun to sembawang (!) to cck to nus! i want to be better than my dad at driving around. someday.

and i'm sleepy and can't remember what else i love besides the usual.

oh ya i love murakami. i initially wanted to post a lovely paragraph from hard boiled wonderland but i left the book in the car unfortunately =(

also .. james i think you're a wonderful host! thanks for cooking for us, pouring water for every one of us, letting us raid your food and drinks stores and most of all, skipping your all-important kendo training just to hang out with us for a longer time. og 1 loves you i'm sure =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:35:00 AM|

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

and so the cny holiday is over just like that and i have done like ... 5 pages worth of EU law readings and only gained like 1.5 maplestory levels.
saturday: mapling, vegetating
sunday: mapling, visiting, rotting
monday: mapling (less), more visiting, more vegetating
tuesday: no mapling whatsoever, rotting

ARGH. i need to get my act together. i have a 24 hour 8-credit take home exam, an insurance paper and a 100% labour law paper all due in the coming month. i haven't been running either ever since road race and the guilt is eating me up. road race of course is another whole painful story that i don't want to go into

sadly i have also found out that mj is no longer as fun anymore. i dunno. maybe i'm just xian today or something. eujin's family plays like they're possessed. honestly - they clack, clack, clack the tiles together so quickly that i barely have time to arrange my tiles into a coherent and decipherable whole before i have to throw my first tile down. and forget about strategy and trying to read your opponent's tiles and whatnot. i barely have enough time to think about what i should be throwing. its awe-inspiring but extremely stressful at the same time. AND we played $1 $2. i dont even want to think about how much of my ang pao money i'd have lost had we played real $$ instead of chips. double ARGH.
i miss the tong xiao mj nights in hall =( when we all had this little stack of coins beside us on the table and carried out real-time funds transfers after every game. booohooooo.

and my gal friends are the bestest ever! thanks for always listening to me when i'm at my whiniest and bitchiest and for tolerating my sometimes incessant baby talk about blue umbrellas and whatnot. -hug- love you all =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:02:00 AM|

Friday, February 16, 2007

i sit on the bed and look around the empty room and it suddenly occurs to me that this is probably only the 2nd time in 3 years that i'm spending a night in hall alone without the groo. then my gaze shifts to the roses from 2 days ago, slowly turning black at the edges and i really desperately want to cry.

i guess i'm more emotionally needy than i thought.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:40:00 AM|

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

i had a nightmare last night. i dreamt that char and i were at marmalade pantry and ALL their cupcakes were SOLD OUT except for some weird mandarin orange flavoured ones. boooo. hope this doesn't come true on thursday!

have been toying with the idea of rebonding my hair but hmm this has met with almost universal disapproval so ....

i love condo shopping. the groo's sis is currently on a condo shopping spree (ok this sounds wrong .. she's looking to buy one only not many many) and we've been going around in the car looking at the condos in the east area and ohmigosh i've found the one of my dreams. it's called 'the venezia', on upper east coast road, and it's wood and glass themed. every unit has floor to ceiling windows, stuff that looks like wooden louvres outside, GLASS BALCONIES!, and the penthouses are absolutely lovely too. the groo hasn't done a price check on it but i'm quite sure that the cost will be equally lovely -_-

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

i've been eating too much and running too little for my own good

blah blah

can't wait for cny to come because the groo will be in china and i'll get the big baby all to myself! for 5 days! yay!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:14:00 PM|

Friday, February 02, 2007

i think i am beginning to like vivocity a lot. i like the spacious always almost empty carpark (so i can park in my favourite lot everytime i go) and i love the coffee bean there. there are ample powerpoints to go around and its wonderful to be able to sit there and look out of the huge glass doors at the sun the fountain and the world passing by outside. the only thing is WHY IS THERE NO WIRELESS@SG NETWORK THERE? do the ida authorities deem the harboufront area to be unimportant enough to be given a miss?? it would have been perfect but for this.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:20:00 PM|

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