Friday, March 30, 2007

i distinctly remember having, in 3 separate but recent i-cant-walk-into-a-bookshop-and-stay-for-long-without-buying-anything incidents, acquired murakami's 'after the quake' and 'underground' as well as jared diamond's 'guns, germs and steel'.
but now i can't for the life of me find them anywhere!

damn damn damn.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|11:24:00 PM|

Thursday, March 29, 2007

hmm i was gonna post the law ball pics with my favourite law peeps here when i realised that most of my photos are vertical instead of horizontal, and idiotic blogger refuses to publish them the right way up and there is NO rotate function!
ARGH. does anyone know how to do it properly????

anyway i had the most horrifying scare of my driving career yesterday. on the way out from PS the wind blew a piece of newspaper onto the road right into the path of my car. i thought nothing of it but my passenger, one split second before i went over the newspaper, yelled 'hey watch out! cat!' (or something to similar effect). my heart literally stopped for a second and i slammed on the brakes before my common sense told me that THAT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN A FREAKING CAT. because it was flat. and because the wind managed to swirl it around for awhile before it landed on the ground. but still... my nerves remained frazzled for quite awhile after that.

i dont know what i'll do though if i really happen to run over a small animal. will i stop? cry? be able to drive back? be able to sleep that night / at night? or just drive on and pretend nothing happened? hmmmm..

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|8:02:00 PM|

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

'The way we think might be completely different, but you and I are an ancient, archetypal couple, the original man and woman. We are the model for Adam and Eve. For all couples in love, there comes a moment when a man gazes at a woman with the very same kind of realization. It is an infinite helix, the dance of two souls resonating, like the twist of DNA, like the vast universe' - banana yoshimoto, helix

wow. this is amazing shit.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:19:00 AM|

Monday, March 26, 2007

it is over. but i'm not overjoyed. its been a long time since i was so heck-care about my work.. to the extent that i wanted to submit it without reading through it, without doing up my footnotes properly, without anything. to the extent that i hung out till almost 3 with the og at harry's after law ball on friday, caught bean on saturday and again hung out till almost 3 AND went shopping at ikea this afternoon AND had dinner with ken sf elgin at vivo WHEN i knew that my paper was half-f*ed.

and sometimes i can look at you and just feel -blank-. utterly devoid of emotion.

my increasing apathy scares me sometimes.


(law ball and post-law ball was great fun! pics etc etc to come!)
off to concuss
but wow it's 6:30 am and i'm wide awake!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:26:00 AM|

i know you love me =)
actions really do speak louder than words
and i don't know what i've done to deserve all this, really.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|5:07:00 AM|

Friday, March 23, 2007

you know, i think i'm getting used to the bleary-eyed, cotton-wool-in-my-head feeling that comes with a sleepless night. now i can even resist the urge to sleep it off during the day... thank you law school! i just might be able to survive practice next time without burning out. wonderful.

anyway the BLE guy who gave the talk today was really hilarious. he told us about this guy who brought an entire suitcase of materials in for the PLC exams (which are open book) but couldn't for the life of him open it up at the exam venue. and also about the one against whom disciplinary action was taken because he was carrying on the business of selling lingerie (which apparently is extremely undesirable, according to the Legal Profession Act) during his pupillage/PLC. and also also about law students littering the sub-courts with their empty cups and what not during night classes, when the hearings scheduled in that same courtroom for the next morning were hearings for littering offences. haha. i love lawyers who can turn boring topics into jokes. =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:56:00 PM|

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

peektures ...

bt timah hill long long ago


mike and his makeshift baseball bat

william ... aiming really hard

og1 cny reunion dinner less james (the photographer), dave and william

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:18:00 PM|

more peeektures ...

morton's! =)

james and i (before i turned red)

pc, mike, dave

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:57:00 PM|

Monday, March 19, 2007

today in class william saw the length of the list of blogs i stalk (in my firefox bookmarks) and laughed out loud. i was too busy giggling behind my wide laptop screen to check if PCC heard.

now he claims i have more blog-marks than the bookmarks he ever had in his entire life. hmmph whatever. am i really such a stalker?!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:07:00 PM|

Friday, March 16, 2007

there are times when it feels like the whole world is conspiring to annoy the hell out of me. crucial sms-es do not get delivered, as a consequence timing gets screwed up, the irritation of trying to talk and drive and make plans at the same time, screwed up nus traffic especially near pgp, coming back looking forward to a nice rest and finding out that people have unceremoniously barged into my room, and that they cannot take care of themselves well enough to even TAKE PANADOL when they have a headache. seriously. you think lying there and whining about it is going to make it go away? THEN THINK TWICE. OR GET A NEW BRAIN.

screw the world. seriously.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:38:00 PM|

yay even if i have to stay up till morning to complete the insurance assignment i would say that everything was totally worth it =)

went to school intending to get some work done but saw mike and dave at the canteen. sat down and was promptly whisked away to 'take a walk' with them. well our walk led us through the botanical gardens to the cold storage along bk timah road for a tub of ben&jerry's! and back again through the botanical gardens where we found a nice mildly-lit pavilion (which we stole from the lovers hiding in the bushes) to sit down in and polish off the entire tub. yummmmm. of course mike and dave were squabbling non-stop all the way about everything from whether to take a joy-ride in my car or whether to take a walk, to whether we were taking the right path through the gardens, to dave's self-proclaimed 'growing fats everywhere' to the ice cream flavour to where to get spoons to who was taking longer over scooping the ice cream to who was eating more. GRRRR. but fun nonetheless =)

and there's more ice cream tomorrow with the girls! yay!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:29:00 AM|

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

心蚀 - 许茹芸




10 years or so on,
i still think this is the most hauntingly sad song i've ever heard.
can't get over the despair and resignation in the music, the lyrics, the entire soul of the song
the full significance of the lyrics finally hits me now
though not quite in the way i'd always imagined it would


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:06:00 AM|

Monday, March 12, 2007

this is what i found in my email today.

"Dear Residents,

A black snake or a cobra was seen in the Blk 3 ground floor male toilet and escaped. It was hanging behind a shower cubicle door.

It may be poisonous so keep a look out for it as it could be anywhere in Raffles Hall now.

Thank you.

Leong Siew Teng"


OMFG. will really have to remember to look into toilet bowls now lest the discovery channel thingy happens again in singapore.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:42:00 PM|

Sunday, March 11, 2007

its 430 am, i'm relatively awake, the car key is beside me and the groo is dead to the world (must be all that alcohol). its the perfect time to take the baby out for a spin but nooooooooo i cannot. BECAUSE I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF AN EXAM. wtf. and the only trip out that would be justifiable would be one made to clementi central. to get kopi-peng. which i think i will have to make pretty soon. we'll see.

speaking of the exam. i don't see HOW anyone can find ANYTHING remotely relevant to write about question 2.1. i've literally crapped all my guts out and barely just hit the 1.5k word limit. and that took me 3 hours and 35 minutes exactly. and somemore its after 1 hour and 30 minutes of planning. and now i have to re-read the essay and edit. Should have changed question while i still could. wtf. just shoot me now. have i ever mentioned that i HATE re-reading stuff i write because it just never seems to be good enough? but good. thinking about this is good. because it makes me angry. and angry me = awake me. yayyy. my anger at the question has essentially achieved what 1 kopi-peng + 1 teh-peng + 1 chicken essence have not managed to achieve.

wow. if only i could crap THIS well for the exam.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:31:00 AM|

Saturday, March 10, 2007

the morning after.

and i feel no remorse or guilt whatsoever. in fact i still think that my words were too mild to reflect what i was feeling.


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:17:00 PM|

ok i have resolved never to let myself get bullied or shoved around or dictated to anymore.

why is it that throughout the past 8 or so years i've had to constantly un-learn and re-learn again the lesson that the best way to handle my parents' unreasonableness is by sheer will, force and rebellion? okay the early years were characterized by getting what i wanted through lies and other sneaky means but i eventually did find out several times that i could get my own way (and in a more permanent manner too) if i forcefully stood my ground, rebelled, screamed, shouted and cried until they gave in.

unfortunately i seem to have mellowed somewhat and my teenage angst has almost all but disappeared. good in a general sense i guess but bad when it comes to issues in which i need to get my way. my grudges die too easily as well - last dec's trip all but left me simmering with hate and rage at them almost every day (i'm really not kidding) but right now i'm actually tempted to take up their offer on the next one in september. wtf. i wish i had my brother's iron will. and now it seems that i've let down my guard sufficiently to let them take advantage of me again, with me not putting up much of a fight - just appealing to reason - which is useless anyway because they refuse to even reason with me.

i'm so desperate that i'm thinking of words i can say to hurt them enough to stop interfering with my life... but for now ... for this problem ... i'm just going to put my foot down and say that fine if you don't want me coming home late because you can't sleep before i'm home then too bad. stay up all you want. and screw up your sleeping patterns all you want. i am not going to sacrifice my fun and come home early just so that i can allay your perverse fears about how dangerous it is to be out after midnight. alternatively if you dont want me coming home late then i'll just stay in hall after a night out, nevermind that its the weekend and that i should be home to see you. it's your own fault. you're just driving your children further and further away from you due to your excessive paranoia and protectiveness. (this would be problematic though after i move out of hall... gRRRRR).

and lastly too if you both die unloved - again don't blame us. i will support you both financially in the future but don't expect anything more because that is all you ever gave me too. don't expect any emotional closeness or commitment from me because that door has been closed long ago - by your own selves - when all you did was unilaterally impose your views on me and could never be bothered to listen and care.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:01:00 AM|

Thursday, March 08, 2007

finally got my ass down to clearing all the stuff that has been accumulating in my mailbox for the past 3 years and the first stack of stuff which i decided to bring back was my conflicts notes. flipping through them again brought back so many memories - how we all gave will so much shit for deciding in the first week to drop the module but later on marvelled at his foresight and wisdom (haha), how celeste never ever came for class after the first week, how it was easily the most difficult module any of us had taken in law school, our familiar sitting arrangement - pc me and jo in front with calv and cuiyu behind and all probably not paying attention anyway, buying teh-peng / kopi-peng to tide us through the classes, how i'd try so hard to follow TYL in the beginning of every class but somehow lose him along the way, give up, and start msn-ing and playing goldminer, how some people could type verbatim everything TYL said for 1 1/2 hrs straight, how i was so constantly amused by and respectful of TYL's enthusiasm and passion for the subject when all of us were zzzZZZzz unresponsive, how i read our assignment questions for the first time and went ??!?!?!!!!^$$%#$!, how i eventually had to read through them countless times before even beginning to comprehend what he was asking for, the agony of reading up and doing research for the assignment, the mad rush to finish it at yih, pc staying over in my room to complete hers, meeting TYL along the corridor and subsequently going into ecstacies of delight because HE SMILED AT ME when i never once paid attention! celeste and her anti-ness and how she couldn't wait to give feedback on the module, tearing my hair out over it during reading week, how NOBODY seemed to be able to answer my simple question THE NIGHT BEFORE THE PAPER on what the proper law of the tort would be after the double actionability rule was satisfied, how we panicked and emailed TYL at the last min but he never replied because he had already gone home =(, how we eventually decided that it probably wasn't that important anyway, how the freaking air-con in the examination room decided to break down that morning so that our paper had to be pushed back by 1/2 hr, finally the sweet taste of freedom after that, and us dumping our notes into our respective mailboxs so that we could go out and plaaaay! =)

and now. i am 1 24-hr take home paper, 1 assignment, 1 research paper and 1 examination away from graduating. boohoohoo

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:57:00 PM|

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

we have finally paid the long-overdue visit to the prata stall at the rail mall which one of the law peeps had previously blogged about, and my .. was it a worthwhile trip. the place is not crowded and noisy and rowdy like most prata places are; instead it has a nice air-conditioned food-court-like environment, HUGE crispy pratas (my favourite kind!) and this special iced milk tea thingy that's really good. oh and even the prata curry is good. plus the price is way more reasonable than a certain FS' is. yummm.

oh and i'm also completely in love with the music and lyrics soundtrack. being (unfortunately) parted from it for several days has not deterred me from listening to the songs every day and night, repeatedly, on youtube. now i just can't wait to get it back so that i can blast it in the car too. even thinking about the songs can fill me with a warm glow inside. i am so in love.

love love love love!!!!!!!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:10:00 AM|

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

the weekend is inching closer and i'm still studying at a snail's pace. i'm so screwed this time round.
24 hour take home. and i dont even know what its like to not sleep for 24 hours.
die die die

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:26:00 AM|

Friday, March 02, 2007

is it just me or have there been considerably more accidents on the roads these days? in the past month or so i've seen:

1) a particularly nasty accident in front of the mosque (along the mrt tracks) at clementi. was on the bus back to hall when i saw a whole cluster of police vans and curious onlookers huddled together outside the mosque. being the morbid and curious person i am, i just couldn't resist, rushed back and took the car out just to drive past the scene to see what i could feast my eyes on. (i even skipped road race training for THAT). Well it was pretty sad because what i first saw was a body lying under a white sheet on the road, with a motorcycle lying on its side not far away. There was a grey van there too and hmm its not too hard to imagine what happened

2) one on the PIE (towards jurong) at 1am or so after sending ks, hz and pc back home. couldn't see what happened really, just the ambulance and a MASSIVE jam stretching about 1 km

3) at least 2 ambulances / police vans rushing past me on the AYE / ECP, sirens blaring. i'm sure something must have happened somewhere

4) a collision between a van and a car (i think) along the ecp near the rochor exit. dont think it was too serious because the occupants of the vehicles were standing around on the shoulder (in the breeze, under the blue blue sky) giving their statements to the police. but my gawking almost caused an accident itself because it prevented me from noticing that the beemer in front of me had braked. really hard.

5) just two nights ago while running --> a police car, speeding for all it was worth, sirens blaring too, IN NUS! continued my run and some 15 mins later came across the accident scene along pasir panjang rd near KR. apparently a motorcycle had smashed into a car (you could actually see a motorcycle-shaped dent in the car itself). No bodies etc though; maybe the rider was already on his way to hospital.

6) again while running (on the track this time), there was a massive jam towards jurong and of course the requisite siren-blaring ambulances speeding past. think the accident was pretty far ahead so didn't get to see anything but just as i was ending my run, an ambulance came speeding back in the other direction. i presumed it was the same one i'd seen earlier, unless (gasp) there were 2 accidents along the AYE in this short span of time but if it really was the same one it sure took a long time getting back though. think about it! the guy could have died!

of course the groo uses all these as opportunities to drive drive-safely lectures into me but whatever ... i'd like to think i'm pretty good already anyway =)

the groo also drooled on me this afternoon during our nap. eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|9:30:00 PM|

Thursday, March 01, 2007


secret recipe always makes me inexplicably happy. chocolate banana is yum alphabet fries are yum and penne with turkey ham and cheese is the yummiest =)

now for an afternoon nap to add to the bliss


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:26:00 PM|

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