Thursday, June 28, 2007

don't know if there's anything i'm not supposed to divulge but ... well.

boss, i, and the ship managers' representative had a zi char dinner at pasir panjang and we drank a toast to my first time on board a ship. 'and many more to come' boss says.

i love the sea. i love being out on a ship in the open sea. i want to work on board a tanker or cargo ship. i want to sail with NOL. i want to first get my powerboat licence then pleasure craft licence then join some shipping line and work my way up to master mariner (if that's even possible). somehow boss kept hinting that this is a path i might pursue.. and yes why not? perhaps a few years down the road when i get sick of practice. but then .. sailing means i'll be away from home for months at a time. then the groo how.

but right now i'm just so in awe of how the crew i met today are true blue seamen. they live a different life, they speak a different language. i'm fascinated by how all the nautical terms just roll off their tongues so easily. and how boss understands the lingo. i want to live that life.

for now i'm just happy that i knew what a tug + barge + tanker was when i saw them.

P&I club guy pointed out to me a supertanker. it's ENORMOUS. fully loaded its >12 storeys high. and it's not even a VLCC yet. heard that some of the newest VLCCs are too big to even enter certain port limits / navigate thru certain canals & waterways.

anyways said tanker i was going to board was anchored out at sea so we took a launch from west coast ferry terminal out. the 1 hr trip out was amazing. passed PSA, the oil refineries, vessels of all kinds, all the while with my feet out, the sun shining on me and the wind blowing in my hair. then we pulled up alongside the tanker and we climbed up from a rope ladder hung over the side of the tanker. oh yah not before i took pics of the damaged parts.

crew was really nice, nothing like the fabled throw-lawyers-overboard kind that i'd been hearing so much about, well probably coz we were acting for them. duh. we had food and an endless supply of drinks while interviewing the crew. and even went up to the bridge. took even more photos. will post them if i eventually do get my hands on them.

hmm what else? that was it i guess.

all i can say is i'm so glad i decided in yr 3 that i liked shipping. and stuck with my choice.
and that collisions are more fun than boring old cargo claims.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:40:00 PM|

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

head stuffed with cotton wool and nose dripping like a tap. and muchmuch work to do.
argh. should snap out of this. self-pity won't help and is only for the weak and spineless.


on a happier note. call papers have been filed, (at least what can be filed at this stage has been filed), waiting for the High Court's approval.

boss is bringing me on board a ship tomorrow to interview the crew. collision case. YAY! finally! first step to becoming a true blue shipping lawyer. =)

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:21:00 PM|

Monday, June 25, 2007

Anonymous Lawyer: The Novel is finally out. It's in his usual style though, so if you've already trawled through all the contents of his blog then it probably won't provide many more burst-out-laughing-hysterically moments. i got it on impulse (what's new) and kind of regret a little.

today's the slackest i've ever been so far in the office. not much work so its a good thing. been msn-ing various ppl constantly throughout the day though so i think the partners who pass by my cubicle (which is -all- the partners) probably regret taking me on as a pupil already. SIGH. i even msn ppl sitting no further than 10m from me.

scary realization: if my 10k timing this year is 2 mins slower, i'll drop 20 places down the ranking table. (based on last yr's GE10k results).

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|5:55:00 PM|

Saturday, June 23, 2007

i am back with a vengeance. a little late to start now i know, so i'm not actually hoping for any PBs. but if some do come my way due to greater willpower, accumulated experience or sheer grace of god, they will be very much welcome =). just no PWs please. hopefully. toying with the idea of MR 25 too.. but going into it not knowing anyone is a little daunting. weeee shalll seeee.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:44:00 PM|

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

just a thought. you know,

a pf can allege anything he likes
a def can then raise all the defences he wants
ppl can lie all they wish

but ultimately
res ipsa loquitur

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:11:00 AM|

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

so ... i am very much back and a 1,500 or so photos richer. my laptop is safe and sound too so a big [insert rude face] to everyone who pessimistically predicted that it would get lost / stolen there. i did manage to lose both jackets which i brought there though.. but that's another story for another time. what do i remember of the trip ... lets see. the scenery of course, endless bus rides which were spent dozing, reading, stoning, playing fill-it-ins and endless rounds of 2 man bridge/dai dee, more endless rounds of bridge / asshole dai dee, the cheap booze which turned the guys into temporary alcoholics, phototaking phototaking and more phototaking, paris where i'm proud to say that i got through an entire day speaking bad french to the french, except for that one idiot in montmartre who insisted on speaking english, the dreary 4 hour wait in the dubai airport as well as forsaking sleep on the plane ride back for more endless rounds of 'who wants to be a millionaire'. not really the things i should be remembering isn't it .. hmm.

now that i am gainfully employed [though counting down the days to when i'll be a student again - 23], i've developed the theory that all high fliers (or to be more politically correct, all those whom society perceives to be high fliers) secretly deep down inside do yearn at times to have one of those (objectively) mindless, mundane, lower-paying and lesser-prospects jobs. really. right now i'd LOVE to be a secretary at a law firm. or a bank teller. or a data entry personnel. i don't want to have to use my brains or be creative or what not. i just want to be able to do well at my job simply by following instructions and nothing more. hmm. do you think my firm will want to take me on as a secretary (getting proper secretary pay of course) after i get called? i hope so coz i'm seriously contemplating it.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:54:00 PM|

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