Monday, July 23, 2007

now where should i start.

8pm sat night: ktv suggested as a post-dinner activity. i went yesssss! and right there and then decided to scrap all my plans to rest early that night in preparation for sunday morning's mizuno run

10pm: get msg from james saying sth to the effect that he's screwed for the run coz he's out drinking. tell him that i'm in no better state. briefly toy with the idea of not turning up but the enormity of it overwhelms me and i stash it away.

11pm: suddenly panicked when i realized that i didn't have safety pins for my number tag and that parents would be asleep when i get home so can't exactly raid their room for pins. desperately contacted james who promised to bring me some. made plans to call him the next morning when i reach TP.

330am: DAMN TIRED and cotton-wool-brained. get home, hurriedly pack all the stuff i need and try to get some sleep. briefly thought about not turning up again but subsequently managed to psych myself up for the run. psyched myself up so much that i think could only fall asleep at like ... 5+

6am: get woken up by the grooo. take a look at the rain outside and decide to give it a miss. but the guilt starts building up.

645: guiltily inform james of my intended absence and ask him to enjoy his run. dont get a reply and wonder if he's mildly pissed that i'm being such a wuss and backing out of it.

645++ guilt builds up steadily throughout the day

1115pm: james msn-s and tells me that he went back to sleep too! start feeling much happier and much less guilty. BUT also realize that if i had been disciplined and gone for the run, i wouldn't have had ANY SAFETY PINS for my number tag! wtfffff! am doubly glad now that i didn't go.

1130pm: calv makes my day. as a result of my sensational 'what have i done?' msn nick many ppl, one of whom is calv, msg to ask about it. calv directs me to blogs bitching about how badly the race was organized --> long queues at baggage deposit and collection, no one knowing where the finishing line is even, undermanned water points, muddy route and puddles all around and the congested routes.

am superbly happy now! and yes. that emotional roller coaster was all for one stupid badly-organized run.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:20:00 AM|

Saturday, July 21, 2007

advo is all of 21 days away yet i'm already dreading it with a ... dread that i've not known for anything else.

junwei & wife are opening up their home to us tmr! =) who'd have thought that out of all of us in hall, he'd be the first to get married. amazing stuff. and both of them look so contented together that you just can't help but feel wonderfully happy for them. but of course the hilarious groo kept worriedly asking wendy (the wife) about renovation costs + the hidden costs of owning your own place... etc at supper that night. from talking about bridge, hall gossip, mj etc we've now moved on to topics like marriage, travelling to work, owning a place, petrol prices etc and it struck me that we've really really grown up. =( . of course mervyn was his usual self, telling us about his big plans to make a fortune through poker and gambling. haha.

i wish i could get rid of this impending sense of doom that's been surrounding me for the past few days. really. everyday i open the papers and look for a report saying that WWIII has broken out / some atoll in the pacific has been submerged or what not. i know sth big is going to happen, i just don't know what, why and when. ARGH.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:50:00 AM|

Friday, July 20, 2007

plc life is really good, especially this week. classes are from 10-1 so we go for nice long lunches and i have the luxury of going home after lunch, napping, and then going out again to meet either the groo or friends. somehow, with the huge auditorium and little secluded corner where we hide in, we don't really feel the need to keep up appearances of paying attention to/being interested in the lectures so we talk freely and have hilarious pen-and-paper 'msn' conversations. the only gripe is the scarcity of powerpoints, lack of wireless, and ban on food and drinks.

ooh and i have a wonderful 5 day (in total) break this weekend starting from today afternoon till tuesday morning. =)

anyway. people who say that marutama ramen (the one at central) is fantastic obviously haven't tried the ramen stalls in tanjong pagar yet. there's an excellent one at IP (where the lady boss knows me as the one who bu4 chi1 cai4) and another one down the road from CPF building, past MPH and Hans cafe. this one has been known to be sold out even before lunctime ends, especially during the rainy season. mmm. oh they're cheaper too btw. mmm i miss ramen. i used to have it for lunch at least twice a week but now i've only gotten my fix once in the 2 weeks of plc. something must be done.

since we're on the topic of jap food ... i went back to central again this evening and had wonderful black pig shabu shabu at this place called tonten.. or something like tonten. just remember that it sounded extremely like tontie (yah one of those spastic games i play). there's a new jap food supermarket in the basement too and of course i went crazy.

mm ya that's all. gonna be hardworking and d/l crim pro cases!

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:09:00 AM|

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

suddenly being able to wake up at 830 on a weekday is an enormous luxury. sigh. better enjoy my last 5 month holiday-of-sorts.

now that i'm comparatively rich-er, lots of plans are in the works. the groo's bday trip to some random lovely beach resort in the area, phuket with grace gj diana, and cambodia with some og peeps (this one i'm not too optimistic about though.. grrr), which, added up, will probably deplete me of the bulk of my first month pupillage pay. not to mention, i've gotten new asics trainers (i'm a convert!) AND a 3 in 1 hp printer.


*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|10:15:00 PM|

Monday, July 02, 2007

iphone. ilove. iwant. iwait. isave. ibuy. isplurge. iplay



happy. ktv-ed till almost 5am on friday night/saturday morning. to the uncluedin: this is the first time i dared to sing in front of somebody who is not the groo.

to the even more uncluedin: i used to live in mortal fear of singing in front of ppl, so friends had to drag me kicking and screaming into ktv and still i refused to open my mouth. but all this changed after i went once with the groo. we've been going every week since, i hog the mike for 5 hours, i wake up in the middle of the night suddenly and call the groo and say 'i really want to go and sing!', right after that 5 am session on friday night i'm longing to go again on saturday and again on sunday but the groo put his foot down, and i begged and grovelled and whined and .... really this is the first time i've ever begged him for something and .... ARGH i'm addicted.

makes me wonder. i used to say that i'd NEVER go to ktv, look at what's happening now. i used to hate vegetables, now i eat salads and sambal kangkong and (some forms of) dou miao. i swore i'd never drive an auto car, i forgot about that in a week when the groo got his fitty fit. now what's next? dont tell me that soon i'll have enough kids to form a soccer team. i hope i'll never compromise on that though. the kids issue.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|6:58:00 PM|

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