Tuesday, August 21, 2007

back from phuket, which has
1) Hot chilli squid,
2) Korean pork bulgogi, and
3) Bacon and cheese flavoured Lays. and
4) Choco mint tim tams.

why, singapore, why? aren't you supposed be a food paradise?

on a happier note, cheers has recently started selling this line of korean coffee. there's a cinammon flavoured one which i absolutely love and which tastes exactly like coffee bean's cinnamon ice blended except that it isn't ice blended. and one can costs only 1.85. yum yum.
goodbye nescafe.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|2:22:00 PM|

Monday, August 06, 2007


the muscles in my left arm are aching.

not from push-ups, not from running, not from gymming

but from holding the mike for hours on end at yesterday's ktv session.

i really constantly surprise myself...

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|12:00:00 AM|

Friday, August 03, 2007

moral dilemma. things can't go on like this indefinitely... and the whole situation is bound to explode sooner or later. but in the meantime what is the best thing to be done? be brutally honest? (which is always a difficult thing), be subtle and hope my hints get picked up? or continue with the status quo - i.e. bottle up my resentment and bitch when i can't take it anymore? either way i see it, the friendship is bound to be irrevocably changed. boo. why do things have to be like that. but then again as J said, 'dont like means dont like'. i can in all honesty say that i tried. i think there are just some people that are bound to rub me the wrong way and i shouldn't blame myself for it.

what to do.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|4:12:00 PM|

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Coram : Andrew Phang Boon Leong JA, V K Rajah JA and
Woo Bih Li J

Not before 2.15pm
8 Application No : SUM/1998/2007 - in S 261/2006

Applicant : The Singapore Democratic Party & 8 others
[3rd Applicant (Dr Chee Soon Juan) In Person]
Respondent : Lee Hsien Loong
(Mr Davinder Singh SC/Mr Adrian Tan Gim Hai)
(Drew & Napier LLC)

Subject Matter : Civil Procedure - Extension of time

9 Application No : SUM/1997/2007 - in S 262/2006

Applicant : The Singapore Democratic Party & 8 others
[3rd Applicant (Dr Chee Soon Juan) In Person]
Respondent : Lee Kuan Yew
(Mr Davinder Singh SC/Mr Adrian Tan Gim Hai)
(Drew & Napier LLC)

Subject Matter : As in SUM/1998/2007

Times allowed for oral argument:
A - 20 mins
R - 20 mins
[For both SUM/1998 & 1997/2007]

this was the highlight of my day.
i'm so glad i went even though the original intention was not to catch this particular appeal.

stan chart forced me to make a decision by today. if not i'd have lost my early bird + direct mailer discounts. i chose the half. dont ask me why but one major factor is that i'm quite sure that i'll have a paper on either the monday or tuesday (or worse one on each day) following the race. and well yes. i guess i did the logical thing this time round. i feel like i've let myself down somewhat though. bleh. especially knowing that some ppl are going to run 42. i just can't take the fact that other ppl, people i actually KNOW, are going to be doing 42 while i'm only doing 21. ARGH. ARGH ARGH. i'm too competitive for my own good.

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|1:39:00 AM|

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